When we wake and discover our lives
Are suddenly in a never-before time,
A never-again-the-same time,
Grant us courage, O God, in knowing
That all times are yours,
That you are ever before and after,
That with you there is no “never.”

Remind us that although mountains may become plains,
Seas may turn to desert, and our “ordinary” days may disappear,
You are unchanging in your love for us,
Ceaseless in your mercy,
Endless in your compassion.

Do not let us forget that you weep with us.
Empower us to be brave enough to shed tears.
Strong enough to seek grace.
Generous enough to serve both neighbor and enemy.
Though we sit apart and alone, transform us
Into souls bigger than self and larger than singular.

If that more fearsome never-before time,
That most dreaded never-again-the-same time
Comes to us and those we hold most dear,
Help us still to shine with hope, O God,
That our sickness may be another’s teacher,
Our deaths a pathway to life.

And when at last we enter fully into you,
May we say together with joy:
It has never been this way before.
It will never be the same again.
It is now, always and forever,
Only Love.

Anne M. Windholz, MDiv, PhD

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