Hi, my name is Heather Sessing, and I am president of the Diocesan ECW for the Diocese of Oklahoma.

I am occasionally asked if there is a need for ECW anymore. I believe that yes there is a need for the ECW because women will always need other women. Part of the original mission for the ECW was to raise up women in the church to one day serve as clergy and other leadership roles, and praise be to God we have had women at many levels of church leadership, including Presiding Bishop. Alongside all of the progress women have seen in the church, I will always need the love and guidance of the women around me, both lay and clergy, to help me grow into a better person and follower of Christ.

Studies have shown that even with increased digital connectivity, our world is an increasingly lonely place. I know that as long as I’m part of the ECW, I will be connected to a group of people who want to make this world a better place through loving and serving Christ. To quote Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World by Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, MD, “Giving and serving others doesn’t just strengthen our own communities; it enriches our lives and strengthens our own bonds to the community and our sense of value and purpose.”

We know what a wonderful organization the ECW is because we have seen the benefits of it in our own lives. I am part of this organization because someone reached out and included me. As a working mother of two young kids, I understand the challenge of busy schedules. My hope for this group is that we find ways to meet the women in our churches and communities where they are and show them the love and connection that we have. We may be over-connected electronically, but the message of love and true connection will always be needed.