Human Trafficking Conference, 10/26/13

The Universal Church, its members, and its mission:

So much of your Church on Earth seems blind to the suffering of the victims of human trafficking.  Your body here on Earth seems blind and deaf to the suffering and exploitation of the enslaved.

How long, O Lord.                                                            Will you forget me forever?

The Nation and all in authority:

We pray for President Obama, the Congress of the United States, our state and local governments and all in authority – that they will do all in the power to create laws and training programs that will increase awareness and teach intervention strategies to END human trafficking.

How long, O Lord.                                                                           Will you forget me forever?

The welfare of the world:

How long, O Lord, will we continue to allow your heart to grieve over our lack of response and numbness to the pain and suffering of the victims of human trafficking and the rippling impact this has on families, your people.  Lord, remind us that the perpetrators need our prayers to change their hearts and acknowledge their indiscretions.  Help us open our eyes, stop our indifference and show us the way to bring your light to your people.

How long, O Lord.                                                                           Will you forget me forever?

The concerns of the local community:

May we have the wisdom and compassion to advocate and give voice in our communities to stop the suffering of all people who are trafficked, abused and misused in all ways, and may we each be moved to reach out as witnesses of Christ’s Love.

How long, O Lord.                                                                           Will you forget me forever?

Those who suffer and those in any trouble:

For all victims of human trafficking: for the slaves and their families;  for the poverty, injustices, and vulnerability that ensnare the victims;   for the scars borne by survivors of trauma, disease, addictions and death.

How long, O Lord.                                                                            Will you forget me forever?

Shared by Kathy Mank