Paula Beltrana Velasquez de Orocopey

Province IX – Diocese of Venezuela

Paula Beltrana Velasquez de Orocopey grew up living with her father and six siblings in the State of Sucre until age 15 when she moved to Puerto la Cruz for work, eventually marrying and raising seven children. As a young girl she became involved in social, community and religious activities, working for many improvements in community public services, including the construction of houses in her town of Puerto La Cruz.

When the Anglican Church began a mission called San Migue Arangel in the the Las Charas sector, Paula became a committed and enthusiastic member; she worked to acquire space in the Reading Room of the sector so the church could carry on its activities, religious and social. When the space was lost due to remodeling, Paula graciously offered use of her home so the mission could continue to function; she has served as treasurer, coordinator of Women in Mission, member of the prayer group, stewardship committee and as a minor guardian, in addition to organizing many fund raising events for Mission San Miguel Arcangel.
