Communiqué Summer 2023

Table of Contents
Vol. 24 No. 2
Message from the President – Karen Patterson
Reporte de Prensa 23 de junio
Song, at First Light
258 – Prayer
Plaza de Paz Respite Center: A Service Project for the Women of the Episcopal Church
Centro de Acopio Plaza de Paz
A Church That Has Blossomed Through the Pandemic
Una Iglesia que Floreció a través de la Pandemia
The Square: Part Two
La Plaza: Segunda Parte
A Half Century of Work
Medio Siglo de Trabajo
Veterans Behind Bars
Veteranos de Guerra tras las rejas
Inclusivity: Awakening to the Global Embrace of Beloved Community in Joy and Grief
Inclusividad: El Despertar de una Comunidad Global en Tristeza y Alegría
Social Justice in the Fashion Industry
La Justicia Social en la Industria de la Moda
Sick of Being Alone Understanding Our Loneliness in a Hyper-Connected World
Cansado de estar Solo Entendiendo Nuestra Soledad en un Mundo Hiperconectado
Articles appearing within the Communique’ do not necessarily represent the opinions of the National Episcopal Church Women nor the Episcopal Church. The organization strives to provide a platform for women to present ideas and opinions that affect women’s issues. The editor may be contacted for comments or questions at:

Karen Patterson Episcopal Church Women President 2022 to 2024
Message from the President
As our summer winds up and are preparing for Fall/Winter, don’t forget to start preparing for Triennial 2024 in Louisville, KY. Your President and board are hard at work getting things scheduled, planned, and organized. Check our NECW website as updates are made!
Louisville will present some challenges for us. As of now, we will not be in the same building as General Convention. We are also not certain if we will be able to have specialized or separate rooms for workshops. We will have, however, one DYNAMIC presentation every day for you all.
As women, we understand “being fluid” and “adjustable” and that is going to be our bywords. Please look at attending Triennial 2024. If you can’t be there for the “whole thing” then come for a portion. You don’t have to be a delegate to attend!
One thing that always seems to be confusing is registration. You register for Triennial through your diocesan office. (however their office decides to handle registrations for General Convention/Triennial). You then certify your registration with our Register, Beth Agar. If you have any questions on this process, contact Beth.
As was already announced via the News Blast newsletter, we would like to welcome The Revd. Luz Maria Lambis Garces as the Province IX representative.
Karen Patterson
National Episcopal Church Women President 2022 – 2024
Reporte de Prensa 23 de junio
A pesar de que el verano llega a su termino y las preparaciones para el Otoño/Invierno comienzan, no olvidemos los preparativos para la Trienal 2024 en Lousville, Kentucky. Su presidente y la Junta Directiva trabajan arduamente para que todas las cosas queden planeadas, agendadas, y organizadas. ¡Revisen nuestra página web de NECW mientras se actualiza!
258 – Prayer
Let our works be a pulpit
From which You preach Your Word
So the message of Your love
Can be seen (in action) and not just heard…
Plaza de Paz Respite Center: A Service Project for the Women of the Episcopal Church
Each day, individuals and families seeking asylum flee their home countries to escape violence, religious persecution and war. In 2019, the Diocese of West Texas formed Immigration Ministries to help with humanitarian needs for those seeking asylum. On July 27, 2021, the Plaza de Paz Respite Center opened as a collaborative effort between the Diocese of West Texas and the Southwestern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Located in San Antonio, Texas, Plaza de Paz provides daytime welcoming services for families and individuals seeking asylum. Services provided include meals, assistance with travel arrangements, personal hygiene care, emergency housing and transportation within Bexar County to the airport or bus station.
Centro de Acopio Plaza de Paz: Un Proyecto de Servicio para las Mujeres de la Iglesia Episcopal
Cada día, individuos y familias que buscan asilo huyen de sus países de origen escapando la violencia, persecución religiosa, y la guerra. En el año 2019, la Diócesis del Oeste de Texas formo un Ministerio de Inmigración para ayudar en las necesidades humanitarias de aquellos que buscan asilo. El 27 de Julio de 2021, Centro de Acopio Plaza de Paz, abrió como un esfuerzo colaborativo entre la Diócesis del Oeste de Texas y el Sínodo del suroeste de la iglesia Evangélica Luterana en América. Localizada en Santo Antonio, Texas, La Plaza de Paz provee servicios de bienvenida durante el día a las familias e individuos buscando asilo.
A Church That Has Blossomed Through the Pandemic
As we maneuver through post-COVID times, we are finding that many Episcopal churches have lost membership and are struggling. However, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Austin, TX, the opposite has been true. This church has actually blossomed and bloomed despite the pandemic. Father Zac Koons credits the movement of the Holy Spirit and economics for the increase in numbers. Let’s hear directly from Father Zac on how this transformation took place.
Una Iglesia que Floreció a través de la Pandemia
Mientras maniobramos a través de los tiempos Post-COVID, nos encontramos con el hecho de que muchas iglesias han perdido la membresía de feligreses y la están pasando mal. Sin embargo, en la Iglesia Episcopal de San Marco en Austin, Texas, lo opuesto ha pasado. La iglesia ha florecido a pesar de la pandemia. El Padre Zac Koons le da el crédito al aumento de los asistentes a la acción del Espíritu Santo y la economía. Escuchemos directamente del Padre Zac sobre el cómo se llevó a cabo esta transformación.
The Square: Part Two
In the Spring 2023 issue of this publication, we spoke to the rising tide of incivility sweeping our nation, exemplified by acts of physical violence perpetrated against our fellows. Sadly, this shows no signs of abating as we head into the hot summer months.
We recognize that ‘violence’ may take many forms. Mr. Webster tells us it may mean the use of physical force which causes injury, abuse, damage or destruction. It might also denote injury by distortion, infringement, or profanation. It can also mean a vehement feeling or expression.
La Plaza: Segunda Parte
Escrito por Dennis Clark, PPP
Parlamentario Nacional del ECW
En la edición de la primavera de 2023, hablamos del aura de invencibilidad que rodea a nuestra nación, ejemplificado por actos de violencia perpetrados en contra de nuestros compañeros. Tristemente, lo antes mencionado no muestra señales de ser contrarrestado en los meses venideros del verano.
Reconocemos que la “Violencia” puede tomar diversas formas. El Señor Webster (Diccionario) nos dice que puede significar el uso de la fuerza física que causa lesiones, abusos, daño, o destrucción. También puede implicar lesiones por distorsión, transgresión, o profanación. Puede también significar un sentimiento vehemente o expresión.
A Half Century of Work
TURNING 80 (known by Jean Shinoda Bolen as an OctoGeranium), gives me the humble privilege to look back at a long life as a faith, spiritual and secular leader whose purpose has been to be of service with, for and on behalf of women’s healing and empowerment. My greatest passion and reward is seeing women stepping into leadership. Thanks be to God, I have a treasure trove of memories, connections, colleagues/friends, leadership skills, resources and collective wisdom that comes with the responsibility to give back. Having attended 55 world conferences with Episcopal, Anglican, ecumenical, interfaith, spiritual and secular women and men, I know there is a global women’s network both seen and unseen.
Medio Siglo de Trabajo
Cumpliendo 80, (conocida Jean Shinoda como una octogenaria), me da el humilde privilegio de mirar en retrospectiva a una vida como líder spiritual, secular y en la fe cuyo propósito ha sido el servir a nombre del empoderamiento y sanación de las mujeres. Mi gran pasión y recompensa es ver como las mujeres toman posiciones de liderazgo. Gracias a Dios, atesoro muchas memorias, conexiones, colegas/amistades, habilidades de liderazgo, recursos y sabiduría colectiva que viene con la responsabilidad de dar de vuelta a la sociedad. Habiendo asistido a 55 conferencias junto a Episcopales, anglicanos, ecuménicos, Gente que profesa la Fe Interreligiosa, hombres y mujeres seculares, sé que existe una red de mujeres globales vistas y no vistas.
Veterans Behind Bars
On any given day in America, you witness veterans being thanked for their service. On the evening news, during parades and small town events, you see booths set up by various associations, corporations and patriotic societies. What you may not think about, or consider, is: How do you say thank you to an incarcerated veteran? The Echebucsassa Chapter, DAR, as a Vietnam War Commemoration partner, was contacted in January 2023 and asked to conduct a commemorative event by the Zephyrhills Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter #195 for incarcerated veterans. Considering this request and the individuals who might participate was important. The perception of the incarcerated veterans to receiving an outside group to commemorate the Vietnam War and their participation in it could be a very delicate matter.
Veteranos de Guerra tras las rejas
Cualquier día en América, atestiguas el hecho de como los veteranos de guerra son agradecidos por sus servicios. En las noticias nocturnas, caravanas y eventos en ciudades pequeñas, ves cabinas alusivas a los veteranos establecidas en varias asociaciones, corporaciones, y sociedades patrióticas. Pero quizás lo que nunca has considerado es lo siguiente: ¿Como le agradeces a un veterano de guerra encarcelado?
Inclusivity: Awakening to the Global Embrace of Beloved Community in Joy and Grief
In this emerging world of global connection, I was once again struck by the use of technology to offer profound spiritual encounters that would not be possible in-person. On a winter’s night in January, people made space and time in their lives to connect with great intentionality. Our purpose was modest, the most basic of spiritual encounters, and yet often the most difficult to realize: that what separates us in the form of time and space is far less powerful than what connects us, which is Spirit and a longing of the divine for oneness.
Inclusividad: El Despertar de una Comunidad Global en Tristeza y Alegría
En este mundo emergente de conexiones globales, me sorprende el hecho de como la tecnología puede ofrecer encuentros espirituales profundos que no serían posibles en persona. En una noche de invierno en enero, las personas hicieron tiempo para conectarse con gran intencionalidad. Nuestro propósito fue modesto, el más básico de los encuentros espirituales, y quizás el más difícil de materializar: Lo que nos separa en el tiempo y espacio es menos poderoso que aquello que nos conecta, que es El espíritu y un anhelo por la divinidad.
Social Justice in the Fashion Industry
When you look at the fashion and design industry you will find very few fashion designers of color mentioned. You will also find barriers in the making of clothes for people because of their religion, ethnicity, gender, age, race, size and disability. Professor Joanna Deshay realized these barriers and developed a course at Arizona State University entitled “Inclusion and Diversity in Fashion.” The course was designed to help introduce fashion students to the imperative need for diversity, equity and inclusion in the people, culture and systems within the fashion industry.