by Jennifer Kenna – Province 2 Representative, NECW

All Welcome Central NY“One, two, three, four, all are welcome at our door!” Chanting and cheering, I marched for the first time along with Episcopalians and Lutherans in the CNY Pride annual parade held in Syracuse, New York on June 16, 2018. Parading through the newly revitalized Inner Harbor area of the city, rainbow banners and balloon arches, umbrellas, hats, and clergy stoles were abundantly visible, carried and worn by participating clergy and laypeople, of all sexual orientations, from both denominations. The Rev. Peter Williams, rector of Grace and Holy Spirit Church in Cortland, New York, an Episcopal/Lutheran congregation, was the grand marshal of the 2018 Pride Parade. A large crowd lined the streets we walked.

“In the Episcopal Church we celebrate our LGBTQ leaders, members and neighbors,” said Canon John Crosswaite, who was among those marching. “This is about sharing God’s love and recognizing God’s love in all our relationships.”

The tradition continued on June 22, 2019, when Episcopalian and Lutheran brothers and sisters traveled from all over the Central New York area to once again join the march for love, equality and inclusion – for support and recognition and honor. Young Christians marched and participated as well, many carrying signs that they created right in that space. One in particular said “Love has no Limits” in multiple languages. The Rev. Norma Malfatti, Lutheran pastor, and (at that time) director for Evangelical Mission at the Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, wore a shirt offering “free pastor hugs,” which were generously given out and repeatedly and joyfully accepted as we walked the parade route.

In 2020 the COVID pandemic canceled the parade, and this past June 2021, with conditions still in the questionable stage, the Diocese of Central New York offered a service of prayer with special intention, hosted by Trinity Church, Watertown, New York, and their rector, The Rev. Molly Payne-Harden, and joined by our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dede Duncan-Probe, who led the worship. It was held on Wednesday, June 16, in conjunction with the beginning of the Watertown, New York, PRIDE weekend, a fairly recent innovation. It was a prayerful and grand celebration to share God’s love with all of our LBGTQ+ friends and family. Broadcast on Zoom and Facebook Live, it offered an opportunity for prayerful participation by any and all who chose to attend.

What a gift it has been to be part of these celebrations of diversity and God’s love here in the north-central part of New York State. For the participants AND those sitting on the sidelines or joining in online, the evidence is clear: In the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York, all ARE welcome.