ECW Women Articles-Poems-Announcements

Women of The Episcopal Church Province IX January 2021 Report


At the province level, women are making use of the Zoom and WhatsApp platform to be able to be in contact with other women through studies and biblical reflections, and thus increase our faith and continue doing our ministries either virtually or in person when It has been possible to respect the number decreed by our authorities to hold a meeting, also with Bio-security campaigns to motivate our dioceses to observe the biosecurity measures. Following are the reports received:


  1. Biblical messages and reflections: through them we have brought hope to all the people who have been greatly affected by the Covid19 pandemic, not only physically but also financially, having been fired from their job due to the forced quarantine that the government imposed for 6 months. Using the zoom platform we met to bring messages and biblical reflections to the different groups of women in the diocese.
  2. Conversation Beigin +25 planned together with all the women who in previous years have been delegates to the United Nations, which was very attended, by women from both the IX Province and Mexico, Spain and the USA, it was very inspiring to continue motivating women in their empowerment and each one of the speakers had a very good presentation of the different topics such as the 12 spheres, different Conventions of women that have been worldwide etc.
  3. GOD’S PROVISIONS, PRAYER GROUPS: This is what we call the activity we carry out in all deaneries to help many households with their food security under the motto Matthew 6:11 Our Daily Bread, give it to us today. 2020 for our diocese and our people has been difficult, coupled with the pandemic we faced 2 hurricanes in a row never before experienced in the history of our country, which left behind a lot of pain, mourning, hopelessness, more than 3.5 million were affected, however we are a people of faith and through the Prayer groups the Spirit of the Lord encouraged us all to continue forward, thanks to God many friendly hands The Daughters of the King of USA, Companion Dioceses, ECW sisters, gave us their love and solidarity.
  4. GFS: With the Girls Friendly Society chapters we celebrate the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women and girls, each day a girl was in charge of a prayer against non-violence for girls and women.
  5. Advent Reflection: In each congregation we celebrate this time with joy and hope, where one Sunday of that season a woman delivered a message of hope propitious for that time.
  6. Diocesan Convention: We had our Diocesan Convention in which I was one of its conductors, which was very successful since all the delegates were able to join using the zoom platform, the pastoral of women we recorded a beautiful video where young women from different deaneries With their typical costumes they told us about their regions and sent their greetings to the conventional ones, it was really beautiful.
  7. Virtual Virtual Meetings: The pastoral have met through Zoom and we are planning to schedule meetings using this platform and courses with women now that many are already using this platform.


The board of directors has met in person and virtually on several occasions, in which we discussed various issues.


  1. In October they celebrated Cancer month
  2. Women’s Annual Convention: On November 7 they held the 59th Annual Convention of the Women’s Association of the Dominican Episcopal Church. Under the theme
  3. The Holy Spirit moves us to Testify of Christ (San Juan 15: 26-27) was very successful because of the number of women who participated, making use of the ZOOM platform.
  4. Non-Violence Against Women: On November 18 they participated in a radio program on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence Against Women.
  5. Retreat: December 5 Advent Retreat with the Theme: The joy of our opportunity to give Testimony of Jesus Christ in the midst of the pandemic and difficulties. Saint Luke 21: 5-19 Via Zoom from 6-30 to 8-30.


  1. The Society of Episcopal Women of the Episcopal Church Diocese of Puerto Rico held virtual meetings,
  2. Biblical Reflections: October 2020 1- Weekly Reflection- reflection based on biblical quotes, carried out by Episcopal women from different parishioners.
  3. Radio Program “Caminando Contigo”. Topics: Liturgical Dance; Prostitution and Human Trafficking; Organ Donation (2) 3- Radio Program “My Best Dress” –
  4. Conversation Beigin + 25, Women of the IX Province-
  5. Virtual Retreat held on December 5, where he discussed physical beauty and the beauty of the spirit, through the Zoom and Facebook Live 5- platforms.
  6. 72nd Annual SME Convention (Virtual) – The presidents of the local branches and all interested parties were called to participate in it, which was carried out through the Zoom platform and the corresponding reports were presented.
  7. -Rain of Blessings “We are all called” -Virtual activity, through the Zoom and Facebook Live platforms, where the call to mission and the ability of women to carry out the work to which they are called was emphasized.

The other dioceses did not send their reports this quarter.

We will continue to do our work virtually in order to continue working in the work to which the Lord has called us , in the same way, we pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that He strengthen us spiritually by using us to bring love, joy and hope, bringing many more people to his feet and continue to make his Kingdom present.

With gratitude,

Submit by   Rev Canon Consuelo Sanchez Navarro+

ECW IX Province Coordinator

2021-02-03T16:10:41+00:00February 3rd, 2021|

Saint Andrew’s Saratoga CA – Exciting Times


While our parish is going through some very challenging and exciting times, The Board of Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church Women (most times referred to as ECW), wants to make sure we are here for you. If you are a woman in our parish, you are a member of the ECW!

Many have asked what ECW is and what it does. We have attached a fun video to watch which gives you a sense of what we do.

We like to create social events, support spiritual growth and education, and raise funds through:

  • The Echo Shop
  • Bake Sales – Pi Day pies
  • Summerwinds Garden Party
  • United Thank Offerings (UTO) boxes for lent, to name a few….

Where do the funds we collect go?

Through the tremendous effort and dedication of the volunteers in The Echo Shop, we are fortunate to be able to distribute almost all of the proceeds to charities within our county. The agencies supported are not only vetted by us, but must have a church member as an advocate, in order to receive funds. Santa Maria Urban Ministries, The Canterbury Foundation and Next Door are just a few of the charities we support. Contact us if you are interested in more information.

What else do we support?

  • Saint Andrew’s Youth group and Children’s Programs, their ministries and scholarships
  • The Episcopal Church Periodical Club – supporting literacy around the world
  • The United Thank Offering – a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church, as part of the Diocesan ECW.
  • Camp Saint Andrew’s
  • Scholarships for Women’s Retreats, events, and more….

We are happy to report that even with all the challenges this year, through the dedication of The Echo Shop volunteers, so far, we have been able to give $10,000.00 to Santa Maria Urban Ministry and $10,000.00 to Our Daily Bread to support the feeding programs at both of these agencies!

What else do we do?

We provide helping hands and support the children, youth and camp

programs. We help with our time, talents and participate in many church ministries and activities such as the Altar Guild, Women’s Group, Stephen’s Ministry, Eighties Ladies, BookClub, Sacred Threads, Prayer Shawl ministry, Vestry, and more. We lend helping hands to other ministries that may need us, as well as set-up, clean-up and decorate for dinners, brunches and bar-b-ques. In other words, we are always there to lend a helping hand.

The ECW builds community through our Summerwinds Garden Party, and the Spring Luncheon, held the end of May, where we vote on our new board and budget for the year.

This year with the challenges and opportunities that COVID has brought we have added Zoom board meetings on the second Monday of every month and Zoom ECW Friday Happy Hours from 4 to 5 pm, open to everyone, to stay connected and to catch up and chat.


2021-02-03T15:59:37+00:00February 3rd, 2021|

2021 Lenten Series on Women

There are hundreds of remarkable stories of women who have served the Episcopal Church with love, with persistence, with energy and with creativity. EWHP is presenting a series telling the stories of six women who have made an impact on the Episcopal Church. There will be time for discussion and questions. The Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Barker, President of EWHP will be emcee. The sessions will be presented as a Zoom experience where there is room for all who wish to participate. Ash Wednesday is on February 17, 2021; the series will begin on Thursday, February 18, and continuing on February 25, and March 4, 11, 18 and 25. Mark your calendars!

Here are the topics that will be presented:

February 18: Presenter: Dr. Joan Gundersen, Historian and Archivist

Title: Constance Baker MotleyDoing Justice

Meet the Episcopalian who became the face of NAACP in courtrooms across the South during the Civil Rights movement.

February 25: Presenter: Pan Adams McCaslin: One of first class of undergraduate women to enter The University of the South, Sewanee in 1969, and Chair of the Board of Archives for The Episcopal Church

Title: The Rev. Peggy Bosmeyer Campbell—First woman ordained in Arkansas—a priest, an organizer, a teacher

March 4: Presenter: Sister Hannah of the Community of St. Mary’s, Sewanee; A calling to prayer: a way of life through care for the body, the soul, and the earth.

Title: Sister Constance and her Companions—Known as the “Martyrs of Memphis,” as they cared for the sick and dying during the yellow fever epidemic of 1878.

March 11: Presenters: The Rev. Kim Jackson—priest in the Diocese of Atlanta and the first ever LGBTQ person elected to the Georgia state Senate.

The Rev. Nan Peete: Discussion Leader and VP of Episcopal Women’s History Project

Title: The Rev. Pauli Murray— was an American civil rights activist who became a lawyer, a women’s rights activist, Episcopal priest, and author. Drawn to the ministry, in 1977 Murray was the first African-American woman to be ordained as an Episcopal priest, in the first year that any women were ordained by that church.

March 18: Presenter: Dr. Marty Wheeler Burnett, Associate Professor of Church Music and Director of Chapel Music, Virginia Theological Seminary, and President, Association of Anglican Musicians.

Title: Hope, Joy, and Wonder: The Hymns of Rae E. Whitney

A celebration of the life and work of the Nebraska hymn poet, the prolific author of over 500 hymns. Participants will encounter a number of Whitney’s texts and explore the importance of including women’s voices in worship.

March 25: Presenter: Dr. Robin Woods Sumners—Professor of Child Development, Graphic Designer, writer and entrepreneur

Title: The Remarkable Life of Gertrude Sumners, Missionary Teacher in Kyoto, Japan from 1931-1967, civil volunteer worker during World War II, and life-long Episcopalian.

The Lenten Series will take place on the six Thursdays during Lent: Feb 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18 and 25; at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time; there will be time for discussion after each presentation.

The Rev. Yein Esther Kim is be the administrator for the series. The sessions will be live on Zoom.

You will be able to register in advance for each meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The sessions will also be recorded on the EWHP YouTube Channel.

2021 Lenten Series
Women Worth Knowing

Feb 18, 2021 03:00 PM
Feb 25, 2021 03:00 PM
Mar 4, 2021 03:00 PM
Mar 11, 2021 03:00 PM
Mar 18, 2021 03:00 PM
Mar 25, 2021 03:00 PM

Time shows in Eastern Time Zone


2022-09-28T17:10:26+00:00January 29th, 2021|

News from St. Jude’s in Hawaii

Aloha!  I thought you might be interested in the following from St. Jude’s Epicopal Church in Ocean View, Hawaii.


Zooming into Advent

By Cynthia Cutts

Early into the mandated isolation of the 2020 pandemic, the women of St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, in Ocean View, Hawaii began to fight back. When the doors of the little church were shuttered, despite most of the aging population claiming to be “computer illiterate,” the EfM class and the Women’s Bible Study launched onto a digital format. Within a week, both groups were meeting with prayer, study, discussion and socialization on the Zoom app.

The Bible Study experienced an unexpected blessing, when women from across the country began joining for Monday morning classes.  Some were clergy, who had served at St. Jude’s, some were members who lived off-island part of the year and some were invited guests, who liked the study and decided to stay.

As Advent appeared on the horizon, a plan developed to hold a Women’s Advent Tea on Zoom. The guest list included all of the Bible Study members from across the U.S., as well as the women in the church and guests from around the country. A “party packet” was mailed to each guest, which included a formal hand-crafted invitation, and an assortment of gifts, tokens, games and even refreshments for the event.

On the day of the tea, 24 women logged on to “Zoom into Advent” together. Each guest was asked to introduce herself and tell the group what she was thankful for that day. A program of speakers, videos, original art work and a dramatic monologue were shared. Party packets were opened to find a copy of the vintage book, “A Cup of Christmas Tea,” along with a lovely Advent calendar, a meditation card, hand milled soaps, a ‘ crystal tree ornament, Hawaiian specialty cookies for refreshments and of course, tea.  The program closed with the with a short message, from the Reverend Mary Janda, in Utah.

The digital Advent Tea was very well received. Guests were excited to see familiar faces from Alaska to Florida, Utah to North Carolina, Colorado to Oregon, Georgia to Iowa, and of course – Hawaii. Twenty-four guests attended in 10 states!

For many in attendance, it was a rare social event within the COVID isolation.  For several of the guests, the digital Advent Tea was the only party on their holiday calendars.  Guests told us the festivities emboldened joy and hope. They found the program inspiring and encouraging. The party packet was a big hit, with gifts that were simple, but elegant. Everyone received exactly the same items, and yet everyone wanted to share their treasurers on the Zoom screen. It brought the group together in a tangible way, with laughter, gratitude, love and joyful expectation of the Christ Child. Zooming into Advent was a great way to begin the Advent season during the pandemic.

2021-01-29T15:29:18+00:00January 29th, 2021|

Church Periodical Club Province VIII National Grants Announcement

National Book Grant applications are available for enhancing, supporting, and developing your ministry with written materials including books, eBooks, CD, audio books etc. for adults.

Applications are due March 1st , 2021, then reviewed at the board annual meeting with notification in mid-summer. Funds are sent in late summer/early fall 2021.

Information and grant application can be accessed on the CPC website

These grants are part of NBF (National Book Fund). Further information or questions please contact Province VIII CPC Rep;
Louise Lani Aloy: or Province VIII ECW Canon Martha Estes:

Birth thru 18 y/o grants are under Miles of Pennies (MOP) and may be applied for throughout the year.

Please pass this forward and put in Diocesan and Church newsletters. Someone or school or organization needs our help.

Canon Martha K. Estes

2022-09-28T17:10:58+00:00January 29th, 2021|

Church Periodical Club Quilt Fundraiser

The CPC TRIENNIAL QUILT Fundraiser is now LIVE!

The Province VIII ECW Board are encouraging each Diocese or Diocesan ECW to set up a fundraising page so we can see who raises the most for CPC!

Don’t delay to RALLY UP an account to purchase entries to win one of these amazing handmade quilts THE ALOHA or THE STAR QUILT.

Easy to buy your tickets.


Hawaiian Batik quilt

The Church Periodical Club is an Episcopal Institution; its ministry is to provide books, magazines, tapes, videos and computer programs FREE to those who cannot otherwise obtain them, and to raise the money to do this.

The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the Ministry of the Written Word, providing materials, both religious and secular, to children and adults both here and all over the world through grants.

The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them.

Prayer Books, books for seminarians, educational materials, medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission are some of the publications The Church Periodical Club supplies. The Church Periodical Club operates at all levels of the Church – national, provincial, diocesan and parish. The goal is to make the CPC program a concern of the whole Church. That goal includes having an active and enthusiastic CPC representative in every parish and diocese.

2021-01-29T15:21:18+00:00January 29th, 2021|

Good Book Club to start 2021 with the Gospel of Mark

Start the new year with a renewed spiritual practice of reading God’s Word. Forward Movement, with support from partners from around the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion, will celebrate the time of Epiphany with a new round of the Good Book Club. Starting on January 1, 2021, and continuing through Shrove Tuesday, February 16, the Good Book Club features daily readings from the Gospel of Mark. 

“Mark’s Gospel happens to be the gospel that we are reading during this year on Sundays,” said Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry. “The Good Book Club provides an opportunity for us to study that very gospel, but it also gives us an opportunity to do so in a very difficult time. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the season of Epiphany may well be the most difficult days of this pandemic for us all. And it may well be that the Good Book Club is exactly what we need for the living of these days.”

Joining the Good Book Club is easy: Open your Bible and start reading! If you’d prefer to listen, try the Good Book Club podcast, available here and anywhere you listen to podcasts. A plethora of resources from Forward Movement and partners encourages you to choose-your-own-adventure for reading the Gospel of Mark. Highlights include:

  • If you’re looking for an introductory class for the Gospel of Mark, sign up for a free 90-minute webinar hosted by the Montreal Diocesan Theological College in the Anglican Church of Canada. 
  • If your church is named for Saint Mark, share the story of your ministry and mission—and learn about the ministry of other St. Mark congregations—on Facebook, guided by the Episcopal Asset Map.
  • Back by popular demand is a free, online, live Bible study presented by ChurchNext.
  • Subscribe to weekly emails for a preview of the readings and reflection questions. 
  • Join the discussion in Spanish, with regular videos and online discussions. 
  • For those interested in daily reflections on the readings, check out A Journey with Mark available in print and as an ebook from Forward Movement.

This is the fifth series of the initiative to encourage scripture engagement, led by Forward Movement. Partners include the United Thank Offering, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Episcopal Church Foundation, The Living Church, Forma,, ChurchNext, the Episcopal Church’s communication, digital, and evangelism ministries, the Hive, Invite Welcome Connect, the Consortium of Endowed Parishes, Montreal Diocesan Theological College, Episcopal Asset Map, Building Faith, RenewalWorks, and the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. 

For more information or to access the reading list, a toolkit, and resources, please visit the Good Book Club website.

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. With offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Forward Movement has been serving the Episcopal Church since 1935 by producing resources such as Forward Day by Day, books, apps, pamphlets, conferences, courses, and more. Visit to learn more. 

2022-09-28T17:11:59+00:00December 24th, 2020|

Province Reports October 2020

Province I

The Province One Board has met twice since the last NECW Board meeting – September 21 and October 19th. The boards of the dioceses of Province have not been meeting.

Diane Nichols (62) our Program Chair and Diocese of Western Massachusetts UTO coordinator, died October 16th of cancer. She was a lovely dynamic God filled woman who was a great joy to know and be with. We miss her.

The Rev. Liz Habecker of Diocese of Rhode Island has become the Chaplain to the Province Board.

As reported in August, Province 1 held a very successful Zoom Annual Meeting. Still receiving positive comments in October.
Susan Howland, President, is preparing a special report for the Province Web and Facebook for Advent which will feature the history and story of Deacons. If not ready for Advent will be posted for Epiphany.

The next Province Annual Meeting for 2021 was discussed. Possibly in April.

We think we cannot hold virtual elections. Therefore, there will be a hold on officers until we can have elections in person. It was decided to drop the nomination/election of a representative for Church Periodical Club. This is currently in our bylaws. Looks like some bylaw changes are scheduled to be made.
Susan met with Emily Kenniston, Province 1 coordinator. Emily is very interested in women’s ministries and would welcome an ECW presence on the Province 1 board.

The Province 1 ECW Board will meet again November 16th.

Margaret E. Noel
Province 1 Representative
October 24, 2020

Province II

There is no report for Province 2 at this time.

Jennifer Kenna
Province 2 Rep
National Board of Episcopal Church Women

Province V

2020 Report to the Diocesan Convention

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) has continued to serve the women of the diocese through an historically difficult year.  All of our monthly board meetings were immediately moved to Zoom.

Annual Meeting

While we had planned our usual events, starting with an Annual Meeting scheduled for April 18th to be held at St. James Commons, COVID-19 shut that down in its final stages.  Since this is the one meeting which we are required to hold per our incorporation in Illinois, the meeting has been rescheduled to November 14th and will be a virtual event.  In addition to a short business meeting, the focus will still be on Creation Care and will feature short presentations by Catherine Duffy, the Province V Creation Care Coordinator, and Mary Lawrence of Magdalene House-Chicago.  We will close the half-day event with a liturgy, “Stations of Creation,” authored by Fr. John Crist and featuring Lisa Rodgers Lee as our vocalist.

Fall Retreat

This was also planned as an in-person event and changed to a virtual event to be held on October 24.  As of this writing, we have 34 women registered to “attend” on Zoom for a day of “Journeying Inward to God.”  The focus will be on this time of pandemic as a time of grace and change.

We are planning for our 2021 events to be virtual rather than in-person gatherings, which is quite a change, but necessary at this time and for the foreseeable future.  We will be using this time of grace and change to continue our examination of how and to whom we minister as an organizational board.

Respectfully submitted,
Jane Schenck, Convener

Diocese of Indianapolis

Province V ECW Fall Board Meeting

Zoom Virtual Platform

October 2020


The Episcopal Women’s Ministries (EWM) serves to connect and support women throughout the diocese as they grow in their baptismal ministry. We do this by sharing and encouraging women’s ministries within and beyond the diocese; seeking, developing and recognizing women leaders; and educating and advocating for justice.

Membership in the EWM: all women communicants in good standing in the Diocese of Indianapolis are members of the Diocese of Indianapolis Episcopal Women’s Ministries and the larger national association of Episcopal Church Women.

Leadership of the EWM: The ministry of the EWM is coordinated by the EWM Council which collaborates with or represents several ministries of the national church: Episcopal Church Women (ECW), The Order of the Daughters of the King, United Thank Offering, and other ministries. The EWM Council meets 4 times annually, with extra meetings added as needed. This year, all meetings have been held virtually on the Zoom platform. The Council also serves as a resource for the women of our diocese to explore different ministries and events available in our diocese, Province 5, and National ECW.

Social MediaFacebook (FB):  (official site for events)

Facebook group:  (here you can comment on posts)

We normally have 2 main events a year: Spring Luncheon and Fall Retreat:

Spring Luncheon – It is attended by an average of 80 women of the diocese, both lay and clergy. This event, which includes a keynote speaker, worship and a luncheon, is a valuable inter-congregational opportunity for fellowship, networking, encouragement and inspiration. Childcare is available. A modest registration fee supports this program. Because the pandemic closures were put in place near the date of this event, it had to be cancelled this year. We will be making plans to hold the event virtually in 2021, unless the situation with Corona Virus changes for the better.

Fall Retreat – Because we had great cooperation from our EWM Council members, the successful, free event was virtual on Zoom. We opened up registration to any and all comers: women, men, youth across the country – with a very satisfying number applying – 46 total. The title was “Living Our Call as Disciples – a Virtual Retreat”, led by Canon Kristin White, Canon to the Ordinary for Congregational Development and Leadership in our diocese. We gathered virtually Friday, Sept. 25 from 7:30 PM – 9 PM for a welcome/meet and greet. Saturday, Sept. 26, yoga was offered, then we met for 2 morning sessions and 2 afternoon sessions which included teaching, discussion, prayer and silence. We reflected on discipleship and learned practices to help us become better disciples. So far, we have had very favorable feedback from our attendees. Many thanks to Beth Petti (Chicago) who gave us good advice on hosting an online event and to our tech-savvy Council members who are AMAZING!! Our tech expert, Lara Dreyer, created a detailed script which we rehearsed several times to fine-tune the flow. The result was a well-run presentation. Since the retreat serves as an annual meeting of diocesan women, a short business meeting was scheduled at which time we elected officers and approved bylaws.

In 2021, Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows will lead our Fall Retreat.

Honored Women from the Diocese – Every 3 years, we invite our parishes to participate in our Honored Woman Program. Each church is encouraged to send us the name of a special woman in their parish. In 2020, EWM recognized and celebrated the lives and ministries of 9 Honored Women and will select one as the Distinguished Woman from our diocese to be recognized during the ECW Triennial Meeting in 2021. We created a slideshow starring the women and a short bio of each one. The video was played during part of our virtual Fall Retreat. It is also posted on our official FB page.

What a crazy year? Nothing we had planned early in the year came together as we hoped.  BUT – we have grown from this year’s experiences. And it’s not over yet!

Respectfully submitted by,

Lisa Matucheski and Beverly Ruebeck

Co-Chairs, EWM

Diocese of Milwaukee – 2020

There is very little going on across our diocese at this point. The Mary and Martha newsletter goes out each month and we share the zoom meetings, retreats and programs that are available from around the diocese and beyond. We have done some lists from our Roundtable Library book supply that are available and this has been used by several women. We celebrated the 100th anniversary for women’s suffrage since Wisconsin was a big part of that movement. We shared prayers for the pandemic and poetry that fit our current situation. And we shared jokes that make us smile and laugh for a brief period of time. We look forward to moving ahead into our transition and into the unknown of where our parishes will be at in the months to come.

We ( the diocese)are in a mighty state of transition which will keep us in the creative mode for time even beyond the settling down from the pandemic. Last Saturday we had our final diocesan convention with our current Bishop who has been with us for 17 years. It was done virtually and went very smoothly. He will be leaving the end of October for retirement in Florida. On January 1 we will be getting a provisional Bishop suggested by the national church. He/she will work with us through the spring and then we will vote whether to keep that person for the next 3-5 years. The concern for many  is that during that time there will be discussions of the makeup of the 3 Wisconsin dioceses. The Diocese of Eau Claire and the Diocese of Fond du Lac are moving into a relationship where they will have one Bishop. For years there has been discussion about these 3 dioceses formally coming together. In the midst of this there have been many parishes that have been closed by our current Bishop. Communication is sparse and hopefully will get better with the provisional Bishop.

A highlight of our convention was our Necrology which we do every year. There are always people on it that you know. This year it was done with music, pictures and dates – it was beautiful and I hope will be continued. I share that as an idea for future spring meetings of the women of Province V as well as taking it to your diocese for their possible use.

We have 2 people who are thinking of going to Triennial and look forward to information about that meeting.

Connie Ott – Chair, Diocese of Milwaukee ECW

Diocese of Missouri

It is an understatement to say 2020 has been a challenging year!  The adversity of the pandemic has brought the women of the Diocese of Missouri closer as we looked out for the needs of our communities. The ECW Board had to pivot from previous scheduled activities to immerse ourselves into our mission statement – helping the women of our diocese to combine energies to take care of the community in myriad objectives.

As we prayed for the victims of COVID-19 and the people caring for them, we put out pleas from various churches in our diocese to sew masks for support staff at local hospitals, our parishes and to help supply masks to economically challenged communities in the St. Louis Metro area. The women in the Diocese of Missouri have been very generous of their time, talent, and money, helping where and how they are able. It has been amazing to watch the creative ingenuity at work as women solved logistics and streamlined procedures to keep everyone safe while implementing this ministry. The abundant of sharing of resources and knowledge has impressed and humbled the ECW Board.  We are honored to be a part of this awesome team.

There were many pick-up ministries born of necessity centered around feeding people who have been without homes for a while and those facing hard times due to sudden unemployment.  There are people on the streets now, who until recently, helped those who had no shelter. The women in the Diocese of Missouri took to the streets bringing food and fed people outside the back doors of their churches.

We had planned to begin a new program this year, connecting women from three or four churches to mingle over “happiest of hours.”  The need for social distancing led to better opportunities to connect with the women across our diocese.  Zoom meetings became a gathering place where we could meet, catch up with old friends and make new friends.  The ECW Board is now holding online gatherings every other month with a speaker and include small break- out sessions where participants can get to know one another. This has become so popular, we will continue after social distancing is over.

An added benefit to the Zoom Connections Events is an increased awareness of other dioceses that exist in Province V.  We try to acknowledge women from other dioceses, first as an act of hospitality, and then of the ever- expanding circle of sisterhood, ministry and faith other dioceses share.  This is in large part due to the efforts of our Province V and National ECW leadership, who are willing to give of their time and make that necessary effort to extend the hand of friendship.

The Diocese of Missouri consecrated our new Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson this summer.  Although very few people could attend physically, the staff of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri made sure everyone could attend virtually. Bishop Deon, as he likes to be called, is very supportive and helpful in the ministries of the Church.

Listening and responding to the voices of the women of our diocese in asking for help in getting the word out their various ministries has encouraged more parishes in the church to seek our help in getting word out about their various ministries, especially ones that are in the phases of needing more publicity in order to advance or to financially support the ministry.

Speaking of financial support, the budget of the ECW Board took a real hit with the downturn in the economy, but we were able to reallocate expenses for travel to fund the virtual programs we are now offering.  We will need to find ways to increase our income to meet our obligations, if we are to keep expanding programs.  Actually, this is a good problem to solve, as it means we are growing into our mission statement.

We have been planning our Annual Meeting and Retreat to be held October 17, 2020.  Ironically, the theme chosen back in early February, is Strong Women: Ancient & Modern.  Yes, we are!

Deborah Caby, president


The WMC was formed to fill the need for Women’s companionship & planning for the Winter Retreat within our Diocese. With Covid 19 in place, we can’t meet face to face so we meet via zoom or phone. Our place for the Retreat is reserved for next February, but not sure if we will be able to meet.

We continued to have a monthly phone conference for Book Study & set up whatever it is we are working on, ie: Winter Retreat registration & planning. We have done 2 books this spring & fall: Consider the Women, a provocative guide to three matriarchs of the Bible, author: Debbie Blue; & The Alsolife, author: Barbara C. Crafton. We update our Prayer Chain at this conference call.

All women of the Diocese are welcome to join us. Presently we have core group of 8-10. The group remains ecumenical. We enjoy the companionship & will be so glad when we can again meet in person.

Teena Maki, Coralie Voce

Diocese of Ohio

The annual meeting and retreat, which had originally been planned for May 2020, was rescheduled and consequently cancelled for September 15 & 16, 2020. It has been rescheduled a second time for May 15 & 16, 2021 at Bellwether Farm. We are planning an exciting program regarding the environment. In addition to the business meeting and keynote speaker’s presentation, there will be a choice of activities/workshops.  Two of these will take place outside (weather permitting).

In 2020, we awarded a $1,000 to one applicant for the Carlotta East Scholarship. This scholarship was established to provide aid to Episcopal women who need financial assistance to complete their education, upgrade their skills before returning to the workforce, or complete training for the priesthood. In addition, we used our local CPC funds to award a $500 book grant to one of our seminarians.

On Saturday, June 13, 2020, we held a business meeting via Zoom. On Saturday, October 17, 2020, we will meet again via Zoom for a business meeting.

Susan Quill

President, Diocese of Ohio Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Diocese of Southern Ohio

The Book of Remembrance chair received no scholarship applications by the deadline of 3/31/2020.  Plans to fully integrate the Book of Remembrance with the Diocesan website were put on hold with COVID.

Our Diocese had plans to co-host the 2020 ECW Province V Annual Meeting, May 1 – 3, 2020 at Bellwether Farm with the ECW Diocese of Ohio.   COVID-19 changed the planned in person meeting to a Virtual meeting that the Province V ECW Board coordinated and delivered via Zoom.   Our Diocese may be reconsidered for hosting a future in-person Province V ECW Annual Meeting.

As previously reported at our Board meeting on February 1st, we were notified by the Bishop that the Diocesan UTO Coordinator position would become a Diocesan position filled by a priest in the Diocese.  As far as I can tell, the new coordinator signed a grant application and had her own church contribute to the Ingathering.  The Board will discuss petitioning for the work to return to ECW whenever we meet again.

The Diocese received a 2020 UTO annual grant of $33,800 for “Sharing Stories of Blessing in Southern Ohio” – related to Becoming Beloved Community.

The Feb. 1st   Diocesan ECW Board meeting reminded me of the recent Biden -Trump debate – no respect for the other, talking over each other and there was a search for a mute button by the convener.  I should require anyone continuing to serve on the Board to take the Church Next Civil Discourse online training.  Please pray for our Board as we have not addressed the problems – we tried to get a consultant from the Diocese to assist, but COVID took resources away.

Our Board Vice-President wants to continue ECW in the Diocese.  We did apply for funds from the 2021 Diocesan budget, will receive them and hope to be off PAUSE due to COVID next year.  Our Bishop will be retiring Nov. 29th (the first Sunday in Advent) after a long illness.  He had not been especially supportive of ECW partly because there are not ECW’s on college campuses.  We will try to put forth ECW to be considered in the search process.

As the year winds to a close, we may still host a virtual morning pre-Advent retreat following Diocesan Convention (virtual on 11/7/2020).

Submitted by Kathy Mank,

Diocese of Southern Ohio, ECW president

CPC (Church Periodical Club)

Have you ever hoped to find a treasure in your attic or at yard sale? Then taken to be appraised to be told this is a rare find and value is beyond calculation.

Welcome to the Hidden Treasure of Ministry of the written word.  The above statement is exactly what CPC represents.  Our Province (V) has in the past a wonderful supporter of CPC.  In recent years, this ministry appears to be faded from involvement.  Our giving has been done.  The financials to share with you will be available Sunday October 11, 2020 and will be send to you regarding which dioceses have donated.

In addition, Diocese of Fond du lac and Diocese of Ohio supports seminarians with book grants. Other dioceses in our province may do this but I have not been informed.

Our province received an adult grant to Diocese of Missouri for hymnals and prayer books for their campus ministry.  There is a grant in process for Diocese of Western Michigan for Children’s grant (Miles of Pennies).

Seminarian grants were funded at 800 dollars for all 10 affiliated Episcopal Seminaries. (total 8,000).  Applications for adult grants were funded in full however, less grant applications were received.

CPC will be hosting an on line auction of quilts in order to raise operating funds as all monies received go to grants unless designated to administration.  More information will be forth coming. Your contribution make a significant difference in providing the written word.

Contact persons are needed for many of our dioceses.  Please contact Maryfran Crist 815-257-7012 for further information.

Addendum: Blessings and thanksgiving to Bernie Wilkins for her patience waiting for her quilt which was delay due to a long arm machine at the Amish center awaiting parts.

Maryfran Crist

The Order of The Daughters of the King®

Goals reached this year are:

   ~ The use of digital media for meetings. We have used conference calling and the Zoom video platform. Though we do miss face to face meetings, much can be accomplished in other ways.
    ~ The Order has developed a Companion to the Strategic Plan. A useful tool for chapters to use in
implementing the Plan. We have a Strategic Plan Committee.
    ~ Committees formed for Bylaws, Nominating, and Policy & Procedure updates
    ~ DALI workshop was held at the board level. (Diocesan Assembly Leadership Instruction, an
enrichment program to encourage and empower Daughters to take on leadership roles).
     ~ Appointed a vice president upon the resignation of the VP. The new VP serves also as the
Membership Chair.

In Province V we still have 5 unassembled dioceses, which means there is no diocesan leadership or  may not have 3 active chapters. Our membership chair and I are working with chapters in those dioceses to promote growth and leadership. We also have 2 Junior Daughter chapters in the Province, which includes girls from ages 7 to 21.

Our Province Board continues to meet monthly, not only for the business, but also to share devotions and prayer, share ideas and concerns, and updates on coping during this challenging time. We also
plan for our assembly or retreat. We had a virtual assembly, on September 19, in order to present bylaws, budget, and minutes for approval. We had speakers, worship, music and managed to have virtual workshops. The theme was “Strength for the Journey”.  Our spring assembly 2021 was to be held
at Bellwether Farm in Wakeman, OH in April. We realize that we will most likely be planning another
virtual assembly.

Our vision is to know Christ, and to make Him known to others and to reflect God’s love throughout the world.  We continue to grow, in the wake of this pandemic, with creative ways for new member study, and the admittance process.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Schultz
President, Province V
The Order of The Daughters of the King®


Activities Report

Oct 2019 – Oct 2020

Gail A. Donovan

One of the few good things that’s become popular and useful as a result of this pandemic is all the interesting conferences and seminars that are available without leaving your home. And they’re frequently free! I like the ECW News Blasts with info about what’s happening outside our little sphere. I got one in my email on September 12, that told about a webinar due to start a half hour after I opened the email. It’s “One Human Race”, a ministry of the Myra McDaniel Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians in Austin, Texas. I registered and got in just as the meeting started. The last meeting is 10/17 and we’ll be discussing the New York Times Bestseller “How to be an AntiRacist” by Ibram X. Kendi. There are about 40 or so people, we meet as a group for the intro and usually some type of video, then break into groups of 4-6 people for discussion, before coming back together. It’s been really an interesting and enlightening program. I’m grateful for ECW because I never would have known about this otherwise.

Please take some time to look at our UTO website. We’ve offered several particularly good short programs, projects for adults and children, and conferences. The “Theology of Gratitude Conference with Diana Butler Bass” is an exceptional one you can explore at your leisure.

All United Thank Offering gifts received this year have been designated for COVID relief grants. Creation Care was to be the focus for 2021 grants; however, members of the Board recognized the pandemic was already having a devastating impact on large sectors of the population. The decision was made to meet with members of the Presiding Bishop’s staff and Executive Council to request postponing Creation Care to 2022 and redirect Thank Offerings received in 2020 for COVID relief grants. These grants are designed to be for short-term, high impact, rapid relief projects. Unlike our traditional grants, there are two levels of funding – up to $10,000 or $25,000. We are also having two grant cycles for applications. We have just completed scoring the first round and the awards announcement is expected to be made soon. The second round will be in the first quarter of 2021 so be sure and check the United Thank Offering website for application information.

This is my third time reading grants.  It’s always time consuming, but this round was emotionally exhausting as well. Some days I could only read a couple.  As is always the case, there were many more well-qualified requests than funds available. So please, take a few moments every day, maybe at the end of the day to think about one or two things you are thankful for. Maybe write it down on a notepad or start a thanksgiving journal and make an entry just before bedtime. I guarantee if you make the effort to find just one person, place, or thing you are thankful for every day, even in these difficult days we’re all experiencing, you’ll sleep a little better. And as you are able, please make a thank offering. Our change really does change lives. And right now, anything you can spare really will make a difference. All thank offerings received between now and mid-December will be granted Spring 2021.

The Year in Review

October 2019: Jan Goossens, Prov V ECW Board Representative, graciously invited me to attend the Saturday luncheon and Eucharist during the National ECW Board meeting at Bellwether Farms in Wakeman, Ohio. I appreciated the warm welcome and opportunity for casual conversation with members of the National ECW Board and to reconnect with friends from our Province ECW.

November 2019: The Camino de Santiago de Compostela Challenge was nearing conclusion. Offerings received from Province V were at least $16,599.51. This number is likely understated since some donations were made by individuals and others by churches not identified by diocesan relationship.  The combined offering from all sources was $55,818.60. Since we were so close to the $60,000 goal set by the UTO Board, the Board voted to fund the full $60,000 match amount. These funds will support the building and development of the Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago to welcome walkers at the end of their journey.

December 2019: While in Chicago for other business, met with the conference center planner, took pictures of the conference rooms, and obtained accommodation information for the UTO/Bexley Seabury “Theology of Gratitude Conference with Diana Butler Bass”. (Due to the pandemic, this was changed to a virtual conference. See link in the April notes below to listen to the presentations.)

January 2020

14: Attended noon and 8PM grant webinars

21– 24, 2020: Atlanta, GA – Rooted in Jesus conference. The primary reason for my attendance was to take the three-session ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) training given by representatives from Episcopal Relief & Development. I participated in three UTO workshops, and attended the presentation “It Ain’t Easy Being Native; Indigenous People, the Doctrine of Discovery and the Episcopal Church”. Also assisted at the UTO display table. (Note: This was a terrific conference – like the BPG on steroids!)

February 2020

10-18 Review YAS grants for criteria and voting on qualification. (Note: I serve on the Grant Committee. Committee members are responsible for reviewing all grant applications for completeness and adherence to grant criteria requirements – especially budget line items to be funded by UTO – prior to submissions to the full board for review and scoring.)

Week of 2/24 reviewed YAS grants and voted on funding

During the month:

  • In contact with coordinators by phone, email, text, and some Facebook posts
  • Submitted quarterly UTO activity report to Prov V ECW rep, including info about the “Theology of Gratitude” conference (link to recording)

March 2020

2: Board Meet to approve YAS grants

7: Assisted with and attended Diocese of Eastern & Western Michigan Leadership Day conference at St. David’s, Lansing.  UTO boxes and flyers for the Scholars Conference on tables.

9-14: Review Global Partners and Aided Dioceses grants for criteria/approval.

Then life as we have known it changed more than we could have imagined.

16-22 Review domestic grants for criteria and approval

19: Phone meeting with Michelle Walker: Database use and updates

24: Zoom conference to get background info about Global Partner grant applications

  • Begin scoring Domestic and Global Partner grant applications
  • Calls and emails with Rev. Heather Barta, Coordinator, Prov V re: postings and updates on UTO news and related for Prov Newsletter

April 2020

2 – 6 Grant reviews and scoring

7: Board meeting to approve 2020 grants and other business. All Thank Offerings received prior to year-end 2019 – $1,547,191.13 – were granted to fund 2020 grant applications in the categories of Historical Grants (Emery Trust, JCE Internship, and Presiding Bishop’s Awards), Episcopal Church Grants and Anglican Communion Awards.

15, 20, 26: Board business meetings

24: Theology of Gratitude Conference (link to recordings of the presentations, including Diana Butler Bass,  (  )

23, 28, 30: Attended Webinar series hosted by the United Thank Offering:  “Praying the Way of Love – Ignatian Spiritual Practices for a More Grateful Life” presented by Rev. Ben Wyatt, Diocese of Indianapolis

May 2020

1-2: Attended the Province V Annual Meeting

12 & 19: Attended webinar: Grace & Gratitude in our Liturgical Life with The Rev. Ian Lasch

Continued work on updating Prov database.

June 2020

16: Zoom get acquainted meeting with Northern Michigan UTO coordinators

22: Continued worked on updating Prov contacts & coordinators list spreadsheet

25: Webinar: Dimensions of Culture: Exploring Social Spectrums and the Communication Gap with Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg

30: Meet with Heather Melton re: Asset Mapping

July 2020

6: Email reminder to diocesan coordinators regarding July 7 grants webinar

7: Attended Noon & 7PM UTO Grant Procedures -COVID series

17: email regarding grant extension request & 7PM Grant Process Webinar

August 2020

14: Grant applications due

17-21: Grant applications criteria review

24: 7:00 PM UTO Board Meeting Grant Criteria

26: 7:30 PM UTO Board Meeting

Domestic Grant Criteria Review

31: 7:00PM Grant Committee Meeting

September 2020

1: Meet with Global Partners 1-3PM

2 – 27 Reading and scoring grants

27: Input individual grant scores

30: Board meeting to approve grants for funding

We need to know that we’re not alone.

We need to hear that other women share our experiences.

We need reassurance that there’s someone who understands—someone who’s been there, done that.

As women, we take turns encouraging, supporting, and cheering one another on.

–BJ Gallagher

Province V Rep.

Jan Goossens

August 26, 2020: Diocese of Missouri had their second “Virtual Connections” with their new bishop, the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson.  I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Bishop Deon, he definitely has energy!

September 24, 2020: “Beijing+25: The first 6 areas of concern” online reflection conversation.  1. Women and Poverty; 2. Education and Training of Women; 3. Women and Health; 4. Violence Against Women; 5. Women and Armed Conflict; and 6. Women and the Economy. In the break-out group we discussed how Covid-19 is impacting women.  In my group there were 3 from the United States and one from Barbados.  In Barbados they are finding creative ways to make sure people have food.  One lady in the US mentioned that domestic violence is increasing. Links will be posted to The Episcopal Church’s UNCSW webpage with the program, speaker biographies, PowerPoint and webinar recording. The next webinar will be November 19, 2020.

It was also mentioned that Presiding Bishop Curry’s new book is out, Love is the Way…, it can be purchased on Amazon at:

September 25-26, 2020: I attended the Diocese of Indianapolis ECW Zoom Retreat. The theme is “Living our Call as Disciples – a Virtual Retreat”, to be led by the Reverend Canon Kristin White.  It was very nice to see many ladies I knew.  I enjoyed talking to the ladies in my break-out groups.

October 9, 2020:  The Presidents meeting for Province V ECW’s was very informative.  Our Province V ECW President, Kathy Mank, could not be with us because she was traveling to her mother’s memorial service.  We are going to have another meeting in January 2021 to discuss Triennial and celebrating 150 years of ECW.

October 17, 2020:  Diocese of Missouri’s ECW Annual Meeting and Retreat’s theme is “Strong Women, Ancient and Modern” by The Rev. Beth Scriven.  It was interesting to hear about biblical friendships and about modern friendships.  They were all unlikely, but true friendships.

October 24, 2020: Diocese of Chicago’s ECW Fall Retreat theme is “Journeying Inward to God”.  This will be a virtual retreat.

November 14, 2020:  Diocese of Chicago’s ECW Annual Meeting will be a Zoom Meeting on Creation Care by The Rev. John Crist.

November 19, 2020:  “Beijing+25, third webinar.

Province VII

The Province VII ECW held a Zoom board meeting on October 15 electing and installing the following officers for the 2021-2023 term.

President: Fran Wheeler- Diocese of Kansas

Vice President: Cindy Davis- Diocese of Rio Grande

Secretary: Debbie Butcher- Diocese of Oklahoma

Treasurer: Carol Stukenbroeker- Diocese of Texas

Province VII Representative: Lisa Bortner- Diocese of Texas

UTO Representative: Daria Condon- Diocese of Kansas

CPC Representative: Shetwan Roberison- Diocese of West Louisiana

Thanks to Debbie Butcher for chairing the nominating committee. Bylaw revisions and a budget were also voted on and approved during the meeting. The Province VII elected officers will meet by Zoom on November 12 for a planning session and the next full board meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2021.

A Province VII Zoom conference was held on September 12, 2020. The keynote speaker was Cindy Davis, who is currently serving as President of the Women of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Cindy Davis helped us find inspiration by looking at women throughout the ages who shared the light of the God’s Love in the world of their time.  The conference was very well received.

Log of Activities since August 2020 Board Meeting

  • 8/25/2020 Emailed all Province VII ECW Presidents and Board with an update of today’s National ECW Board Meeting.
  • 8/26/2020 Attended a planned session for the Province VII Zoom Conference to be held on 9/12.
  • 8/27/2020 Authored an article for the Communique entitled “You, Too, Can Make Disciples!”
  • 8/27/2020 Emailed all Province VII Diocesan Offices with publicity for the Province VII Zoom Conference.
  • 9/10, 10/1 & 10/8/2020 Attended Building Bridges Facilitator Training for the Diocese of Texas.
  • 9/12/2020 Attended the Province VII ECW Zoom Conference.
  • 9/12/2020 Attended One Human Race Austin’s training on “Is Race Real?”
  • 9/13/2020 Participated as a speaker in Union of Black Episcopalians Myra McDaniel Chapter Cofree Hour.
  • 10/3/2020 Attended the Province VII DOK Assembly.
  • 10/10/2020 Attended the Diocese of Arkansas ECW Annual Retreat held by Zoom. Gave a welcome from the National Board.
  • 10/11/2020 Presented a workshop on “Sharing in God’s Humanity” to St. Mark’s, Austin, DOK.
  • 10/15/2020 Attended the Province VII ECW Board Meeting

The reports from each Diocese are below.

Lisa Bortner

Diocese of Texas

Our Diocese ECW had a well-attended October 2019 Annual Retreat at beautiful Camp Allen, in Navasota, Texas.  Normal business, as in updating our web pages, getting new 2020 calendars out to our churches and coordinating new board members on their duties for the upcoming year has been the main focus over the last three months.  The good news for ECW’s in the Diocese of Texas is that there seems to be an upsurge of interest in starting or re-starting ECW groups.  One luncheon for doing that was held at St. Andrew’s, Pearland in December, and two more gatherings are planned for this new year one in February, and one possibly in March.

Diocese of Western Louisiana

The Diocese of Western Louisiana have had many of their board members and churches affected by Hurricane Laura and Delta. Prayers for their recovery are offered up to our Lord and Savior.

Diocese of Northwest Texas

 The Diocese of Northwest Texas has been busy preparing for their Diocese’s Annual Convention which was held by Zoom on October 16, 2020.

Diocese of Oklahoma


Diocese of Oklahoma 2020 Report to Convention


We are Sisters in Christ. We are every Episcopal Woman, lay or ordained. We are committed to prayer, listening, leadership, study, service, giving, and fellowship.

 The Episcopal Church Women’s organization is made up of all women in the church. While individual churches may not have a formal organized group called ECW, this does not preclude the women in that church from being a part of this statewide organization. The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Oklahoma offer programs throughout the year for the women of this diocese and their guests. We encourage all women to fully participate in Diocesan events which will support them in their mission and ministry.

Retreats held in the early Spring and Fall at St. Crispin’s are well attended by Episcopal Women from around the diocese. The retreats have also served as an excellent opportunity for outreach as attendees often recruit women from outside the Episcopal Church to join them for spiritual renewal and study offered at these events. The 2020 fall retreat was held October 4-6 at St. Crispin’s with masks, social distancing, and outside when possible. We honored the memory of our beloved Reverend Debora Jennings (who had helped us plan a safe way to gather this year before we lost her without warning), celebrated the ministry of special guest and homilist Debra Koneiczny, and were thrilled to be able to welcome Megan Reed into our community and begin to know her.  The 2021 dates for the Women’s retreats are February 26-28, 2020 and October 1-3.

In addition to our retreats, programs are often presented in each of the regions of the diocese. Each spring we normally hold our Annual Conference & Bishop’s Day bringing women together from around Oklahoma for prayer, education and fellowship. The Annual Conference & Bishop’s Day was planned and hosted by the ECW Diocesan Board to be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral on May 1-2, 2020.  Bebe Dotter, as chair, had organized a very special conference; women of St. Paul’s, Resurrection, and All Souls had volunteered to assist with hospitality. However, plans had to be cancelled because of the pandemic. The next Annual Conference & Bishop’s Day, April 30 – May 1, 2021, will be held at St. Crispin’s. We are hoping that this unique and central location will draw women from around the diocese to come together with Bishop Poulson.

Province VII had organized an ECW conference to be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral, September 11-12, 2020, welcoming women to Oklahoma City from twelve dioceses across the seven states of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Instead, several of us from this diocese attended a very inspirational Zoom conference on September 12, 2020. Our diocese may also be represented by the ECW President and three delegates to ECW Province VII.  Debbie Butcher has been slated to be the new Secretary of ECW Province VII for 2021-2023.

Normally, in the year prior to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, delegates are elected to represent our state at the Triennial of the Episcopal Church Women which meets concurrently with General Convention. In 2018, four Episcopal church women represented our diocese at the Triennial Meeting held July 5-11 in Austin, Texas. The meeting was filled with information on women’s ministries, great key note speakers and worship, hands on outreach, fellowship and networking. As the 80th General Convention will be postponed to 2022, so will Triennial.  All national officers will remain in office until the close of the next Triennial Meeting at which they are elected. We are continuing to make plans to celebrate the 150 anniversary of the ECW at the next Triennial whenever that takes place.

Episcopal Church Women of Oklahoma support many ministries within the state and across the nation. Each year we publish the “Blue Book”, our directory which is distributed to all clergy, churches and diocesan leaders, organized ECWs, key women, and churches. In addition, women of the church support the greater community including New Hope, Whirlwind Mission, United Thank Offering, Church Periodical Club, Cursillo, The Bishop’s Cup, Summer Camp and others. Women from many of our congregations help with the annual Oakerhater Celebration and Honor Dance as volunteers who serve an outstanding traditional meal.

Our mission in the upcoming years is to explore ways in which we can be more creative and responsive to the needs of the women in our diocese and to bring the opportunities for fellowship and growth that our events and resources provide to all women and all parishes in the diocese. We encourage individual churches with organized groups of women, churches just beginning to organize, or individual women without a parish organization, to contact us so that we can explore how we can provide support to the ministries of all women in the diocese.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheryl S. Sullivan, ECW President

Please Mark Your Calendars for our upcoming events:

February 26 – 28, 2021 ECW Winter Retreat, St. Crispin’s

April 30 – May 1, 2021Annual Conference and Bishop’s Day, St. Crispin’s

October 1-3, 2021 ECW Fall Retreat, St. Crispin’s

Diocese of Arkansas

The Diocese of Arkansas ECW held their annual meeting on October 10 via Zoom with Jerusalem Greer as the keynote speaker. Jerusalem is the Staff Officer for Evangelism for the National Episcopal Church. Her focus on Jeremiah 29:4-14 was both inspiring and informational. During the business portion of the meeting new officers were voted on and installed and bylaw revisions were passed.

Diocese of Kansas

The Diocese of Kansas ECW held a board meeting 8/13/2020 via Zoom. In preparation of the celebration of the ECW’s 150 anniversary next year the board has started to gather pictures of Past Presidents and Honored Women that will be incorporated into an informational video that will be shared at next year’s Diocesan Convention. The board has also been working on a Facebook page for the Diocesan ECW.

Diocese of West Texas

The Commission for Women’s Ministries/ECW has scheduled a gathering for April 2021 and has plans to hold a Fall Gathering in 2021. The President of the Commission for Women is currently seeking to fill the role of chaplain and well as other vacant board positions.

Diocese of Rio Grande

The Women in the Diocese of the Rio Grande will host a Zoom retreat entitled Wilderness Spirituality: Finding Our Way Through a Changed World, on November 20-21, 2020. There is the wilderness that lies just outside the borders of our civilized communities, and there is the wilderness that lies within our personal lives, as change on many levels hauls us into a new relationship with our own lives. This past year has been a huge wilderness time in our world. We need to learn new ways of orienting ourselves when all the old maps are shredded. This retreat is an invitation to enter wilderness with others who also have been impacted by the wild places around us

· How do we find grounding when so many foundations are shaking?
· How do we reclaim our common humanity when so many things that have described what it is to be human are no longer available to us?

The wonder about wilderness, however, is that it is the perfect place to remind us of what really matters, and that we can still reclaim joy. There are practices learnable in wilderness times which actually strengthen and deepen us to move ahead with our lives as they are now, and show us how we are still at home in our new selves, rooted in the Holy. Using guided conversation, poetry, images, silence, music, and movement, this will be a real retreat, not a conference of talking heads. We will BE community, speak deeply, listen intently, share intimately, sing, even eat together on line. It will be as close to a gathered community as we can create.

Participants will be able to do some preliminary work before we gather together over Zoom to deepen our inner work upon which we will build together.
Leading the retreat is the Rev. Carolyn Metzler. Formerly the Spiritual Director for the Living School for Action and Contemplation, Carolyn is a retired priest. She lives in wilderness next to the Cibola National Forest in Datil, NM, where she writes, weaves, prays, explores, and offers hospitality through AirBNB in her yurt.  Registration is $10 to enable Women’s Ministry to offer scholarships and an honorarium, as well as minor incidentals.

The ANEW2, a monthly Zoom gathering has been attended by over 2 dozen each month. The October 24 session will focus on planning and praying. Those in attendance will brainstorm ideas for speakers and topics for Women’s Ministry in 2021 and join in a time of prayer for Diocesan Convention and the National Election.

Elaine Wilson, a Women’s Ministry Council member, is also leading an e-study centered on the Book of Revelation. This is the 12th study she has done for women (and men) in the diocese and beyond, sponsored by the Women’s Ministry Council.

On December 12 the Women’s Ministry will hold a virtual Christmas Party and Outreach event with games, prizes, holiday recipes to share and a special guest speaker.

A monthly e-newsletter is sent to women of the diocese. Information about events is also posted on our website ( and advertised in the diocesan e-news.

Diocese of Western Kansas

The Diocese of Western Kansas is currently looking for someone who is called to be their new Diocesan ECW President.

Diocese of Dallas

No contact.

Diocese of Fort Worth

No contact.

Diocese of West Missouri

The Diocese of West Missouri is preparing for their Diocese’s Annual Convention which will be held virtually on November 7, 2020.

Province VIII

The main goal during this pandemic is keeping in touch with all the contacts and
encouraging them through prayer during this unusual challenging time with grace
and God’s Love. Some have taken on the ZOOM challenges !

The Diocese of Oregon ECW did successfully have a ZOOM Annual Meeting
September 26th. The theme was “A ECW ZOOM Experience” and there were over
50 participants, and I was the keynote speaker.

Many of the dioceses are focusing their Annual Conventions done virtually in the
Autumn months. Darly Storey, Diocese of Olympia ECW Contact put together an
amazing video which I have attached.

The ECW of El Camino Real presented this past Saturday a Retreat “Winning the
Right to Vote”. Attended by 50+ participants including several from other
dioceses including myself, this retreat was so moving and well done I strongly feel
it is a great program for the Triennial.

I have included the flyer. It was recorded.

The Diocese of San Diego Chief Financial Officer & Diocesan Treasurer, The Rev.
Kirby M. Smith has connected with me about the Diocesan ECW bank account
with a balance of $40,000 that surfaced last year. Last email conversation with
Rev. Kirby was working with SD ECW member Jamie Wood. There is discussion of
reconstituting an ECW Diocesan Board, which I am strongly accepting. At this time

Martha Estes

Province IX


  1. Covid 19 in IX Province: This pandemic continues to be one of the greatest challenges for all countries worldwide and particularly for the dioceses of the IX Province. We have been in confinement for more than six months, however in the months of August and September the economy of the country has been opening more and more, a similar situation has been with the other dioceses of this province.- The different pastorals of the women we have not been able to carry out face-to-face activities, since meetings of more than 10 people are prohibited but in most dioceses the women’s ministry has tried to accompany with reflections, devotionals via whatsapp or by zoom those who can have access to that platform.
  2. Virtual workshops: at the province level we have had 2 virtual workshops sponsored by the Diocese of Puerto Rico called: Grief during the pandemic on September 25 and Strategies to offer psychological assistance that have been helpful to encourage our people in this atypical situation where they have lost relatives, jobs, motivation to move on.
  3. Celebration of the International Day of Prayer for the GFS in Honduras with our Bishop and also our girls participated in the World Day of Prayer organized with the GFS of the United States where the Presiding Bishop gave us a magnificent message.
  4. Virtual Women’s Convention: The diocese of the Dominican Republic is preparing to celebrate its Women’s Convention in digital form on November 7 with the theme: The Holy Spirit moves us to testify of Christ.
  5. Conversation on Beijing +25 The Delegates of the Episcopal Church to UNCSW 64 are promoting a Conversation in which the different delegates of the IX Province who have participated in previous Conferences on the condition of the status of women, we are the ones who will be exposing On various topics related to the 4 world conferences and the main issues addressed in each of them, this discussion will be held on October 29 with the purpose of raising awareness among our women of the IX Province and other Latin American Provinces about the importance of the 12 areas approved in the Beijing freezing that have to do with the rights of women and girls, knowing that women’s rights are human rights, and talk about the role of their churches and of them in relation to this theme.
  6. I was invited by the clergy women of the Province of IARCA (Panama, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala to share with them in a Prayer workshop, which was taught by me. It was a wonderful time, in which we reflected together on this subject and practice that brings a lot of inner peace to our lives.
  7. The Daughters of the King of the IX Province who have attended the Conventions of the Daughters in the USA We are also preparing a workshop of Prayer, fasting and service that we will be giving in the coming months at an international level with the Daughters of the King of our dioceses.
  8. UTO: On Thursday 28, the IX Province will be participating in a workshop sponsored by the UTO of USA where they will be explaining How to submit Applications to access grants from the United Offering of Thanks.
  9. Next steps: The Pastoral of each Diocese at its own pace and according to its possibilities continues to accompany our sisters in each diocese in a virtual way, both with workshops and spiritual messages that provide hope and peace.

We pray to our Lord Jesus Christ so that He continues to provide not only physical food but also the spiritual food that we need to be every day more like Him and we can share with each other in the ways that each of us can and make present his Kingdom among us.

With gratitude,

Submit by   Rev Canon Consuelo Sanchez Navarro+

Coordinadora ECW  IX Provincia.

Social Justice

After almost 230 days not able to live our daily lives with the freedoms and privileges we never thought would be taken away, change, and possibly put in danger our own lives, the lives of our loved ones, and the lives of our neighborhoods, in our communities we are still holding to hope and begging God’s mercy on us, while doing our best to be instruments of His peace, serving others in Christ’s name and protecting ourselves and those around us with loving care, concern, and gratefulness.

If during this past spring our mother earth showed us the wonder and owe of its renovated beauty so that we could rejoiced in it, that same gift of splendor and color embraces us this fall. My hope is that our hearts, in need of healing from all the hurts, the fears and the uncertainty caused by this Covid-19 pandemic, find solace in God’s divine presence in the natural world, God’s beloved creation.

Here is my report for September and October 2020:

Continue doing the work of the Beloved Community Implementation encouraging communities of color to apply for seed money to start the sacred work of Racial Justice and Reconciliation.

Interviewed 3 Latina Episcopal leaders attending San Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Leesburg, Virginia for an article to appear in the 2020 Fall Edition of Communique.

Responded to four Zoom webinar invitations to share and initiate work I have done in the following areas:

  • My work as a deacon during this pandemic. Sandra Montes from Episcopal Church Foundation as the moderator of this Zoom webinar
  • How to organize Women’s Ministries: for Colombian Episcopalians, Rvdo. Daniel Mafla and Rvda. Ale Trillos moderators for this Zoom webinar.
  • Safe Church Practices trainings for Episcopal Latino communities: for Brazilian Anglicans interested in how to offer Safe Church Training to Brazilian communities to be prepared for Zoom webinars, March 2021.
  • Academia Ecuménica de Liderazgo for Latino Episcopalians: how to organize this Christian Formation program virtually, for January 2021.

Work that is in progress:

  • Reading and posting in the Social Justice Facebook page, interesting articles regarding immigration, Racism and Racial Justice and Reconciliation, and Human Trafficking.
  • Team work to develop Education for Ministry for Latinos y Latina leaders: EMFL
  • Anti Racism work for Latino communities living in Province IX and in the United States under the Becoming Beloved Community suggested as individual and communal journey.

The Social Justice Committee did not meet these past months.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rvda. Ema Rosero-Nordalm, October 24, 2020

2020-11-02T15:48:54+00:00November 2nd, 2020|

Planning Committee for General Convention – Update

At the meeting today of the Planning Committee for General Convention and Triennial, no decision was reached as to the dates for meeting. It is in the interest of the Church and the City of Baltimore that we not yet make an announcement. Settlement of arrangements has not yet been completed. As soon as the arrangements are completed for the meetings, you will be notified.

Karen Patterson – ECW President 2018-02021

2020-10-27T18:13:15+00:00October 27th, 2020|

Province I Board Meeting October 2020

The Province One Board has met twice since the last NECW Board meeting – September 21 and October 19th. The boards of the dioceses of Province have not been meeting.
Diane Nichols (62) our Program Chair and Diocese of Western Massachusetts UTO coordinator, died October 16th of cancer. She was a lovely dynamic God filled woman who was a great joy to know and be with. We miss her.
The Rev. Liz Habecker of Diocese of Rhode Island has become the Chaplain to the Province Board.
As reported in August, Province 1 held a very successful Zoom Annual Meeting. Still receiving positive comments in October.
Susan Howland, President, is preparing a special report for the Province Web and Facebook for Advent which will feature the history and story of Deacons. If not ready for Advent will be posted for Epiphany.
The next Province Annual Meeting for 2021 was discussed. Possibly in April.
We think we cannot hold virtual elections. Therefore, there will be a hold on officers until we can have elections in person. It was decided to drop the nomination/election of a representative for Church Periodical Club. This is currently in our bylaws. Looks like some bylaw changes are scheduled to be made.
Susan met with Emily Kenniston, Province 1 coordinator. Emily is very interested in women’s ministries and would welcome an ECW presence on the Province 1 board.
The Province 1 ECW Board will meet again November 16th.
Margaret E. Noel
Province 1 Representative
October 24, 2020
2020-10-26T18:42:19+00:00October 26th, 2020|
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