Gillian Payne – United Nations – Caucus 2016

[The Episcopal Church Women and the Episcopal Women’s Caucus have announced a joint initiative to financially support our Episcopal delegates to the UN Commission on the Status of Women to be held March 14-24, 2016. A link to the donation form can be found below. We also promised to post stories from previous delegates to the UNCSW and the stories of our delegates this year.]

GILLIAN’S STORY: In her own words

My name is Gillian Payne, I am a seventeen year old high school senior from Appleton, Wisconsin. I am avidly involved with multiple organizations that support the empowerment of women; including volunteering at the local women’s shelter, working with an organization to end sex trafficking, and starting a Gender Equality Club at my high school aimed towards educating students on issues ranging from gender stereotypes to the rape epidemic in developing countries. I am a delegate for the UNCSW because I hope to create a life based around empowering women through education and economic equality. As I will be attending college next year, I hope to take the information I learn at the UNCSW to cultivate change all over the world, and especially here in Wisconsin.

Seven of the 18 delegates have responded to our invitation to assist them in raising the $4,000 needed to attend the gathering in New York City. Any amount you can give will help.