Prayers and Blessings

Episcopal Church Women’s Prayer

Almighty God, we pray that You will bless our work in mission and ministry in the world. Help us pray fervently, labor diligently and give liberally to make known the power of your love given through your Son Jesus Christ. Let us not forget the lessons from the past nor fear the challenges of the future. Anoint us with your grace and shine in our hearts as we reflect your light throughout the world. – Amen.

Oración de las mujeres de la Iglesia Episcopal

Dios todopoderoso, oramos para que Tú bendigas nuestra misión y ministerio por el mundo. Ayúdanos a orar fervientemente, laborar diligentemente y dar sin ataduras para anunciar el poder de tu amor por medio de tu Hijo Jesucristo. No dejes que olvidemos las lecciones del pasado, ni temamos a los desafíos del futuro. Úngenos con tu gracia y brilla en nuestros corazones a la vez que reflejamos tu luz a través del mundo. – Amen.

Member Submitted Prayers and Blessings

A Litany Almighty Father, Provider and Protector

We come before you today humbly asking for your healing and loving touch be given to those women throughout the world who are hurting from physical abuse.  Remove hatred from those who do not treat your daughters with respect and love.

There are women who cannot feed themselves because they must feed […]

O God

O God, our words cannot express what our minds can barely comprehend and our hearts feel when we hear of children and adults deceived and transported to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor because of human greed.

Our hearts are saddened and our spirits angry that their […]

A Prayer for Wisdom and Courage

Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, you call us out of our aloneness and set us within communities and families, sending us out to bring your healing and peace to others:  In this time of great need send your Spirit to lead us to those suffering abuse and violence. Give us […]

Prayer for Victims of Gender Violence

A Prayer for Victims of Gender Violence

God of all peoples, awaken our hearts and deepen our commitment to work for a world where every person is free and able to live their lives fully and joyfully. We ask for conversion of heart for traffickers and for strong laws that […]

Prayer for Violence to Women

O Gracious God, lover and comforter of all souls:  give strength and courage to all women who suffer from violence.  Shelter their hearts and souls from damage too deep, brokenness impossible to bear, and bodies bruised and bloodied.

Let them feel your Presence in their lives.  Guide them to seek help […]

You are a Beloved Child of the Holy, Always

YOU ARE A BELOVED CHILD OF THE HOLY, ALWAYS  When darkness surrounds you, and the chill of night… invades

Remember this… You are a beloved child of the Holy, always

When there seems to be no recourse — when there are no tears left

Remember this… You are a beloved child of the Holy, always

When no […]

Prayer – Watches Over all Your Children

Almighty God, who watches over all your children and knows our needs before we ask: help us to understand more fully the plight of those who are imprisoned in lives controlled by human traffickers. Give us the strength and courage to unshackle these victims and bring them to your […]

Almighty God of Creation and Liberation

Almighty God of creation and liberation, we send up fervent prayers for all those who are abused and enslaved around the world – most especially the women and children caught in the web of the sex trafficking trade.  We lift up their physical and emotional suffering to you, merciful […]

A Prayer for Our Own Empowerment

Creator Mother, as we offer our prayers for our sisters who suffer from physical and emotional abuse, and for the perpetrators of violence against them, we ask also that you create within each of us an awareness of the many subtle forms of denigration of women and girls that occur […]

For the Women of Our World

O gracious Lord, we humbly pray for the women of the world today.

Born of different colors and creeds, we share the same concern and needs.

Lord, lift our heads and dry our tears, as you strengthen us and calm our fears.

Comfort those who, on bended knee, seek a life where […]

A Prayer for the Women of the World

Divine Creator, create in us the power to speak for those who truly need your love and care but have no voice.  Give us the wisdom, strength and courage to make a difference in the lives of the women we pray for: Keep us aware of their problems and […]

A Prayer for the Women of the World

We ask your presence to be with all the women and children who suffer with AIDS, not just in our country, but throughout the whole world.  We ask you to give strength, courage and wisdom to those who tend to the AIDS victims, in your power give them not […]

We pray for the elderly women

We pray for the elderly women, who have no safe place to stay, who are often beaten or ignored by their so called caregivers, deliver them from those who are hurting them, keep them safe, fed, and free to worship you.

In Your Mercy


Help that young girl

Father, Help that young girl, who has become a runaway. Do not let her become another statistic, so many of these homeless or abused teens are being blinded and are being used to satisfy the needs of strangers. Their young bodies are being misused; send them angels to get […]

Allow them their freedom

We ask that you be with all the women who are oppressed, behind bars, or being held prisoner by fear, abuse or cultural custom.  Allow them their freedom.

In Your Mercy


Stop the pain

We ask that you stop the pain of the women who have sustained a beating from their abusers; be it husband, father, owner or master…heal their pain and keep them safe.

In Your Mercy


Stir up the Spirit

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our ears may be open to hear the cries of your daughters and sons entrapped by violent relationships. Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our eyes may be open to see the damage perpetuated by the human trafficking – modern slavery […]