Communiqué Fall 2021

Table of Contents
All Are Welcome in Central New York
Todos Son Bienvenidos En Nueva York Central
Building a Beloved Community in Colorado
Construyendo una comunidad amorosa En Colorado
Clementa Pinckney Ministries
Ministerios de Clementa Pinckney
Healers in the Name of Christ
Sanadores en el nombre de Cristo
A Lakota Woman’s Remembrance
El rememorar de una mujer de Lakota
Conversation with Ms. Helen Patmon
Conversación con la Señora Helen Patmon
National Board Met In South Dakota: October 2021
Partners in Worship
Compañeros en adoración
PICNIC: Partners in Christ/Neighbors in Community
PICNIC: Compañeros en Cristo/Vecinos en la comunidad
What are we doing as a Diocese to build a well-balanced community
¿Qué estamos haciendo como Diócesis para construer una comunidad bien equilibrada?
Articles appearing within the Communique’ do not necessarily represent the opinions of the National Episcopal Church Women nor the Episcopal Church. The organization strives to provide a platform for women to present ideas and opinions that affect women’s issues. The editor may be contacted for comments or questions at:
Message from the President

Karen Patterson Episcopal Church Women President 2018 to 2022
Dear Sisters in Christ,
It is an honor, a privilege and a joy to serve as your President.
The NECW board met in Rapid City, South Dakota, the first week of October 2021. It was a good, productive and educational meeting. We were fortunate to have the Rev (Dcn) Twilla Two Bulls join us Friday evening along with her father, the Rev. Robert Two Bulls, and her sister, Lorri Two Bulls, an artist. Deacon Twilla talked about the origins of her family as well as displayed her grandmother’s dress. Lorri gave the board lessons on how to make a painted bracelet made from buffalo hide. Each of us got to put our own painted design on our bracelet. We were also able to enjoy the beauty of the countryside and see Mt. Rushmore as well as the Crazy Horse Memorial.
The board meeting was very productive in working on the plans for Triennial. We hope that each of you will be there to help us celebrate ECW’s 150th “birthday”.
Karen O. Patterson
National President 2018 -2022
All Are Welcome in Central New York
by Jennifer Kenna – Province 2 Representative, NECW
“One, two, three, four, all are welcome at our door!” Chanting and cheering, I marched for the first time along with Episcopalians and Lutherans in the CNY Pride annual parade held in Syracuse, New York on June 16, 2018. Parading through the newly revitalized Inner Harbor area of the city, rainbow banners and balloon arches, umbrellas, hats, and clergy stoles were abundantly visible, carried and worn by participating clergy and laypeople, of all sexual orientations, from both denominations. The Rev. Peter Williams, rector of Grace and Holy Spirit Church in Cortland, New York, an Episcopal/Lutheran congregation, was the grand marshal of the 2018 Pride Parade. A large crowd lined the streets we walked.
Todos Son Bienvenidos En Nueva York Central
Escrito por Jennifer Kenna Representante de la Provincia 2, NECW
“Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, ¡todos son bienvenidos!” Cantando, yo marche por primera vez, al lado de Episcopales y luteranos, en la Marcha del orgullo Gay llevada a cabo en Syracuse, Nueva York, el 16 de junio de 2018. Marchando sobre el área renovada de la ciudad, donde rebosaban pancartas del orgullo Gay, globos hacienda alusión a lo mismo, sombreros, y paraguas que fueron abundantemente visibles, y a la vez usados por los asistentes y el clero de diversas orientaciones sexuales, de ambas denominaciones. El Reverendo Peter Williams, rector de la iglesia de la Gracia y El Espíritu Santo en Cortland, New York, una congregación episcopal y luterana, fue el gran representante de la marcha del Orgullo Gay del 20218. Una gran
Building a Beloved Community in Colorado
by Samara Fay – Secretary, NECW
The Diocese of Colorado is a patchwork of communities, some diverse, some homogeneous. The diocese has many efforts aimed at loving, inclusive membership among all people. Many small, rural communities are mostly white, so the majority of the ministries of inclusion are in the large metropolitan area of Denver and its suburbs.
The Jubilee Ministry in Colorado is part of a nationwide network that serves immigrants, Native Americans, children and other vulnerable populations according to the admonition in Matthew 25:35 to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and visit the imprisoned. They strive after the vision in Micah 6:8 to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before your god.
Construyendo una comunidad amorosa En Colorado
Escrito por Samara Fay – secretaria, NECW
La Diocesis de Colorado es una serie de comunidades, algunas diversas, otras homogéneas. La Diocesis tiene muchas iniciativas dirigidas a una membresía amorosa e inclusiva. Muchas áreas rurales son predominantemente blancas, por ende, la mayoría de los ministerios de inclusión están localizados en el área metropolitana de Denver y sus suburbios.
Clementa Pinckney Ministries
In 2015 the nation and world shared unfathomable grief for the murder and violent deaths of the nine adult children of God in Bible study in the basement of their church, Mother Emmanuel AME Church, Charleston, South Carolina. Among the nine precious lives lost was the senior pastor, The Rev. Dr. Clementa Pinckney, a pastor and a statesman.
Each year since 2015, a Health Fair is held at that same church basement site, replacing tragedy with hope and life-giving health care information and screenings. The Clementa Pinckney Health Fair was initiated by the devoted Elenora Taylor and others from Mother Emmanuel Church to honor Rev. Pinckney’s love for outreach ministries.
Ministerios de Clementa Pinckney
Escrito por Janice N. Meyer, BA, MDiv
En el año 2015, la nación y el mundo compartieron un dolor inimaginable por el asesinato y las muertes violentas de nueve niños adultos de Dios estudiando la biblia en el sótano de su iglesia de la Madre Emmanuel en Charleston, Carolina del Sur. Entre las nueve vidas preciosas que se perdieron estuvo la del Reverendo Clementa Pinckney, pastor y estadista.
Healers in the Name of Christ
There is much enthusiasm and drive among the people of Province V to educate and become a Beloved Community. In the dioceses and communities, individuals are engaging in transformative work of living into our full identity as followers of Jesus Christ. In our Baptismal Covenant, we profess that we will strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. I often reflect on this promise as I move forward in my ministry and my life. It is this covenant that I feel frames our journey forward in becoming a beloved community. Committees, faith sharing groups, circles of practice, communities and networks are meeting regularly across the province with the main purpose to inform and educate members of the history and harm of systematic racism in our communities and world.
Sanadores en el nombre de Cristo
Escrito por Rick Stanitis
Hay mucho entusiasmo entre las personas de la Provincia V para educar y transformarse en una comunidad amorosa. En la diócesis y comunidades, individuos se esmeran en el trabajo transformador de formar una identidad como seguidores de Jesucristo. En nuestro pacto bautismal, nosotros profesamos que alcanzaremos la justicia y la paz entre las personas, y respetamos la dignidad de cada ser humano. Yo siempre reflexiono sobre esta promesa mientras avanzo en mi ministerio y mi vida. Es este el pacto que yo siento que enmarca nuestro proceso en convertirnos en una comunidad amorosa. Los comités, grupos de fe, círculos de práctica, comunidades y redes se reúnen regularmente a lo largo de la provincia con el propósito principal de informar y educar a los miembros de la historia del racismo sistemático en el mundo.
A Lakota Woman’s Remembrance
by Rev. Deacon Twilla R. Two Bulls – Province VI
My name is Rev. Deacon Twilla R. Two Bulls, and I am an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe located on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I also have Northern Cheyenne ancestry on my mother’s side. The Northern Cheyenne were allies with the Lakota peoples. I am daughter to Rev. Robert G Two Bulls and Delores Two Bulls Ten Fingers. In the Late 1800s our ancestor’s last names were translated wrong; originally our name was Tatanka Nunpa, meaning Two Buffalos. Ten Fingers meant that our ancestor was a well-known crafter and could do anything with his hands.
There are many stories I have heard during my lifetime, but I want to pay homage to my grandmother, Emma Gillespie. Her father was an Irish man via Missouri. After the Civil War, he went up north to make his way in the world. He stopped with his wagon at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, where a host of Northern Cheyenne were held prisoner by the soldiers and were to be eventually moved to present-day Oklahoma.
El rememorar de una mujer de Lakota
Escrito por el Reverendo y Diacono Twilla R. Two Bulls Provincia VI
Mi nombre es Reverendo y Diacono Twilla R. Two Bulls, y yo estoy enrolado como un miembro de la Tribu Oglala Sioux, localizada en la reserva “Pine Ridge” en Dakota del Sur. También tengo antecedentes o ancestros de la Tribu “Cheyenne del Norte” por el lado materno. Los de la Tribu “Cheyenne del Norte” fueron aliados de las personas de Lakota. Yo soy hija del Reverendo Robert G. Two Bulls y Delores Two Bulls Ten fingers. En el ocaso de los 1800, los apellidos de nuestros ancestros fueron mal traducidos; originalmente, nuestro nombre fue “Tatanka Nunpa” que significa “Dos búfalos” (Two Bulls). Diez dedos (Ten fingers) significo que nuestros ancestros fueron artesanos y podían hacer de todo con sus manos.
Conversation with Ms. Helen Patmon
by The Reverend Ema Rosero-Nordalm
Social Justice Chairperson, NECW
It was an honor and a joyful occasion to hear Helen Patmon share what she considers a sacred calling. Helen is a lay leader in a parish on the North Shore of Massachusetts who has worked with issues of race, racism, and racial justice with Episcopal congregations for many years. Helen has invited individuals and communities to journey together as beloved communities transformed by God’s love, and with a deep desire to serve those who are different than themselves. This is a dream come true for Helen.
Conversación con la Señora Helen Patmon
Escrito por el Reverendo Ema Rosero-Nordalm
Líder del Grupo de Justicia Social, NECW
Fue un honor y una alegría el haber charlado con Helen Patmon y el compartir lo que ella considera una vocación sagrada. Helen es la líder secular en la frontera norte del estado de Massachusetts, quien ha trabajado en problemas de racismo y justiciar racial con congregaciones Episcopales por muchos años. Helen ha invitado a individuos y comunidades a formar grupos amorosos transformados por el amor de Dios, y con un deseo profundo de servir a aquellos que son diferentes. Este sueño fue hecho realidad para Helen.
National Board Met In South Dakota: October 2021
For the first time since the pandemic started, the National Board was able to venture away from their homes and meet in person. Most members were able to travel to Rapid City, South Dakota, and spend three days planning the upcoming Triennial meeting and addressing the business workings of the National Organization. Those not able to attend in person joined the meeting virtually.
While in S. Dakota they were treated to a presentation by Rev. Deacon Twilla R. Two Bulls of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. She and her sister instructed the women in traditional crafts such as buffalo hide bracelet making as well as provided firsthand accounts of how the pandemic has affected life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She also brought her grandmother’s buckskin dress for the women to admire.
Partners in Worship
Province VIII Representative, NECW
April 11, 2021, marks the special Sunday two community churches, St. Columba’s Episcopal Church and the Spirit of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, in the town of Big Bear City, California, in the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Pacifica Synod, began worship together. St. Columba’s was approached by the ELCA Spirit of Peace church council, with members and Synod approval, as a potential new location when their pastor retired, with a need to keep within their budget. This is a perfect partnership within The Call to Mission Agreement between The Episcopal Church and ELCA following God’s Christian Faith. Bishop John Taylor for the Diocese of Los Angeles and Bishop Andy Taylor for the Pacifica Lutheran Synod had proposed the joining of the two churches.
Compañeros en adoración
Escrito por Canon Martha K. Estes
Representante de la provincia VIII, NECW
El 11 de abril, 2021, marca un domingo especial donde la iglesia Episcopal San Columba y la Iglesia del Espíritu de Paz, en la ciudad de Big Bear, California, en la diócesis de Los ángeles y el sínodo de Pacífica, comenzaron a orar juntos. La iglesia de San Columba fue abordada por el concilio de la Iglesia de la Paz ELCA, con la aprobación del sínodo y sus miembros, como una nueva ubicación cuando sus pastores se jubilaron, con una necesidad de mantenerse dentro del presupuesto. Esta es una Sociedad perfecta dentro del llamado a la misión del acuerdo entre la iglesia Episcopal y la ELCA siguiendo a la fe cristiana. El Obispo John Taylor para la diócesis de los Angeles y el Obispo Andy Taylor para el sínodo luterano propuso que ambas Iglesias se unieran.
PICNIC: Partners in Christ/Neighbors in Community
by Cynthia Davis – Coordinator of Women’s Ministry Diocese of the Rio Grande
How do you minister together when the miles are long? How do you gather in community when you can’t gather in person? How do you build a Beloved Community in the midst of pandemic?
These questions have faced Women’s Ministry in the Diocese of the Rio Grande, especially during the past months of COVID-Diaspora (as a friend calls it). At the best of times, we are physically distanced by the miles of our diocese. It can take 10 or 11 hours to drive from Farmington, New Mexico, in the far northwest corner to Marfa, TX, at the far southeast end of the diocese. It’s seven hours driving time north to south, so getting together in a central location is a trek for nearly everyone.
PICNIC: Compañeros en Cristo/Vecinos en la comunidad
Escrito por Cynthia Davis – Coordinadora del ministerio de mujeres de la Diocesis de Rio Grande
¿Como llevas a cabo un ministerio juntos cuando las millas son largas? ¿Como te congregas en comunidad cuando no te puedas reunir en persona? ¿Como construyas una comunidad amorosa en medio de la pandemia?
What are we doing as a Diocese to build a well-balanced community
by Connie Sanchez – Province IX Representative, NECW
Building a well-balanced ethnic, inclusive, cultural and diverse community is a commitment that the Diocese of Honduras of the IX Province has proposed to carry out, it is an inescapable duty that as a Church we are called to do, however, it is a long process of education. Since in the first place we must understand that diversity and heterogeneity pose far-reaching demands within the pastoral framework we are currently carrying out especially with the black and indigenous communities (Maya Chortí and Lenca), both to preserve the sustainability of the Diocese, on the one hand, as if to respect its legitimacy before the community to which we belong, on the other.
¿Qué estamos haciendo como Diócesis para construer una comunidad bien equilibrada?
Escrito por Connie Sanchez – Representante de la Provincia IX, NECW
Construyendo una etnicidad bien balanceada, inclusive, cultural, y una comunidad diversa es un compromiso que la Diocesis de Honduras de la Provincia numero nueve (IX) ha propuesto para llevar a cabo, es un deber ineludible que como iglesia estamos llamados a hacer, sin embargo, lo propio llevaria un largo tiempo de educacion. Ya que debemos entender que la diversidad y la heterogeneidad siginifica un demanda que va mucho mas alla de las demandas pastorales que realizamos especialmente con las comunidades indigenas y Negras (Maya Chorti y Lenca), ambas necesarias para preserver la sostenibilidad de la diocesis y su legitimidad.
The Lauren Rogers Museum of Art Laurel, Mississippi
by Mary Beth Welch – Province IV Representative, NECW
Using art to respond to the unique challenge of Covid 19, the Lauren Rogers Museum created and distributed thousands of grab and go activity kits which were inspired by their collections and exhibitions. Each kit included all the needed instructions and supplies for a fun family experience.
Due to Covid 19 and the cancellation of off-site field trips for schools, the Museum also created Classroom Art Kits. These free custom-designed all-inclusive art kits feature activities that relate directly to the Museum’s permanent collections and exhibitions and includes step by step instruction, resource guides and individually packed art materials for up to 30 students—everything teachers need for a creative class project.
Project Undercover
by Margaret Noel – Province 1 Representative, NECW
Rhode Island Project Undercover received a donation of 100,000 period products from U by Kotex through the Alliance for Period Supplies to support efforts to end period poverty.
One in four women struggle to purchase period products due to a lack of income. In my state of Rhode Island, one in six women and girls ages 12 to 44 lives below the Federal Poverty Line. Also, one in five low-income women in the US report missing work, school or similar commitments and one in four teens in the US have missed class due to lack of access to period products.
Proyecto encubierto
Escrito por Margaret Noel
Representante de la provincia 1, NECW
El Proyecto encubierto de Rhode Island recibió una donación de 100,000 productos menstruales de la marca U producido por la compañía “Kotex” a través de la alianza de suministros de productos menstruales para acabar con la pobreza.