Articles – Poems – Announcements

Great communication and sharing God’s word is a community process. We are always looking for submissions to share on our website, Facebook pages, and Communique‘ magazine.

If you have and article to share, please contact the editor at

Articles appearing within the National Episcopal Church Women’s website or publications do not necessarily represent the opinions of the National Episcopal Church Women nor the Episcopal Church. The organization works hard to provide a platform for women to present ideas and opinions that affect women’s issues.

Articles and Announcements

Episcopal Church Women in the News 10-19-24

October 18th, 2024|

Northern Arapaho Tribe reclaims items long held by the Episcopal Church in Wyoming Northern Arapaho elder Marian Scott said it was very historical to have the collection back with the tribe. Family Faith Every Day announces 17 selected congregations for Faith at Home Education program “We know that nurturing faith in young children starts at home,” said Rev. Traci Smith, Program Director. A Smaller but More Responsive Church An example of a small diocese and  growth within the Episcopal Church. The past few years have left clergy burned out and exhausted. But that can change, say experts. It is [...]


The Knitting Shoppe

April 20th, 2020|

I finger the yarn, Checking its strength and quality, Comparing the weights and colors. The shop keeper watches me, Unsure and unconvinced. I am a foreign woman in a foreign land. Possessing only the barest words of her language. I pick up a particularly beautiful skein. It is soft and obviously hand-dyed. And sighing the sigh of true appreciation I meet her eye and breathe, “Sehr shon”.     (There are umlauts over the ‘o’, ..) “Very lovely.” She stops, Then beams, Proud that the quality Of the material she loves Transcends. We nod in agreement As women (and knitters) will [...]