Triennial Workshops – Monday 6/24/2024

Sister-Susan-MooreMonastic Communities in a New World

Presenter: Sister of the Way, Susan Moore CG, DOK

Living as a monk in a contemporary way, is a way to learn to walk closely with God but not shut away from the world. Hear the call to vows? How can you answer them in a new way?

Sister Susan of the Way (Moore) grew up in the Lutheran church (ELCA) in northern Illinois and now lives in Florence, Kentucky. She has a BFA in Art Education from the University of Illinois and began her career as a teacher but felt a call to nursing.

She then spent 20 years as a nurse, primarily working in community mental health. After moving to Kentucky in 2001, she worked for Toyota and retired in 2017. Affiliating with Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, Kentucky she began a journey in Benedictine Studies in 2002 and this evolved into her search for a religious order.

After being introduced to the Community of the Gospel, she began her postulancy in 2018 becoming fully professed in 2021. In 2022 she completed the Education for Ministry program. She is also a member of the Daughters of the King ®, St. Clare Chapter and currently serves as their president. She is on the Diocese of Lexington ECW Board and also the Daughters of the King® Executive Board for the diocese. Current activities include leading the Healing Ministry at Trinity, Eucharistic visitor, former vestry member (Sr. Warden), mentoring confirmands, leading small worship services at The Victorian at Riverside, practicing and teaching Reiki, Tai Chi and Christian use of the Tarot.

The Rev Judy GravesChurch Periodical Club

Presenter: The Rev. Deacon Judy Graves

The Church Periodical Club is an Episcopal institution; its ministry is to make grants that supply written materials of any type free to those who cannot otherwise obtain them and to raise money to do this.

It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, through grants to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them.

The aspects of CPC history and their National Book Fund will be presented along with the Miles for Pennies Fund, Seminarian, and Diaconate Fund.  They have recently  updated their website and will highlight its new functions and how they are focusing on forward thinking for meeting the needs of Episcopalians in every diocese and parish.

Graves has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration – Human Resource Management. She has been the President of CPC since 2021 and will be President until 2026. She joined the CPC team more than 20 years ago.

She is an  Ordained Deacon in the Diocese of South Dakota and  mentors Bible Study in the Apartment Building in which she lives.

Christina ButterworthSoul Connections for the Journey

Presenter: Christina Butterworth, The Episcopal Community

Come and join the journey!  God desires us to be deeply connected with our brothers and sisters so together, we can make a difference in our world. We will explore Soul Connections – what are they, why we need them, and how do we make them in today’s divided world. We will discover tools that will help us each day in relationships with ourselves and others.  During our hour together we will take a heart filled pilgrimage bursting with joy and hope and laughter.

Chris is a faithful and creative soul practicing her gifts through Spiritual Direction, Retreat Facilitation and Creative Artistry.  Her heartfelt desire is to make connections with and deepen relations for all people helping them make a difference in their lives.

Chris holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Ruah Program at Richmond Hill, Richmond, VA.  She is active facilitating retreats and providing in person and on-line Spiritual Direction as well as serving on The Episcopal Community Executive Committee as Vice President and Spiritual Formation Co-Chair.

Tamara PlummerEpiscopal Relief and Development

Presenter: Tamara Plummer Senior Program Officer, US Disaster Response and Resilience

The Episcopal Asset Map is a website. But more importantly it is the main digital evangelism tool in the Episcopal Church. In this workshop we will learn more about how to tell our stories and share how we are living out the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus movement, regardless of the size or location of our congregations. Episcopal Church Women are the heart of the church, learn more about how you can share stories of the work you do, learn from other’s experiences and support communities.

Tamara Plummer is a Senior Program Officer for US Disaster Response and Resilience at Episcopal Relief & Development. Ms. Plummer works with leaders across the US to discern their gifts and respond to the needs of neighbors in the midst of disaster. She has a MA in Practical Theology from Union Theological Seminary and is a cradle to grave Episcopalian who is constantly amazed by the work of Church Women in keeping the love of Christ alive in the world.