Community Connection Gift

Summer Survival Kits
Shower Ministry at Trinity Center: Austin, Texas
(Items will be collected during Triennial Meeting 2018)
- Socks
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Soap
- Deodorant (roll-on)
- Wash cloths
- Wet wipes
- Other similar personal care products
- Gift cards from stores that sell these things
The Trinity Center Shower Ministry, housed at St. David’s Episcopal Church in downtown Austin, has been designated the recipient of the Community Connection Gift for Triennial Meeting 2018. In addition to collecting financial donations for this life-affirming ministry, the National Board of Episcopal Church Women has a goal of assembling and delivering, during the Triennial Meeting next July, hundreds of “summer survival kits” to the homeless citizens served by the shower program.
How it began: While participating in Woman to Woman at Trinity Center, volunteers from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Austin heard the women they were assisting talk about personal belongings being stolen when they were taking showers at other facilities in town. It was then that the idea for a private and secure shower program for homeless women was born.
How you can help: Please send financial donations now for the Shower Ministry, and plan on donating items for the summer survival kits once you get to Austin. There will be collection bins in the ECW meeting space at the convention center.