Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our ears may be open to hear the cries of your daughters and sons entrapped by violent relationships. Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our eyes may be open to see the damage perpetuated by the human trafficking – modern slavery – of women and men; young girls and young boys.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our hearts may be open to feel the pain of sexual abuse of women and young girls; men and young boys, wherever it is found; in the home; in school; in institutions; in the market place.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our minds may be open to understand and acknowledge the untold damage wrought by all sexual violence and abuse.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that we may give voice to what we hear and see – to what we feel and know – and with strength and courage seek healing and transformation of our broken world.   Amen.

Virginia Lief