O Lord, our Creator and Deliverer, you heard the cries of your people in Egypt and sent your servant Moses to lead them out of oppression. Hear our prayers for all your people who suffer from abuse and oppression, that we too might be a means to free them from their pain. O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Bring to an end the divisions in your Church throughout the world, that unified in purpose, the Body of Christ may always remember and serve those men, women, and children whose suffering is hidden from our sight or painful for us to acknowledge.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Bestow your grace on persons in positions of leadership throughout the Church, especially our Presiding Bishop, our bishop, and the laity and clergy in our parishes, that your Church may be holy ground where all your people can gather in safety and peace.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Guide the leaders of all the nations, that your justice may be brought to all who have been wronged and that every country might be a promised land for its people.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Open our eyes to those in our midst who suffer abuse, that we may also open our hearts to share their pain and bring them relief from their sorrow.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Lift up all your people whose suffering is beyond their strength to endure, that they may feel the healing of your compassionate love.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Strengthen all who care for the abused and who speak to the world of their pain, that they may find renewal for their labor in your healing presence.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Remind us always that as you pardon all wrongdoings and heal all ills, we may also forgive those who inflict pain on others and pray for their restoration to wholeness.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
Hold in your loving care those who have died at the hands of others, and comfort those who mourn them with knowledge that you will bring justice and healing to all who have been wronged.
O Lord, our Deliverer, Hear our prayer.
O Lord, our Creator and Deliverer, you enlightened and strengthened Moses to be a prophet and guide to your people when they cried out for help. Open our hearts, our ears, and our eyes, that we might also work for justice and comfort for all who suffer abuse. This we ask in the name of your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, who came to set at liberty those who are oppressed. Amen.
-The Reverend Nancy Casey Fulton