What Role Did the Episcopal Church Play in Indian Boarding Schools?

The church must acknowledge the intergenerational trauma caused by the Doctrine of Discovery

‘Audacious’ US women priests celebrated

“These ordinations were about making justice: love, about siding with those left out, about standing up against a misuse of power, in this case the power of misogyny

Effort to preserve United Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church receives $497k grant

Despite this diminished integrity of materials and design, the building still retains sufficient integrity to convey its significance.

EMM encourages congregations to become community partners in refugee resettlement

Episcopal Migration Ministries, or EMM, is one of 10 agencies with contracts to facilitate refugee resettlement on behalf of the U.S. State Department

The first female and African American Bishop to preside over Mississippi shares her goals

The greater mission throughout the scriptures throughout the Old and New Testament is a mission of caring for neighbors, and caring for others

2024 Harris-Evans Conference

Organized by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) in the Diocese of North Carolina. The purpose of this conference, as part of the ECW’s broader mission, is to engage in worship, prayer, study, service, and fellowship, with the aim of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  The conference is also a part of the ECW’s commitment to aid in foreign and domestic missions, provide scholarships and grants, and organize worship retreats. September 6, 2024 – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Creation Care Retreat – Spiritual Resilience in Days of Trouble

Join with your fellow seekers, activists, and people of faith as we gather to pray, learn, fellowship, and clarify our resolve to live and act faithfully on earth. This retreat will explore a theological framework for “holding” our concern for the Earth, its creatures, elements, and people. The weekend will include presentations, guided meditation, small and large group conversation, singing, and free time. September 12-15, 2024 – Nazareth, KY


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