2 Afghan families still living in a Newburyport church basement after more than a year
Today they’re still living in the church, and there’s a 16th child.
Groundbreaking Episcopal priest Pauli Murray will be featured on US quarters
The American Women Quarters program began last year and will continue through 2025, with the Mint issuing five quarters each year.
Creation Care Advisory Group Seeks Members
we have gathered a group to guide and organize the diocese’s efforts around Creation Care.
Conversation on 2023 Sustainable Investing Landscape and Strategies
Thursday, February 16, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET
Episcopal Migration Ministries launches initiative to help LGBTQ+ migrants, seeks input through survey
The Rainbow Initiative, created in response to a General Convention resolution
Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey elects 13th bishop
The Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey today elected the Rev. Canon Dr. Sally French to serve as 13th bishop of the diocese
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