ECW Women Articles-Poems-Announcements

Prayer for Caregivers

Gift us, Lord, with the humility
of those who care beyond knowing
and being known; who give their time ungrudgingly
with simple and wordless presence;
who listen like the patient dawn
holding its breath,
anticipating birdsong even
from a dark and starless sky.

Teach us, Lord, the humility
of healing that seeks no cure
but peace, that knows no power
but hope. Grant our service
the self-forgetfulness that sees
only the other; grant our hearts
that wisdom which discerns
the riches in poverty, the strength
in weakness, the life in death.

Hold us, Lord, in the mercy
that is as ready to share tears
as to dry them; as willing to carry
the cross as to roll away the stone.

Guide us in our walk
across waves of suffering too rough to bear,
that we, like you, may have the courage
to extend our hand to our sinking neighbor,
and so together reach the still harbor of grace.

Anne M. Windholz, MDiv, PhD

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When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2023-03-09T20:47:51+00:00March 9th, 2023|

Prayer For a Friend in Need

Heavenly Father, a Friend most dear
has asked for prayer.
For she and her family have had
an awful lot to bear.

So many of us hold her dear
but simply are unable to hold her near.
So we pray Father that you bestow
comfort and hope that only You can give
to those near the end of the rope.

Friends may offer words of support and cheer
but these sometimes just aren’t enough
for those living with fright.
Fear of loneliness, of hopelessness,
of things that go bump in the night.
Fear even of – well – fear.

Help them see the healing that comes with time,
as hours turn to days, and days to weeks,
weeks into months and then again…

Just as You have provided Your Plan of how
the darkness of the ember-ary’s is slowly
replaced by rebirth which eternally springs forth;
followed by the warm, somber days of reflection
before falling into hallowed memories of feasts
prepared with love and eaten in thanks; and then,
that Season of light, hope and love as we,
each in our way, celebrate that most memorable
remarkable day of all, the birth of Your Son.

Father, you have given us the light
to see there is strength in might.
That the power we possess in praying
for one another, bonds us together,
each to the other.

Dennis Clark – ©

Parliamentarian for the National Board 

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When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2023-03-09T20:46:11+00:00March 9th, 2023|

I tried to capture you

Moon-Patti-PosanYou alluded me. I smelled fresh moonlight, felt your light bless me and I wonder…

Perhaps these moments are just to be between us, deep within, held close in the tapestry of my inner being, gazing at the moon.

I am offered a window to the unseen God.

My heart opens and gratitude flows, knowing the Divine is not absent, but a living light.

Shining in all beings

Patti Joy Posan – Sewanee, TN

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When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2023-03-09T20:48:28+00:00March 9th, 2023|

Final Disposition of Sacred Linens Hangings and Vestments

Jan Smithby Jan Bolls Smith

Altar linens, hangings, or vestments beyond repairing or recycling are often stored in an out-of-the-way place and soon forgotten. Perhaps they were a memorial gift to honor a church member or used only for special services over a period of many years. Sadly, all have a life of service but must eventually be retired properly due to damage or years of wear on the fabric.

During the June 2022 annual Province IV Altar Guild Conference at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina, the meeting included the deconsecrating of linens and of other paraments that had been blessed. Those attending brought their linens and other items that needed to be disposed of reverently.

The Reverend Martha “Marty” Hedgpeth, an assistant rector of Christ Church, Charlotte, North Carolina, served as our chaplain from 2001-2003 for the Province IV Altar Guild; she wrote the prayer for the deconsecration service, which took place during one of our morning worship services. After the service and the removal of any recyclable embellishments and fabrics, the linens were burned.

For the burning of the linens, a large, new, contaminant-free and heat-resistant can was used to make what seemed to be a Holy fire. Small holes were made on the side of the large can to allow air flow into the vessel. The linens were carefully removed from the basket and gently placed into the can, and a wooden match was used to ignite the fire. Eventually all that was left were the ashes, reminding us that “From dust we came and to dust we will return.” After the ashes had cooled, the ashes were scattered on Lake Kanuga. The following years, the ashes were buried on the conference center grounds.

Martha “Marty” Hedgepeth was a member of the clergy in North Carolina for 36 years and served as an associate rector at Christ Church for 22 years. Marty retired from Christ Church in November 2018.

Jan Smith served as president, Mississippi Diocesan Altar Guild, 2001-2004 and as president, Province IV Altar Guild, 2003-2006

Prayer for the Deconsecration of Linens, Hangings, and Vestments

Almighty God, we thank you for the beauty of your creation and our responsibility to care for it. We thank you for your faithful people who have given these linens, vestments, and paraments to be used for your honor and glory. As they were consecrated in your name, they adorned your sanctuaries, reflected your beauty, and served your people. So now, Lord, in your name, we deconsecrate them and this day return them to the earth from which they came – earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We pray in the name of the firstborn of all creation, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Reverend Martha “Marty” Hedgpeth

Province IV Altar Guild, 2001-2003

Episcopal Church Women Logo

When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2023-03-09T20:43:45+00:00March 9th, 2023|

A Prayer of Hope and Guidance

Almighty and most merciful Father, we thank you for all the blessings of this life. We thank You especially for the Episcopal Church Women. We ask you to guide us as we work to find more ways to serve our global village and the local communities. By Your grace, equip us to feed the hungry, provide clothing for those in need, and accept the differences within us.

Offer shelter to the disenfranchised and help facilitate access to basic health care for those without advocator. Give us the strength to preserve as we invite others to join in our common life for justice and peace. Help us to address the racial and class divisions in our world that we may all be treated equal as one created by You in Your image.

Guide us as we become more faithful in our spiritual journey; find godly ways to restore the absent and open our heart to the stranger. Bless us that we might move into new ways of being and doing for the sake of those who have the desire for spiritual food and thirst for the living waters. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our LORD, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen

by Laura Manigault

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When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2023-03-09T20:43:15+00:00March 9th, 2023|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 11-05-22

Missouri church holds memorial service for funeral home’s unclaimed cremated remains

“It just made sense that people who haven’t had any funeral done for them or any memorial service are now getting one.”

St. David’s Episcopal Church welcomes Rev. Cristi Chapman

The common element that continues to connect all of Cristi’s vocational callings is stewardship, especially the integral connection between mission and money. – Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands

Building a more just church in a post-pandemic world 

Trying to ‘get back to normal’ is both folly and missed opportunity — in more ways than one. – National

‘For God and Country’: Lt. Col. Martha Kester serves as country’s first female state chaplain

“I like to say coincidences are when God wants to remain anonymous,”

Diocese of New Jersey announces slate of 5 bishop candidates

The successful candidate is scheduled to be ordained at the cathedral on June 24, 2023.

Leader of Northern Michigan wilderness church works to protect old-growth forest from proposed rocket launch site

“For the members of Wild Church that have taken this on, it’s very important to them because it’s a part of our stewardship as Christians,” she said.


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2022-11-04T13:26:44+00:00November 5th, 2022|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 07-02-22

People pray for those affected by overturning of Roe v Wade

The Reverend Canon Kristin Uffelman White is the officiant during A Litany for Healing and Lament. – Monument Circle, IN

5 community organizations that have Phyllis Hall’s heart

Phyllis Hall is a woman-about-town. – Mountain Brook, AL

Outreach Food Shelf in Alexandria celebrates 40 years

“The community responded by donating food and money to help, and the food shelf quickly outgrew its space…” – Alexandria, MN

Guest column: Responding to urgent need to do something more to keep people safe

Recently, things have gone from bad to worse. We were stunned, heartbroken and furious at the loss of life in Uvalde, Texas. – Ventura, CA

A Roof Over Their Head: Churches Use Tiny Homes for Homeless

Churches across the U.S. are tackling the big question of how to address homelessness in their communities

Hundreds to attend online sneak peek of scenes from Philadelphia Eleven documentary nearing completion

Eleven Episcopal women broke down barriers to ordination on July 29, 1974 – National

Church Creates Summer Food Pantry For Children In Need

Church is making sure kids don’t go hungry this summer, as they launch a children’s summer food pantry. – Brick, NJ


Distinguished Women’s awards are being presented for this 2022 Triennial. Even though the ECW did not meet in Baltimore, the National Board felt it important to proceed with the awards. Booklets containing all the Distinguished Women, Certificates, and Pins will be sent to the designated member of the diocesan ECW for presentation to the Distinguished Woman honorees in July/August.


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2022-07-01T14:52:11+00:00July 2nd, 2022|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 06-11-22

Center dedicated in honor of Jane Clifton Ashford

Camp Director Teri Valente said the camp was once Nanticoke land where they hunted and fished. The name of the camp came from the numerous arrowheads that have been found on the property. – Delaware, Cape Area

A call to serve: Community lunch program needs volunteers

“We’re just here to feed people,” Madge Tamber, the coordinator, who founded the program with her husband Ron. – Sharon, PA

Students receive Episcopal women scholarship

…awards an annual $2,500 scholarship to female, Episcopalian graduating high school seniors or current college students – Brunswick, GA

Kids from St. John’s of Lattingtown help Uvalde from 1,941 miles away

“The children needed to find a way to respond to what is evil. And we had to shepherd them.” – Garden City, NY

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church women support Working Wardrobes

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Women (ECW) recently spearheaded a parish-wide clothing drive. – Laguna Beach, CA

Trinity Episcopal’s organist to retire after almost 6 decades

When gifted organist Marilyn Keiser retires this summer from Trinity Episcopal Church, she will complete almost six decades – Bloomington, IN

Episcopal Church invites participation in Poor People’s Campaign Moral March on Washington

Poor People’s Campaign, the ecumenical initiative advocating economic justice for poor and marginalized Americans supported by The Episcopal Church. – National

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2022-06-10T14:28:49+00:00June 11th, 2022|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 06-04-22

St. Michael’s celebrates milestones

The Celebration was a callback to the 1940’s and ’50’s… classic cars and classic music, all to celebrate 75 years. – Grosse Point, MI

St. Michael’s Episcopal raises 10K for refugees

A “Huge Tag Sale” held May 7 at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church brought in approximately $9,800 which will be allocated to help local refugee and asylum-seeker resettlement efforts. – Brattleboro, VT

At Episcopal services, worshippers mourn school massacre victims amid calls to stop gun violence

Congregations and church leaders are honoring the victims of last week’s deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. – National

5 candidates for president, vice president to participate in upcoming House of Deputies forums

Julia Ayala Harris and Rachel Taber-Hamilton are among those seeking positions. – National

St. John’s rector reflects on the church’s 200 years

Rector Megan Castellan: Two hundred years is a pretty good history for an American church, but it is a double-edged sword. – Ithaca, NY

Portland church builds labyrinth for community to use

According to the Labyrinth Society, there are more than 250 labyrinths in New England. – Portland, ME

Presiding bishop nominating committee cancels plan to be at General Convention; will offer range of engagement opportunities

The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop said during its May 24-26 meeting that it will forgo being present at The Episcopal Church’s now-shorter and smaller General Convention in July. – National

Registration open for United Thank Offering’s Great EpisGOpal Race

The Great EpisGOpal Race returns this fall, featuring a partnership between the United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries in its third year. This popular fundraiser offers multiple ways to participate and raise funds to support special ministries and missions.

Registration is open online for the virtual race, scheduled for Sept. 3-11.

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2022-06-03T16:53:01+00:00June 4th, 2022|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 05-07-22


Richmond Free Press – Rev. Marlene E. Forrest to be installed as rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church – Ministry is the second career for the former special education teacher who retired after 30 years of working with students with  disabilities

Episcopal News ServiceHouse of Deputies president, church reaffirm commitment to reproductive rights as Supreme Court looks poised to overturn Roe v. Wade – Office of Government Relations affirmed the church’s commitment

Salt Lake TribuneUtah Episcopalians choose a new bishop, the second woman to lead them – The Rev. Phyllis Spiegel is eager to “meet and converse” with Latter-day Saint authorities


Rev. Marlene E. Forrest to be installed as rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church

Richmond Free Press – North Side Richmond, VA

The Rev. Marlene E. Forrest will be installed as the 23rd rector of historic St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in North Side on Saturday, May 14. The ceremony is scheduled for 1 p.m. at the church, 2900 Hanes Ave. Rev. Forrest’s installation comes nearly two years after she was named priest-in-charge of the 300-member congregation, the largest Black Episcopal congregation in Virginia. She will succeed Bishop Phoebe A. Roaf, who led the church for eight years until she was installed as bishop of West Tennessee in May 2019.

House of Deputies president, church reaffirm commitment to reproductive rights as Supreme Court looks poised to overturn Roe v. Wade

Episcopal News Service – National

One of The Episcopal Church’s presiding officers and its Office of Government Relations affirmed the church’s commitment to equal access to reproductive health care on May 3, after a leaked draft of a pending U.S. Supreme Court ruling indicated the court was poised to overturn the landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that ensured for women nationwide the right to obtain an abortion.

Utah Episcopalians choose a new bishop, the second woman to lead them

Salt Lake Tribune – Utah

After more than a decade under the direction of Bishop Scott Hayashi, Utah Episcopalians have chosen a new top leader — the Rev. Phyllis Spiegel — as the 12th bishop and second woman to head the state’s oldest Protestant denomination. Spiegel, born in southwestern Virginia but most recently serving in Ohio, was elected Saturday on the first ballot by a vote of clergy and lay representatives at downtown Salt Lake City’s St. Mark’s Cathedral.

St. Francis Episcopal Church welcomes Rev. Grace Flint – North Bellmore, NY

Following an eight-month-long stretch without a leader, St. Francis Episcopal Church welcomed the Rev. Grace Flint to its ministry on April 1. The church’s previous leader, Brother Christopher McNabb, left last August to move to Washington state, where he works for the Diocese of Olympia doing resettlement work with immigrants.

General Convention to consider proposal to end Episcopal Church’s baptism requirement for Communion

Episcopal News Service – National

General Convention’s committees on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music heard testimony May 3 on a diverse selection of resolutions, from proposals to add the late Bishop Barbara Harris to the church’s calendar of feasts to a measure “addressing antisemitic, anti-Jewish and/or supersessionist interpretations of our lectionaries.”

Soaring food prices are pushing food banks to the brink

CNN Politics – Virginia Beach, VA

The swift rise in food prices has led Kay O’Reilly to hang out outside her local Amazon warehouse in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to see if it has any extra eggs, milk, meat or produce to spare. The visits are part of O’Reilly’s efforts at “food wrangling” to make sure the Chapel Pantry at Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church has enough groceries to provide to its clients.

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2022-05-06T16:07:30+00:00May 7th, 2022|
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