Prayer for Caregivers
Gift us, Lord, with the humility
of those who care beyond knowing
and being known; who give their time ungrudgingly
with simple and wordless presence;
who listen like the patient dawn
holding its breath,
anticipating birdsong even
from a dark and starless sky.
Teach us, Lord, the humility
of healing that seeks no cure
but peace, that knows no power
but hope. Grant our service
the self-forgetfulness that sees
only the other; grant our hearts
that wisdom which discerns
the riches in poverty, the strength
in weakness, the life in death.
Hold us, Lord, in the mercy
that is as ready to share tears
as to dry them; as willing to carry
the cross as to roll away the stone.
Guide us in our walk
across waves of suffering too rough to bear,
that we, like you, may have the courage
to extend our hand to our sinking neighbor,
and so together reach the still harbor of grace.
Anne M. Windholz, MDiv, PhD