ECW Women Articles-Poems-Announcements

Stop the pain

We ask that you stop the pain of the women who have sustained a beating from their abusers; be it husband, father, owner or master…heal their pain and keep them safe.

In Your Mercy


2020-05-26T16:23:23+00:00December 2nd, 2013|

Provide them with physical nourishment to feed their family and friends

Almighty God, Father of all mankind, creator of women, hear our prayers today for the women whom you love and care for. We ask in the precious name of your son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus…that the women who woke up hungry and unable to feed their children this morning…are fed especially with your spiritual word and that you are able to provide them with physical nourishment to feed their family and friends.

 In Your Mercy


2020-05-26T16:26:05+00:00December 1st, 2013|

Stir up the Spirit

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our ears may be open to hear the cries of your daughters and sons entrapped by violent relationships. Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our eyes may be open to see the damage perpetuated by the human trafficking – modern slavery – of women and men; young girls and young boys.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our hearts may be open to feel the pain of sexual abuse of women and young girls; men and young boys, wherever it is found; in the home; in school; in institutions; in the market place.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that our minds may be open to understand and acknowledge the untold damage wrought by all sexual violence and abuse.

Stir up the Spirit, O’ God, that we may give voice to what we hear and see – to what we feel and know – and with strength and courage seek healing and transformation of our broken world.   Amen.

Virginia Lief

2020-05-26T16:28:30+00:00November 30th, 2013|

We offer our prayers today for the women and children who are victims of human trafficking

Merciful Father, We offer our prayers today for the women and children who are victims of human trafficking. Lord we know that human trafficking is a human rights violation and one of the gravest and most complex human rights challenges of the times.   It is a crime against the dignity and integrity of people. It has devastating consequences for victims who may suffer emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. Many victims of trafficking are bought and sold many times over, multiplying the forms of violence they suffer.  We ask for your divine intervention for these victims. Hold them in your loving arms Lord, free them and heal their physical, emotional and psychosocial wounds.

Lord we also pray for the perpetrators of these crimes against the dignity and integrity of your people. We ask that you grant them a change of heart and forgiveness. Move them to release every victim from the bonds of this horrific crime.  Lord we also pray for ourselves. Move us in such a mightily way that we strive for justice for all victims of trafficking.   Open the eyes for those of us who fail to see the gravity of trafficking, soften the hearts of those of us who do nothing and lead us into action to end this grave and complex human rights challenge. We ask this all in the most precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Deb Gardiner Member-at-Large Social Justice National ECW Board

2020-05-26T16:30:28+00:00November 29th, 2013|

Collect for 16 Days of Activism

Stir up your power, Almighty God, and guide us in the ways of justice and truth. Help us to love one another as you love us, that we may be strengthened and renewed by the Holy Spirit to right the wrongs done by those who do not know how to love. Grant our petitions, O Lord, for the sake of Jesus Christ, your Son our Savior. Amen.

The Rev. Dcn. Nancy R. Crawford

2020-05-26T16:34:51+00:00November 27th, 2013|

We grieve the injustices

This is my prayer. We grieve the injustices that have been perpetrated against women throughout history, and we affirm the equality that you instilled when you created humanity.

We pray especially for women in the developing world, who are often most grievously affected by war, conflict, and natural disasters.

In your name, Jesus, we stand up against all violence against women.  Amen

Linda Guest

2020-05-26T16:37:07+00:00November 26th, 2013|

To Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women


We are the hands that rock the cradle. But what if our hands are battered and bloody? tremble from coercion? abandon the cradle?

We are the voices that sing the lullaby. But what if our voices are faint? shriek with rage? are silenced?

We are the eyes that behold the hope. But what if our eyes are closed? glazed with pain? ignore the vision?

We are the hearts that burst with reconciliation. But what if our hearts embrace forgiveness? flower with justice? redeem the violence?

By Margaret Faulk of Nashua, NH Vol. I of “Women’s Uncommon Prayers

2020-05-26T16:38:50+00:00November 24th, 2013|

16 Days of Activism begin November 25

The International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) has set the issue of violence against women and girls as its #1 priority for the next several years.   Our General Convention has passed many resolutions on this issue. The women in the Episcopal Church have created this annual campaign through a partnership between ECW, AWE and EWC that began in 2010.

We encourage people — women and men, girls and boys — to mark the 16 Day period by using these prayers, every day during the 16 days, in personal or corporate prayer and worship. We also hope that sermons will be preached, articles will be written, and the bulletin insert will be used as we move through the 16 Day period.

2020-05-26T16:41:12+00:00November 2nd, 2013|

ECW President Nancy Crawford’s Letter about UTO

Dear Episcopal Church Women, Over the past several months, members of the National Episcopal Church Women’s Board have observed the evolving events that have impacted the ministry of the United Thank Offering (UTO). We have felt the pain that has accompanied the changes and our hearts go out to all concerned.

Women’s ministry in the church has a long tradition, and we remember especially the Emery sisters who, in the late 19th Century, were instrumental in the formation of the Women’s Auxiliary and the Box Works. Today, Episcopal Church Women promote a daily, personal practice of prayers of thanksgiving in response to God’s blessings, and encourage tangible, intentional, and daily offering in gratitude for those blessings. In addition they provide UTO boxes in their parishes, place them on tables at their diocesan conventions, and gather them in every spring and every fall year after year. We are thankful for the legacy of women who have gone before us and for those who continue to work tirelessly today.

We are thankful most especially for the UTO leadership, the province leadership, the diocesan and parish coordinators, and the women, men and children who place coins of thankfulness in their UTO blue boxes. As a result of the generous giving of time, talent, and treasure by countless people, many have been helped throughout the world. The ECW Board supports the continuation of coins of thankfulness. We acknowledge and respect the wisdom of the women of the church to make their personal decisions pertaining to thankful giving.

UTO grants are awarded to churches and institutions throughout the Anglican Communion whose people are laboring diligently in the fields to bring about the fulfillment of God’s kingdom here on earth. Sweep away the hostilities, the mistrust and the utter dejection that have been experienced these last several months and what will be found is this: ECW stands firm in its desire to see the work of United Thank Offering continued. We pray that all future decisions will be made with coins of thankfulness in mind.

“For minds to think and hearts to love and hands to serve, we thank you, Lord.”

Your Sister in Christ, Nancy R. Crawford

2020-05-26T16:43:29+00:00October 14th, 2013|
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