ECW Women Articles-Poems-Announcements

ECW Olympia, WA – Convention Exhibit Oct 24th 2020

Hello Sisters in Christ,

The following video is the ECW Exhibit for Convention this Saturday .

Thank you, Daryl Storey, for a wonderful representation.

Many of you are preparing for your Annual Diocesan Conventions

I pray all for success in the virtual process and please share any interesting experiences for ECW Women in Action or Communique.


Canon Martha K. Estes

Six ways to help ECW Women
Kairos Washington Corrections Center
2020-10-22T15:47:50+00:00October 22nd, 2020|

Women of the IX Province Beijing CONSERVATORY

Women of the IX Province Beijing CONVERSATORY

Santiago de León de Caracas

September 30, 2020

Attention: Ms. Karen O. Patterson

Episcopal Church Women

Best regards,

The Delegate of the Presiding Bishop for the IX Province before UNCSW64, the Provincial Council of the IX Province and the Office of World Fellowship (TEC), we have the honor to invite you to participate in the event: Women of the IX Province: CONVERSATORIO BEIJING +25 . This Virtual Conversation will take place on Thursday, October 29, 2020; from 4:00 to 6:00 PM (Puerto Rico time) through the ZOOM Platform. You will receive the link to register the event in due course.

We thank you very much for the promotion that you can give to the event in the Women’s Groups with which your organization is related. This platform allows for broad participation, feel free to invite all interested women.

Appreciating your attention,

Very truly yours,

Mujeres de la IX Provincia: CONVERSATORIO Beijing +25

Caracas, 30 de septiembre de 2020

Atención: Ms. Karen O. Patterson – Episcopal Church Women

Saludos cordiales,
La Delegada del Obispo Primado por la IX Provincia ante UNCSW64, el Consejo Provincial de la IX Provincia y la Oficina de Compañerismo Mundial (TEC), tenemos el honor de invitarle a participar en el evento: Mujeres de la IX Provincia: CONVERSATORIO BEIJING +25. Este Conversatorio Virtual tendrá lugar el día jueves 29 de octubre de 2020; de 4:00 a 6:00 PM (hora de Puerto Rico) por la Plataforma ZOOM. Oportunamente recibirán el enlace para el registro del evento.

Mucho les agradecemos la promoción que puedan dar al evento en los Grupos de Mujeres con los cuales se relaciona su organización. Esta plataforma permite una amplia participación, siéntase libre de invitar a todas las mujeres interesadas.

Agradeciendo su atención,
Muy atentamente,

Coromoto Jimenez Rvda. Glenda McQueen
Delegada del Obispo Primado UNCSW64 Oficial para América Latina y el Caribe

Rvda. Glenda McQueen
Oficial para América Latina y el Caribe
IX Provincia Oficina de Compañerismo Mundial

2020-09-30T14:53:21+00:00September 30th, 2020|

Online Retreat: Winning the Right to Vote Oct 24th 2020

Diocese of El Camino Real in California

Join us for this morning retreat with Ida B. Wells (1862-1931),  a well-known African American suffragist and journalist, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020), the Jewish Supreme Court justice, both of whom contributed mightily to women’s rights.  The ECW Retreat will be led by The Rev. Linda McConnell.

Come and learn about Women’s persistence more than 100 years ago to earn all women the right of citizenship through the right to vote.

On August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified, enfranchising all American women, and declaring for the first time that they, like men, deserve all rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Meeting time is PDS – Pacific


Mark your calendar for Oct. 24th, 10:a.m. – 12:00 noon PDT.

Send an email to ECW President Donna Seelbach at to reserve a space.  Donna will send you the Zoom link by the Friday (Oct. 23rd) prior to the retreat.

Women Fight for the vote
Women Marching for the Vote
Women Voting Car

2020-10-05T14:39:03+00:00September 28th, 2020|

Praying with Sparrows – A poem of the 2020 pandemic

Praying with Sparrows

A poem of the 2020 pandemic

I never thought to pray with sparrows, black throated wild
and scrambling for seeds cast carelessly on the hillside.
They hover throughout the hours like unceasing prayers
Giving thanks when no words can.

Warily they brave the rains, the frenzied force, even my hoarse voice
an unknown thunder in their world. Spring’s worst storms roll by
and they sing unheard, choral chirping drowned in human despair
Yet the birds of heaven will teach us.

Tomorrow I will not seek the wood-dark birds; I must wait
for monochrome March skies to bend into blue, and scatter millet
for featherless creatures, new and startled, who do not yet know me.
And later, much later, pray with unfevered heart and rejoice in light
The healing of a new day.

Marilyn Hanchett

Westminster, Maryland

Episcopal Church Women Logo

When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2020-09-04T12:28:37+00:00September 4th, 2020|

Province VII ECW Zoom Conference – Sept 12 2020

Prov VII Sept Meeting Flyer Cover

All women in Province VII are invited to this conference. Province VII, also called the Province of the Southwest, consists of the Dioceses of Arkansas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Kansas, Northwest Texas, Oklahoma, Rio Grande, Texas, West Missouri, West Texas, Western Kansas and Western Louisiana. The National ECW President, Karen Patterson, will be joining us. Come and be filled with the Holy Spirit as we share our stories and ideas regarding women’s ministries in the Episcopal Church.

This is a free Zoom conference, but we would appreciate participants registering so we will know how many will be attending.
The live conference will be limited to the first 100 registrants, however a recording of the event will be available to those unable to join us live.
Once registration is full, all additional registrants will be notified once the recording is available.

Cynthia DavisKeynote Speaker

Cynthia Davis has been involved in what she calls “Telling the Story of the People of God” for most of her life. Even as a child, Davis found joy in discussing the Bible stories that form the foundation of our faith. Her grounding in the Word of God has helped her see God’s action throughout her faith journey. Her novels, blog posts, and other writings grew out of sharing the truth that God is Love. “Women and men within the Bible were real people, just like each of us, yet God chose to love them,” Davis says. “God chooses to loves us, too, even with our faults and failings.” As retreat leader and speaker, Davis presents a variety of topics, reminding attendees of their call as God’s Beloved children, and telling the story of God’s work with all of us. Since 2000, Davis has authored a dozen books, including seven books of Biblical fiction. She tells the ‘rest of the story’ by imagining what might have been and enjoys introducing the stories of Bible women and men during her retreats.

Carry the Light of Love

Cynthia (Cindy) Davis will help us find inspiration by looking at women throughout the ages who shared the light of the God’s Love in the world of their time. These faith-filled women can in-spire our faithful response to our own challenges. Women like Miriam, Mary, Julian of Norwich, Hildegard of Bingen, and even Florence Nightingale all listened to the voice of God in difficult times. They responded with love. Their lives show us the light of God’s Love and teach us how to carry God’s Love into the world today.


Saturday September 12, 2020(All times indicated are Central Time)9:00-9:15 am Welcome and Introduction of ECW Leadership9:15-9:30 am Opening Prayer

9:30-9:45 am Karen Patterson – National ECW President

9:45-10:00 am Break time

10:00-11:00 am Women as Light Bearers Cynthia Davis

11:00-11:30 am Share Time

11:30-12:00 pm Closing Worship

2020-10-23T21:08:59+00:00August 10th, 2020|

Healing in Yarn with the Diocese of Chicago


Chaplain Micheal at Rush Hospital Chicago

Bishop Anderson House provides spiritual care training to lay persons as well as caring for the spiritual needs of the patients, families and staff of Stroger Cook County Hospital and other Illinois Medical District hospitals. Chaplains serve people who are shaken by gun violence and severe traumatic injuries. The Teddy Bear Ministry shares cuddly bears with pediatric patients, but often adult patients or medical staff appreciate a Teddy Bear for comfort. Prayer shawls have become a welcome part of Bishop Anderson’s outreach. The following is an article that they posted honoring the creators of these special care items.

She hurried up to the chaplain, asking if there were any more prayer shawls at the office; the medical unit stash was depleted. When the chaplain returned with an especially attractive shawl, the nurse threw up her arms excitedly, grabbed the shawl and wrapped it around her own shoulders. A devoted cadre of knitters and crocheters create these beautiful symbols of caring and love for the patients, families and staff that chaplains Micheal and Rose visit at Stroger and Rush hospitals. We are especially grateful to the following Prayer Shawl and Knitting Ministries for their donations:

• Trinity Episcopal Church, Wheaton
• Church of the Holy Nativity, Clarendon Hills
• St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Wilmette
• St. Paul & the Redeemer, Chicago
• Emmanuel Episcopal Church, LaGrange
• Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest
• St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Barrington

The Chicago ECW has a program called “knitogether” where knitting ministries can share ideas and projects.  We have prayer cards for knitters that might be useful.  They are posted on our website:

Submitted by: Beth Petti

Episcopal Church Women Logo

When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2020-08-14T15:09:50+00:00August 5th, 2020|

Episcopal Women’s Ministries Fall Retreat

September 25 and 26 on Zoom – 2020

Living our Call as Disciples – a Virtual Retreat – Led by the Reverend Canon Kristin White, Canon to the Ordinary for Congregational Development and Leadership.

ALL are welcome to participate – women, men, couples, youth; from the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis or beyond

Registration is FREE!  Here is the registration link:  Call-in, audio-only option available.

Friday Sept 25 – 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT – Opening prayer, meet & greet with Canon White and other attendees, and overview of our Virtual Retreat.

Saturday 8:00 AM EDT – Yoga Session – Optional

Saturday Sept 26 – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT – Over 2 morning sessions and 2 afternoon sessions including teaching, discussion, prayer and silence, we will reflect on discipleship and learn practices to help us grow as disciples.

Please register promptly. Each person attending should fill out their own registration form even if in the same household as other attendees.  For a more detailed description of the retreat, or a biographical note about of Canon White, see the EWM Facebook page:

For other questions or if you would like technical assistance, please email Retreat Chair: Louise Boling at

Submitted by:

Lisa Matucheski
Secretary & Co-Chair EWM
Episcopal Women’s Ministries
Diocese of Indianapolis

2022-09-28T17:37:20+00:00July 29th, 2020|

St. Asaph’s Prays through Epidemic Times


July 19, 2020

Rev. Joy delivers Homily


July 19, 2020

Service in Pavilion


July 20, 2020.

Twenty Four attended service

We, at St. Asaph’s Church in Bowling Green, Virginia, are now able to hold services in our pavilion next to the church.  We gather each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. following social  distancing and wearing our face masks.

The Rev. Charles Joy, officiates at morning prayer.  Music is played.  Each person has a small water bottle.  It has been nearly 100 degrees many mornings in July.  But after so many weeks of not having our service it is a joy to be back together thanking God for the brightness of the day and the time we can share with Him and our friends. Bishop Susan Goff has given her blessing for us to meet.  We are grateful.

Submitted by: Dale Brittle

2020-07-28T16:23:01+00:00July 28th, 2020|

St George Mask Makers Respond To An Urgent Call for Help

St George Mask MakersHaven House, a domestic abuse shelter in Leesburg, FL, had an urgent need for face masks for the 40 children in its care. Trusting in their longtime supporter, Christine Berti of St George Episcopal Church (The Villages, FL), they reached out for help. Christine sprang to action.

The ECW/Women’s Guild of St George had already distributed about 75 face masks to members of the congregation when it became apparent that every Floridian would need one. Five members of the Women’s Guild made masks and then other members delivered them to needy congregants.

Christine reached out to the Women’s Guild Board for help. The Board contacted all the mask makers (including Christine!) and Christine took it from there. Those that could help: Pat Barry, Jennifer Gore and Christine herself, launched into action and in 3 days had made 64 masks for the children of Haven House. Chris then coordinated pick-up and delivery.

Submitted by: LaVerne Collins

2020-07-27T14:06:07+00:00July 27th, 2020|

A Breathless Moment

It is a breathless moment
when, coming to the edge
Of what confounds me,
I pause and ask myself
if I have courage
To trust completely
and risk failure,
Sometimes I have faltered,
Turned back into the
Wilderness of self-contained
existence and stumbled,
But when I listen to the
beating of my heart
I hear the voice of
My Creator calling me
to step outside myself,
And I am always held
safe and secure.

by C.C. Johnson

Diocese of Lexington
Parish – St. Raphael the Archangel

Episcopal Church Women Logo

When republishing any article or poem from this website it is necessary to cite the author as well as the National Episcopal Church Women as the publisher of the content. 

2020-08-18T14:22:29+00:00July 27th, 2020|
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