Sandra Ann Bedard
Province VIII – Diocese of San Diego
Sandra Bedard was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts in 1940. She was raised Episcopalian from age six, First Communion/Confirmation age 12.
Member, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Diocese of El Camino Real – 35 years. Member, ECW at St Andrews: Guild Meetings, Thrift Store volunteer. Other volunteering: Sunday School Teacher, Room Mother, PTA, Little League Team Mother, Brownie/Girl Scout Leader.
From 2000 on in Ramona, CA, attended St. Mary’s-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church: ECW WOSM President 9 times, Chair: international prayer quilt group – Prayers & Squares, Choir, Altar & Flower Guilds, Chalice Bearer, Children’s Theater, Bible Studies, Annual Bazaar, Silent Auction, Chili Cook-Off, Pancake Breakfast, Quiche making, Youth Ministry, ECW Convention Delegate several times, Triennial Delegate twice. Received two grants for church irrigation and plants.
Sandra is called by God to serve. Sandra always has a smile and kind word for everyone. Anytime volunteers are requested, she steps up. Sandra is a wonderful friend, extremely hardworking, and is well deserving of the title: Episcopal Church Women Distinguished Woman.