Lydia Bush
Province IV – Diocese of Florida
Lydia, a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Live Oak, FL, is involved in many ministries. She has served as lay reader, altar guild member, acolyte, youth group leader, and adult Sunday school instructor.
She attended Cursillo, worked on many teams and served as Rector. She attended two DOK Triennials. Lydia serves as the liaison to our companion church in Cuba and has made several mission trips there. She coordinated the committee that built the Labyrinth behind our church. Her calling to become a Deacon was affirmed by St. Luke’s parish.
After retirement from the State of Florida, she led the parish in establishing Shepherd’s Hands, a free charitable clinic for our community. She was appointed administrator of the clinic and led it to expand to other locations. Lydia was ordained Deacon in January 2020. When the pandemic hit, Lydia served a crucial role, holding our parish together.
Our rector retired and in-person services ended. She organized communication avenues, formed a committee to reach out to shut-ins, arranged to hold services on Facebook, led studies and meetings on Zoom and truly kept us connected. Lydia is an outstanding leader, servant and humble follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
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