Communique’ Spring 2017

Table of Contents
*Only select articles are posted from our archive. The entire publication is viewable within this pdf.
From the President’s Desk – By Lisa H. Towle
The Fifth Mark of Mission By Evita Krislock
UNCSW 61 – By Beblon G. Parks
ECW Global Mission Program
Women to Women – Chaplain’s Reflection By The Rev. Cathy Boyd
ECW History Corner – The Rt. Rev. William White (1748-1836)
2018 Triennial Unified Gift – Mobile Loaves & Fishes
2018 Triennial Community Gift – Trinity Center Shower Program
By Lisa H. Towle
Not to put too fine a point on it, waiting stinks. Except when it doesn’t.
I’ve yet to find someone who actually enjoys waiting; however, there are those who certainly seem to struggle less with it. Perhaps they have attained a higher state of consciousness when it comes to the triplet of graces exhorted in Romans 12:12: joy, patience, and faith.
The preparations for this issue of Communique began, and then the seasons, doing what they do, flowed into one another without regard for deadlines. Meanwhile, at Communique central, we waited for various things to sort out so the work on the magazine could be completed. And God did what God does, offering, again, the learning moment: waiting can be hard but it can also bring clarity. […]
To Strive to Safeguard the Integrity of Creation and Sustain and Renew the Life of the Earth
Let us pause, breathe, reflect, and live in ways which sustain and renew Creation, life. It starts with us.
–Evita Krislock
Pause? Seriously, who has time for one more task or activity, let alone time spent doing “nothing?” This may well be the infamous “straw that breaks the camel’s back.” There is too much to do with no time to lose. Breathe? Of course, we do it all the time, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Reflect? Now we’ve gone too far. Seriously don’t tell me to think about my actions. These requests –pause, breathe, and reflect are all a call to action. This call is about life, life on earth, renewal, and growth. […]