Communique’ Spring 2016

Table of Contents
*Only select articles are posted from our archive. The entire publication is viewable within this pdf.
From the President’s Desk – By Lisa H. Towle
A Verger’s-Eye View of the Installation of the 27th Presiding Bishop By Margaret H. Gordon
“Go Into the World . . . .” By Jennifer Kenna
My “Reawakening” to the World: Impressions From My 1st NGO UNCSW By Beblon G. Parks
Miguelina Howell – Becomes First Latina Episcopal Cathedral Dean By Karin Hamilton
The 5 Marks of Mission By Gloria Rogers
ECW News Across the Provinces
By Lisa H. Towle
In the summer of 2009 I traveled to Anaheim, CA, where the Diocese of Los Angeles was hosting the 76th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. My role as president of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of North Carolina was to lead our delegation at the 46th Triennial Meeting of the ECW. It wasn’t my first rodeo; I’d done the same thing at previous Triennials. What helped make this Triennial Meeting/General Convention unique, however, was that the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, bishop of North Carolina, was, for the first time, the keynote speaker at the United Thank Offering Sharing Dinner. His exhortations, directed primarily at the women of the church, to “go into the world on a mission of witness … in a time of absolute and unprecedented change,” had the 400 people in the room on their feet, clapping and cheering.
Seeds were planted that night. […]
A Verger’s-Eye View of the Installation of the 27th Presiding Bishop
By Margaret H. Gordon, National ECW Board
The beautiful and majestic Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. was the setting for Holy Eucharist with the installation of The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church and primate, the first African American to serve in this capacity.
The prep work for the event began long before that historic day, Nov. 1, 2015. Most of the vergers arrived for rehearsal on Saturday, Oct. 31. It was a day filled with bright sunshine, and the cathedral was abuzz with excitement as we gathered to do a walk-through of the highly anticipated occasion. Even the “keepers of the castle,” the greeters at the entrance doors, were excited. They recognized some of us and greeted everyone warmly. […]
Impressions From My 1st NGO UNCSW
Beblon G. Parks, Member at Large – Social Justice
National ECW Board
Have you ever heard of a Huru Bag? If you haven’t, don’t feel bad! Neither had I. Learning about the role this item plays, along with many other initiatives and projects around the globe, stimulated my social justice conscience and re-awakened my passion during my participation at the 60th Non-Governmental Organizations United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (NGO UNCSW) in March.
So what are Huru Bags? One of the sessions I attended on “Consultation Day” was led by a young activist named Joy Lynn. It was entitled “Huru International Supporting Menstrual Hygiene: Management to Ensure Education and Empowerment of Rural Kenyan Girls.” Funding for this project is provided through the Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action. In Swahili, Huru means free. I never thought before about freedom in the context of what might limit a young girls freedom to go to school each day. I had been unaware that girls in some African and maybe other countries were deprived of an education because they did not have access to personal female care products. Now, thanks to this project over 500 Oqiek girls in Kenya are able to manage their periods and stay in school. […]