Communique’ Spring 2015

Table of Contents
*Only select articles are posted from our archive. The entire publication is viewable within this pdf.
From the President’s Desk: See You in Salt Lake By The Reverend Deacon Nancy R. Crawford
So, You Are Going to be a Delegate By Connie Skidmore
Christine Hedgley Johnson: One Remarkable Woman By Deborah Smith Douglas
Episcopal Relief & Development – Acknowledges 75 Years of Healing a Hurting World By Ginger Lief
5K Will Benefit SLC Homeless Youth Resource Center By Christine Budzowski
A Sampling of Workshops for the 2015 Triennial Meeting By Dottie Arthur
Famous Female Episcopalians
By Connie Skidmore
This is the first installment of three articles to help orient each of you to the upcoming 2015 Triennial Meeting adventure in Salt Lake City.
Are you going to be a first-time delegate to the Triennial Meeting in June 2015, or have you previously been a delegate? Whatever you are, the 2015 Triennial Meeting should be an exciting time, so it is important that you learn about what to expect. […]
Deborah Smith Douglas profiles a distinguished woman.
She is a grandmother, a faithful communicant, and a pillar of the church. She knows the liturgy and most of the hymns by heart and she never misses a service. She taught Sunday school and vacation bible school for years. She served for years as the head of the altar guild and she still keeps an eagle eye on the young acolytes each Sunday and, woe betide the crucifer who puts a foot wrong during communion. […]
This poster feature, “Famous Female Episcopalians,” was created by activist, author, and artist Louie Clay (neé Louie Crew). The poster depicts the images of several well-known Episcopal women throughout history.
Clay, an Alabama native, is an emeritus professor at Rutgers and founder of Integrity USA, a U.S. not-for-profit organization working in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (TEC) […]