Communique’ Fall 2015

Table of Contents
*Only select articles are posted from our archive. The entire publication is viewable within this pdf.
A New Vision By Lisa Towle
‘And So It Begins’ – Message from the Former President. By Nancy R. Crawford
Communication Is Key – Message from the Two New Vice Presidents By Ginger Lief & Linda Guest
Message from the Secretary & Treasurer By Patricia “Pat” Wellnitz & Karen O. Patterson
Introducing: Re-Purposed Vestments Ministry By Karen Reeman
48th Triennial Meeting: Eight Days of Love, Community, Sisterhood and Faith, Resolving to Take Care of Business, A Passion for Justice
ECW Feature Story Clerical Stoles: Travel Around the World By Nancy R. Crawford
EpiscoMom – The True Meaning of Submission By Kristen Pratt Machado
The following is a greeting given by Lisa H. Towle to the House of Deputies on July 1, 2015, in Salt Lake City, shortly after she was elected President of the National ECW.
My name is Lisa Towle, I am from the Diocese of North Carolina, and a few hours ago I was commissioned as President of the National Episcopal Church Women. It is a great day to be an Episcopalian!
It’s a great day but joy and sadness live side-by-side in me at the moment. Joy because some 300 Episcopal Church Women found the business of our Church important enough to travel far to attend the ECW’s Triennial Meeting here at General Convention. […]
“And so it begins.” This is a lovely little phrase from the movie, “About Time,” when the young couple gets married and a new life together begins.
By Nancy R. Crawford
I have thought of the phrase often during my time as president of the national ECW Board. Of course, there was THE beginning in 2012 at the commissioning ceremony in Indianapolis. But along the way there have been many beginnings: beginning to preside at board meetings and getting to know the other board members; beginning to address the concerns of the women of the church, and others, and develop a board response to the resignation of some UTO Board members; beginning to formulate a committee to study and make recommendations on Resolution 101/104 on Restructuring; beginning to understand more fully the plight of those trapped in Human Trafficking and learning about organizations such as GEMS in New York and Rahab’s Sisters in my Diocese of Oregon; beginning to support and collaborate with Lindsay Hardin Freeman’s dream to write a book about the women who speak in the Bible; beginning to engage others with the President’s Blog’s bi-monthly reflections on Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter; and beginning to travel as president of the Board. […]
By Kristen Pratt Machado
In March, the St. Timothy’s ECW meeting focused on Chapter 27: Women Who Speak in John from Bible Women. I am grateful to the author, Lindsay Hardin Freeman and National ECW President the Rev. Deacon Nancy R. Crawford for bringing this book to my attention.
Women and their role in the church, the Bible, and in society on a whole remain a source of controversy. While the Episcopal Church has been ordaining women as priests since 1976 and installed its first female bishop in 2006, the Church of England just recently introduced its first female bishop with many male members of the discernment process expressing disdain for the elevation of a woman to this high post. […]