The CPC TRIENNIAL QUILT Fundraiser is now LIVE!
The Province VIII ECW Board are encouraging each Diocese or Diocesan ECW to set up a fundraising page so we can see who raises the most for CPC!
Don’t delay to RALLY UP an account to purchase entries to win one of these amazing handmade quilts THE ALOHA or THE STAR QUILT.
Easy to buy your tickets.
The Church Periodical Club is an Episcopal Institution; its ministry is to provide books, magazines, tapes, videos and computer programs FREE to those who cannot otherwise obtain them, and to raise the money to do this.
The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the Ministry of the Written Word, providing materials, both religious and secular, to children and adults both here and all over the world through grants.
The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them.
Prayer Books, books for seminarians, educational materials, medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission are some of the publications The Church Periodical Club supplies. The Church Periodical Club operates at all levels of the Church – national, provincial, diocesan and parish. The goal is to make the CPC program a concern of the whole Church. That goal includes having an active and enthusiastic CPC representative in every parish and diocese.