Episcopal Church Women

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So far Episcopal Church Women has created 657 blog entries.

Episcopal Church Women in the News 11-02-24

National Board Meeting October 2024

The National ECW Board met October 18-21, 2024 in Linthicum Heights, Maryland for the first board meeting of the new triennium. The board meeting agenda was packed with items from reviewing the bylaws to new social justice programming to setting the budget. While there the board voted to donate $1000 to the Anna Julia Cooper School in Richmond, VA…

In a time of change, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry says, he kept his eye trained on love

On Thursday (Oct. 31), Curry, 71, completed his nine-year term as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church

Episcopalians organize prayer vigils, call for peace as tense election season draws to close

“The church has an opportunity to be a voice for justice, love, healing and hope for the whole world.”

Mission Center Builds Up African Ministries in Boston Area

A former church building has found new life as a center for cultural exchange and fellowship among Africans in the Diocese of Massachusetts.

Episcopal Church’s African Descent Ministries launches revised ‘Healing from Internalized Oppression’ curriculum

The Diocese of Maryland will be the first Episcopal entity to use the new curriculum

Episcopal delegation attends UN biodiversity conference as observer for first time

Four women staff members of the Episcopal Church are in Cali for the conference

Election Night Virtual Prayers

November 5

Everyone is invited to join Election Night Virtual Prayers hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations. Bishop Sean Rowe, who will become presiding bishop on Nov. 1, will offer an opening reflection and prayer. Episcopalians from around the church will hold silence and lead participants in prayers together for peace, the nation, and all people and countries.

Register for Zoom here: iam.ec/envp or watch on Facebook Live: fb.com/TheEPPN

Global 16 Days Campaign against Gender-Based Violence

November 12 – Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Dr. Sarah Deer – Moderator
Dr. Shannon Speed – Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women: Rethinking Human Rights and Tribal Sovereignty
Dr. Sherene H. Razack – Racial Terror: An anti-colonial approach to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Food Insecurities in the Midst of Plenty

142nd Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of North Carolina

Friday, November 15, 2024, 7-9 PM Online meeting via Zoom

Program Presenter: Kendra Paiz – Director, Annual Funds for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-11-01T16:07:45+00:00November 1st, 2024|

National Board Meeting October 2024

The National ECW Board met October 18-21, 2024 in Linthicum Heights, Maryland for the first board meeting of the new triennium. The board meeting agenda was packed with items from reviewing the bylaws to new social justice programming to setting the budget. While there the board voted to donate $1000 to the Anna Julia Cooper School in Richmond, VA.

The school is an independent faith-based school for kindergarten to 8th grade students of limited economic resources, primarily from Richmond’s East End. It is the tradition of the National ECW Board to make a donation to an organization in the Province in which they are meeting. A $1000 donation was also made to Episcopal Relief and Development to aid the victims of Hurricane Helene and Milton. On the last afternoon of the meeting the board took time out to visit the Washington National Cathedral.

For many of the board, this was the first opportunity they had to visit the Cathedral. Although the board began and ended each day in prayer, visiting such a beautiful memorial to God provided a magnificent way to praise the Lord for the blessings of the board and each and everyone of our members sitting in the pews.

NECW board oct 2024
National Cathedral art

2024-11-01T15:21:28+00:00November 1st, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 10-26-24

Central Pennsylvania and Bethlehem dioceses approve reunification

The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan, Bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, said, “I am delighted that our two dioceses have chosen this way forward reunite…”

From Passion Project to Ministry Partner: The Story of Church Communications

Effective communication in the church is not just about keeping up with trends — it’s about fulfilling our mission in the best way possible.

Episcopal delegation attends UN biodiversity conference as observer for first time

“By engaging in this dialogue, we aspire to inspire loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with the earth…”

‘Icons in Transformation’: Christian icon-inspired contemporary art on display in Pullman church

In addition to Pawlowska’s paintings, “Icons in Transformation” includes 19 icons on loan from St. Basil’s Monastery in Suzdal, Russia. – Pullman, WA

Developing Young Servant-Leaders

“We recruit recent college graduates to spend nine months giving their lives away, and to start their post-college lives in deep community and serving the church.”

What to know for the investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe

The Nov 2nd 11 a.m. ET service will also be livestreamed to The Episcopal Church’s Facebook page.

After 24 years of adaptive ministry, Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe faces biggest challenge yet

In the past two decades, membership has dropped from about 2.3 million to under 1.6 million, mirroring trends in other mainline Protestant denominations.

The Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas elected bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

She will be consecrated and installed as the seventh bishop suffragan of West Texas on March 29, 2025, pending consents of bishops

Friendship churches forming food sustainability, aging study groups

The What God is Doing in Friendship NY alliance of churches is spearheading the initiative

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts elects first female diocesan bishop

For the first time in its 240-year history, a woman will be the top bishop – Video

142nd Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of North Carolina

Theme: Food Insecurities in the Midst of Plenty
Friday, November 15, 2024, 7-9 PM
Online meeting via Zoom – sign up to attend

Our program topic, Food Insecurities in the Midst of Plenty, will include a special presentation by Kendra Paiz, Director of Annual Funds for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. As a lifelong Episcopalian, Ms. Paiz has been at the forefront of the fight against food insecurities. She is a member of St Ambrose Episcopal Church. Ms. Paiz has served on the vestry, including a term as Junior Warden, and is active in the church ECW group. Afterwards, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a follow-up discussion.


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-10-25T18:32:14+00:00October 25th, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 10-19-24

Northern Arapaho Tribe reclaims items long held by the Episcopal Church in Wyoming

Northern Arapaho elder Marian Scott said it was very historical to have the collection back with the tribe.

Family Faith Every Day announces 17 selected congregations for Faith at Home Education program

“We know that nurturing faith in young children starts at home,” said Rev. Traci Smith, Program Director.

A Smaller but More Responsive Church

An example of a small diocese and  growth within the Episcopal Church.

The past few years have left clergy burned out and exhausted. But that can change, say experts.

It is crucial for clergy to pay attention to their mental health

Diocese of Taiwan celebrates 70th anniversary

The service and celebration took place Sept. 28 at Centennial Hall at St. John’s University in the Tamsui District of New Taipei City.

Died: Jack Iker, Anglican Who Drew the Line at Women’s Ordination

One female critic said Iker’s nomination as Bishop was “appalling” and predicted he would hold the Episcopal Church “hostage” to misogyny.

You should go to Church – A student’s Opinion

Elizaveta (Lisa) Gorelik is from Moscow, Russia. Going to church forces you to step outside of your bubble and interact with the people around you.


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-10-18T16:54:44+00:00October 18th, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 10-12-24

Throwback Thursday: Not many people know there were Episcopal nuns in Ripon

Sister Charis is a member of the Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity, founded in 1882

Wyoming diocese to return artefacts to Northern Arapaho

“We just came to a recognition that it’s wrong [for the diocese] to have the articles.”

Episcopal churches and dioceses to mark Oct. 14 as Indigenous Peoples Day with a variety of services and events

In 2022, General Convention urged all Episcopal entities to refer to Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day

Los Angeles-area Episcopal church shares ‘holy dumplings’ with community

Jessica Jin participates in a few ministries at the Church of Our Saviour, including the Chinese Lunch Team

Veggie Rx program helping offset the cost of fresh produce

The mobile market on wheels is run out of a local Episcopal church and travels to a number of local farms to pick up the food

Church and Worship Resources –  Advent Curriculum

Many resources that include: calendars, videos, Advent and Christmas Digital Invitation Kit…


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-10-11T15:02:02+00:00October 11th, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 10-05-24

Episcopal Relief & Development responds to needs created by Hurricane Helene

In partnership with the Diocese of Florida, Episcopal Relief & Development is providing gift cards to impacted families in the Apalachee and Santa Fe regions of Florida.

Brooklyn Episcopal church hosts memorial service for murdered Georgian transgender woman

The memorial at All Saints’ was an opportunity to show the family that she wasn’t alone.

Second Harvest’s Generous Helpings event to help provide 700,000 meals

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer has built more than just a community meal program

Episcopal Church’s ‘Camino Project’ moves forward with resource testing, new manager

The Episcopal Church’s new “Camino Project”—awarded a $1.25 million grant last year from the Lilly Endowment Inc.

Hurricane Batters Churches Across the Southeast

The Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, North Carolina, reported devastating flooding.

New Anglican Arctic Radio Has ‘Hearts Leaping for Joy’

When the Rev. Ann Martha Keenainak heard the first broadcast, she was “awestruck with what God is doing.”

From Police to Priest – Crockett Welcomes Episcopal Reverend

“With privilege comes great responsibility. And so in law enforcement, that is having the responsibility to care of people,” said, Suzanne Hollified


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-10-03T16:56:44+00:00October 3rd, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 09-28-24

Presiding bishop-elect discusses his initial plans for Episcopal Church ‘structural realignment’

Approved in June by the 81st General Convention, the new presiding bishop is to develop a plan to save $3.5 million

Church property conference offers congregations more than prayer to keep their buildings

As many as 100,000 church-owned buildings are expected to be sold or repurposed by 2030

Anti-Abuse Conference Challenges a Culture of Silence

The Anglican Communion, in its work to address the issue of abuse, held a conference September 5-11 to offer practical help.

Presiding bishop speaks to 1,000 people during Sacred Ground’s fall online launch event

“These small groups make a difference. This is where Jesus meets us. This is where we have accountability.”

Navigating a Massive Shift to Part-Time Clergy

Sixty-four percent of Episcopal congregations don’t have a paid, full-time priest.

New Zealand native becomes first woman to lead Sonora’s historic St. James Episcopal Church

The Rev. Karen Matthews is the new priest-in-charge. Sonora, CA


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-09-26T14:30:46+00:00September 26th, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 09-21-24

Live-video link unites Virginia churches with a Haiti school they support but haven’t visited in four years

The needs that teachers described included providing more food for students and replacing hard benches with chairs.

Join the Churchwide Virtual Celebration The Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe

Nov. 2, with a prelude featuring a “roll call” of dioceses starting at 9:30 a.m. ET. The service itself starts at 11 a.m. ET.

Massachusetts church collects crocheted, knitted octopuses to comfort premature babies

“The purpose of our outreach is to help our neighbors wherever they are, whether they’re in our local community, they’re in our general area or around the world,”  Framingham, MA

Michigan church’s breakfast program fights hunger with music, befriends Old Crow Medicine Show

It turns out the band’s frontman and Grammy award-winning musician Ketch Secor is a founder, parent and board chair emeritus of the Episcopal School of Nashville.

Diocese of West Texas announces slate of three nominees for bishop suffragan

The Rev. Angela Maria Cortiñas, associate rector, St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, Texas.

Springfield clergy amid Haitian tensions: Bible says to welcome immigrants

White and Black clergy members from several Christian denominations share messages seeking unity and understanding


Featuring Rachel Norris, of Joy Pottery in Bryan, Texas who is our featured speaker and whose “Place for Prayer” is at her pottery wheel engaging in the process of creation and faith. Join us for this presentation, fellowship and fun, peace and prayer and help shape the next year for our state ECW.


registration is here https://www.arecw.org/fall-gathering

“Loved Like Me” St. Francis on the Hill & St. Christopher’s, El Paso

Diocese of the Rio Grande: Fall Gathering

All women in the diocese, and friends (men too), are invited to Loved Like Me, the Annual Diocesan Women’s Ministry Gathering on October 18-20.
This year we are at St. Francis on the Hill and St. Christopher’s, El Paso to learn about Borderlands Ministry. We will experience some of what asylum seekers face, hear about the men, women, and children the ministry serves, and discern how we can support this vital ministry. Hannah Curtis, the Rev. Kristin Kopren, and the Rev. Sondra Jones will be our leaders. (some scholarships are available)

Registration ($60) is on the Women’s Ministry website https://varietiesofgifts.blogspot.com/2024/09/loved-like-me-october-18-20-womens.html


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-09-19T17:55:19+00:00September 19th, 2024|

Episcopal Church Women in the News 09-14-24

Church builds on success of Sacred Ground curriculum with new launch event, staff additions

Online registration for the Zoom session is now available.

Threads of History

Johns Hopkins’ Inheritance Baltimore effort helps return a 19th-century embroidered sampler to a Black Baltimore church

Are We an LGBT-Affirming Parish?

…we believe that such conversations are not just worthwhile but necessary as we seek faithfulness to the gospel.

The Green Mountain Online Abbey: Vermont’s Virtual Monastic Community

…it’s like having a virtual center where people from far and wide can gather and seek God together.

Conference on artificial intelligence opens with profound question: ‘What is truth?’

 The idea that inanimate objects may possess agency, and indeed a mind, is very much older than the birth of AI in the 20th century.”

Community gardens hope to sow solutions to growing hunger

“Health equity depends on good nutrition, and we would very much like to be part of that solution.”


View Past Women in Action News Blasts

2024-09-13T14:10:32+00:00September 13th, 2024|
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