Episcopal Church Women in the News 11-02-24
National Board Meeting October 2024
The National ECW Board met October 18-21, 2024 in Linthicum Heights, Maryland for the first board meeting of the new triennium. The board meeting agenda was packed with items from reviewing the bylaws to new social justice programming to setting the budget. While there the board voted to donate $1000 to the Anna Julia Cooper School in Richmond, VA…
In a time of change, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry says, he kept his eye trained on love
On Thursday (Oct. 31), Curry, 71, completed his nine-year term as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Episcopalians organize prayer vigils, call for peace as tense election season draws to close
“The church has an opportunity to be a voice for justice, love, healing and hope for the whole world.”
Mission Center Builds Up African Ministries in Boston Area
A former church building has found new life as a center for cultural exchange and fellowship among Africans in the Diocese of Massachusetts.
Episcopal Church’s African Descent Ministries launches revised ‘Healing from Internalized Oppression’ curriculum
The Diocese of Maryland will be the first Episcopal entity to use the new curriculum
Episcopal delegation attends UN biodiversity conference as observer for first time
Four women staff members of the Episcopal Church are in Cali for the conference
Election Night Virtual Prayers
November 5
Everyone is invited to join Election Night Virtual Prayers hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations. Bishop Sean Rowe, who will become presiding bishop on Nov. 1, will offer an opening reflection and prayer. Episcopalians from around the church will hold silence and lead participants in prayers together for peace, the nation, and all people and countries.
Register for Zoom here: iam.ec/envp or watch on Facebook Live: fb.com/TheEPPN
Global 16 Days Campaign against Gender-Based Violence
November 12 – Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Dr. Sarah Deer – Moderator
Dr. Shannon Speed – Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women: Rethinking Human Rights and Tribal Sovereignty
Dr. Sherene H. Razack – Racial Terror: An anti-colonial approach to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
Food Insecurities in the Midst of Plenty
142nd Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of North Carolina
Friday, November 15, 2024, 7-9 PM Online meeting via Zoom
Program Presenter: Kendra Paiz – Director, Annual Funds for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina