Over the past three months we have rebuilt our website. We’ve included a lot of upgrades that allow us to share what our members are accomplishing and provide you with timely news about the Episcopal Church Women. One of the lessons we’ve learned during this pandemic is that our members want to feel connected with each other and learn about the trials and successes of our ministries.

It’s been a daunting task to take the old website and upgrade it to modern standards but in this process, we’ve learned so many wonderful things about our past.

We are also creating a weekly Women in Action – News Blast email. This allows us to keep everyone informed about ECW news. We’ve been doing this for several months with our Facebook page and the response is overwhelmingly positive. As we send out these news blasts, we are also including articles, poems, prayers, and other stories that speak to our desire to serve Christ.

Our goal is 3000 monthly visitors to the website by the end of this Triennial. At present, we average about 600. This is a bold challenge and one we’ve discussed for several months. Can it happen? Yes, and here’s how…

We need your stories: short articles, poems, prayers, photos from your weekly meetings.

Are you making masks—we want to hear about it.
Did your group raise scholarship money—tell us and we’ll post the story on the national website.
Did your local newspaper do a story on your group—send us that too.


Tell us what you’re doing and we’ll share your accomplishments around the world.
Send stories, poems… to editor@ecwnational.org

Are you ready to see the new website….

National Episcopal Church Women

Karen Patterson Episcopal Church Women President 2018 to 2021

Karen Patterson Episcopal Church Women President 2018 to 2021

The NECW Board hopes that each of you will enjoy the new website and our weekly news blast.

You all amaze me in all that you do and try.

Never forget that there is no failure in trying, you come out a better person in the end for it. I am so proud to be your National President. It is a joy and a pleasure to serve!

Ms. Karen O Patterson