A. (UTO) The Jesus Movement, Gratitude and Leading the United Thank Offering
Birdie Blake-Reid, Sherri Dietrich, Sandra Squires – (Marks 1, 2)
Training for New UTO Coordinators/Organizers and Updates for Continuing Coordinators/Organizers
This workshop will target the skills needed to serve as new UTO coordinators, share experiences of veteran coordinators and provide information about how to set up a screening committee for grant applications.
B. (CPC) Using printed materials to achieve the Marks of Mission
Cai Armstrong – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them. Prayer Books and books for seminarians help them proclaim the good news of the kingdom; educational materials help teach, baptize and nurture believers; medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission help us respond to human need by loving service. The “Using printed materials to achieve the Marks of Mission” workshop will encourage participants to included printed materials in provincial, diocesan and parish ministries and missions. The goal is to celebrate and support the prayerful concern, time, talents, labor and money of those who believe in the Ministry of the Printed Word as a tool for the Five Marks of Mission.
C. (GFS) Hitting All the Marks of the Great Commission
The Rev. Rowena Kemp and Catherine Sopko – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
An ECW Workshop presented by Girls’ Friendly Society – A National Episcopal Organization for girls age 5 and up
The Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) empowers and mentors girls in their church and community to commit to the Five Marks of Mission. The final words of the GFS promise says it all; I promise to make the world a better place to live. Come and learn about the resources and network of GFS, which fosters mission-oriented youth through service projects, Bible study, and spiritual development. The Rev. Rowena Kemp, chaplain to GFS-USA, and “Cat” Sopko, a lifelong GFS member, will share how GFS empowers girls to be active, faith-filled Christians.
D. (UTO) Best Financial Practices, How UTO can Support Stewardship and Faith Formation
Kathy Mank and Heather Melton – (Marks 1, 2)
This interactive workshop will focus on best financial practices related to UTO for parishes and dioceses. We’ll discuss all of the rules for safeguarding the Ingathering and those that count and collect it. We’ll also share ideas for how to integrate UTO into the life of the parish from an innovative approach to combining UTO with a stewardship campaign, to using UTO as a part of parish meetings and then how to integrate UTO into your parish faith formation programs.
Together we’ll explore:
- best financial practices for counting, reporting, and handling UTO Ingathering funds at the parish or diocesan level;
- how to access annual reports on Ingathering amounts, how to acknowledge donations, and how to update UTO staff on parish participation;
- the difference between giving to the Memorial Trust Fund and giving to Ingathering and what each supports;
- how UTO and annual stewardship campaigns can go hand in hand;
- how teaching gratitude increases generosity and can change the dynamics of your congregational life; and
- ideas for teaching gratitude to different age groups or how UTO can be used for intergenerational gatherings through Faith Formation or annual events.
E. (UTO) Go and Share: Asset Based Community Development and UTO Grants
Chad Brinkman, Caitlyn Darnell, Joyce Landers, Sean McConnell, Melanie Mullen – (Marks 3, 4, 5)
Introduction to Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), overview of how to apply for UTO funding and how UTO supports innovative Mission and Ministry Projects throughout the Church.
Join us for this two-part workshop that gives an Introduction to Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and overview of the United Thank Offering (UTO) Grant Processes and how UTO supports innovative Mission and Ministry Projects throughout the Church.
First Part: Asset Based Community Development
- Join staff from Episcopal Relief & Development and the Presiding Bishop’s Director for Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care to learn the basic tenets of ABCD, why it matters and how it can change the life of your congregation and community.
- Share ideas, learn about the asset map and how you can sign up to attend an ABCD training weekend.
Second Part: UTO Grants: Funding Innovative Mission and Ministry
- The second half of the session will focus on how to apply for grants from UTO, including:
- Following the UTO calendar and the different types of grants available;
- Determining the Focus and Criteria for UTO grants, what these terms mean and why they are important;
- Learning what support the UTO Staff and Board offer to applicants throughout the process; and
- Identifying best practices for writing grant applications.
Additionally, this workshop will feature examples of past UTO Grant recipients who utilized ABCD as the foundation for their grant application and project.
Sacred Yoga
The Rev. Gena Davis – (Marks 1, 4, 5)
- To proclaim the good news of the Kingdom
- To respond to human need by loving service
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Gentle morning yoga at the start of our day will bring us a deeper connection with ourselves, and as we come to know ourselves more fully, we gain the capacity to go deeper in the love that Jesus imparts to us and to become that same love for others. We center in the body and in the awareness of the Holy Spirit within, awakening to great care and nurture for the creation that we are, so that we can love our neighbors as ourselves–more fully, more completely, more mindfully. Come and be nourished to do the work God has given you to do!
1. Listening: A Sacred Art and a Spiritual Practice
Kay Lindahl (Spanish/English) – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Are you listening? Are you really listening? These are important questions for our time and critical questions to explore as we live into the Five Marks of Mission. One of the key guidelines for effective communication, building relationships, and creating partnerships is to speak and listen with respect. Most of us have some idea of what it means to speak with respect, and we often prepare with that in mind. What does it mean to listen with respect and how do we prepare to do that? How can the way we listen impact our dialogue? This workshop will explore the sacred nature of listening and spiritual practices that support becoming a listening presence, a way of being in which stillness and attentiveness provide the space for people to speak authentically and know they are being heard. It is from this place that we can listen across diverse backgrounds, cultures, and belief systems. Once we experience listening as a sacred art and a spiritual practice we find it transforms all of our relationships, nurtures our inner voices and inspires our spiritual growth. When we understand the sacred aspect of listening we become aware that it is a key to communication in our global community.
2. Radical Hospitality and Environmental Stewardship
Bill Slocumb and Ashley Graham-Wilcox – (Marks 3, 5)
The Marks of Mission in Action at Retreat & Conference Centers
Episcopal camps are much more than places of formation for youth. Throughout the year, they are the front line of welcome to the Episcopal Church for thousands, and places where the marks of mission are in action through holy hospitality and nature-based programming.
Learn about the evolving programs and facilities of Episcopal camps and retreat centers, and discover and discuss how they practice sustainability and welcome, from agricultural projects through military family camps, and applicable lessons for your congregation, organization, or community to live into these marks of mission.
3. Comunicando Día a Dia la Misión Global
The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate (Spanish) – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
El fundador del metodismo, John Wesley, dijo: “Veo a todo el mundo como mi parroquia”. Imagínese si más personas vivieran y acataran esas palabras. ¿Qué significa para el mundo ser tu parroquia? ¿Cómo se vería en tu vida? ¿Como lo comunicarías al mundo?
La misión trae una abundante fuente de inspiración para nuestra vida espiritual. Embárcate en un viaje al paisaje de nuestro bautismo mejorando nuestro mundo y profundizando nuestra fe descubriendo las promesas del Evangelio … ”
Durante este taller, las participantes explorarán y compartirán sus propias historias y sus opiniones sobre la misión. Las participantes explorarán el texto bíblico y harán un llamado a la misión: explorarán y comunicarán las señales de compromiso de ECW: ir, compartir, proclamar, comunicar, todos los días, en todas partes, los dones del Espíritu.
- ¿Sus esfuerzos se caracterizan por la humildad?
- ¿Estás siendo guiado por la gloria del Evangelio, enseñado y modelado por tu sacerdote y tus ancianos?
- ¿Son profundas y significativas tus relaciones con los trabajadores extranjeros?
- ¿Estás dispuesto a comprometerte para el largo recorrido?
- ¿Sus miembros conocen personalmente a aquellos con quienes se quiere asociar?
- ¿Y está esperando, rezando, y trabajando para producir trabajadores de larga duración de su propio rango para unirse al trabajo?
4. Let’s Sing!
Linda Patterson – (Mark 1)
Join Linda Patterson in a rehearsal of music for the Closing Service. Whether you’re just going to sing the melody or harmonize with descants, there is a place for you to learn as we prepare for the Closing Eucharist. Singers of all ability levels are welcome. We’ll cover some hymns and service music, too.
5. Basic Parliamentary Procedure
Dennis Clark – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The focus of this basic workshop on parliamentary procedure is on developing basic leadership and membership skills for holding effective, efficient meetings, which are fair to all members. Strategies for dealing with unruly members will be addressed as well as what members need to know to protect their rights at meetings which they attend. It is hoped that those attending the workshop can take back to their groups ideas for attending to the business of the group as quickly as possible so more time can be spent on the program.
6. Faith and Environment / Greening Congregations
LeeAnne Beres – (Mark 5)
Our faith calls us to be good stewards of the garden, to take care of the great gift that God has given us. But do you know how to speak from the heart about why you care for creation? This workshop will help you identify and articulate the religious values that underlie our mandate to live more lightly on the Earth. Once we have this shared language, we’ll explore the steps of creating a congregational Green Team and becoming a certified Earth Ministry Greening Congregation. This program supports houses of worship in envisioning, implementing, and celebrating the “greening” of various aspects of shared life: worship, education, building & grounds, community engagement, and advocacy.
7. Welcoming the Recovery Community in Our Churches
The Rev. Terry Pierce – (Marks 3, 4)
What resources are available for people in addiction and for family/friends of those in recovery? What is a Recovery-Ready church and how do we welcome the recovery community into our churches? What is a Recovery Sunday and how do you bring the Recovery Sunday tradition to your church? What is best practice for church communities around serving alcohol? What are the questions you have about recovery and addiction that you were afraid to ask? Presenters: The Rev.Terry Pierce and members of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas Commission for Recovery Ministries.
8. Camping Leadership as Church Leadership
Ashley Graham-Wilcox – (Marks 3, 4)
What Can We Learn about Diversity and Representation?
How can camps, congregations, and other church organizations serve and represent our communities better? Our Episcopal camps and retreat centers welcome huge numbers of guests – and the widest range of communities you could imagine – at summer camp and throughout the retreat center season. Why is that diversity not represented in staffing and senior leadership? Join Episcopal Church Foundation fellow, Ashley Graham-Wilcox, to discuss her 2017-18 project to look at diversity in camping leadership, what Episcopal camps and retreat centers are doing about it, and what these lessons mean for the rest of the church.
9. Ministerio y Misión: ¡Ve, Proclama, y Comunica! / Ministry and Mission: Go, Proclaim, and Communicate!!!
The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate (Spanish/English) – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
“Este es el movimiento de Jesús, y nosotros somos la Iglesia Episcopal, la marca episcopal del movimiento de Jesús en este mundo…”
“Ahora es nuestro tiempo para salir, y entrar al mundo, y que el mundo sepa que hay un Dios que nos ama, un Dios que no nos dejará ir, y es ése, su amor que nos puede liberar a todos.”
– El Obispo presidente Michael B. Curry dice en su primer discurso como Obispo Presidente y Primado de la Iglesia Episcopal
Las palabras de nuestro Obispo Presidente Curry son palabras de esperanza y aliento. Son la invitación y la motivación para que cada cristiano busque el alma. En este taller exploraremos y cartografiaremos la manera en que nosotros, como individuos y como iglesia, compartimos, vivimos y proclamamos esta verdad.
Las mujeres de la Iglesia Episcopal tienen su compromiso de ir, compartir, diariamente y en todo lugar las Buenas Nuevas de Cristo en el mundo.
Su iglesia tendrá diferentes recursos, diferentes cronogramas y necesidades diferentes a las mías. Puede pensar en cosas mejores que hacer que los ejemplos específicos ofrecidos aquí. Pero espero que las prioridades bíblicas básicas de humildad, enfoque en la palabra, cooperación y compromiso sean evidentes en sus compromisos con las misiones, sea lo que sea que parezca en su contexto.
“This is the Jesus Movement, and we are The Episcopal Church, the Episcopal branch of Jesus’ movement in this world…”
“Now is our time to go out, and enter the world, and let the world know that there is a God who loves us, a God who will not let us go, and that is his love that can free us all.”
– Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry says in his first address as Presiding Bishop and Primate
The words of our Presiding Bishop Curry are words of Hope and encouragement. They are the invitation and motivation for every Christian to soul search. In this workshop we will explore and map out the way we as individuals and as a church share, live, and proclaim this truth.
The women of the Episcopal Church have their commitment to go, to share, daily and everywhere, the Good News of Christ in the world.
Your church will have different resources, different schedules and needs different from mine. You can think of better things to do than the specific examples offer here. But I hope that the basic biblical priorities of humility, focus on words, cooperation and commitment are evident in their commitment to missions, whatever it may seem in their context.
10. (CPC) The Church Periodical Club
Cai Armstrong – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them. Prayer Books and books for seminarians help them proclaim the good news of the kingdom; educational materials help teach, baptize and nurture believers; medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission help us respond to human need by loving service. The “Church Periodical Club” workshop will explain how our own ministry supports the five marks of mission.
11. GO FORTH! Bringing the Love of God to the Broken: Kairos Prison Ministry
Daryl Storey – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
An interactive session that will talk about the Kairos program for women, what it involves and the music that we share with the incarcerated women with the love of Christ. Kairos is active internationally, and is in all but 13 states. We will talk about the ministry, the prison, and the women that are incarcerated, touching also on the music and how it impacts the inmates and the weekend.
With your voices, guitar and over 200 songs and hymns to choose from, we will sing Cursillo favorites and contemporary songs from Christian radio. This ministry feeds those that enter into it as well as those that receive it. It encompasses the five mark of mission: Evangelism, Worship and Prayer, Service, Justice and Peace, Repentance and Forgiveness.
12. My Church is Small – How Can Our Music Do Big Things?
Linda Patterson – (Mark 2)
Learn some time-tested ways that a small church can enjoy quality music. Linda Patterson will present simple anthems, multigenerational choirs and other practical options. Your worship can be enriching, engaging and attractional, even with small numbers!
13. (GFS) Tough Issues Call for Tough Women
Juanita Miller and Sarah Rademacher – (Mark 4)
Harnessing Social Media to Fight Injustice
Exactly what is a social media campaign and how can women effectively use social media to change the world? Presiding Bishop Michael Curry encourages us to be “crazy enough to dare to change the world from the nightmare it often is into something close to the dream that God dreams for it.”
This workshop will present information on the characteristics of a successful social media campaign, the variety of tools available, and the experience of GFS (Girls’ Friendly Society) to raise awareness of tough issues, including gender violence, gender inequity, and racial divides.
14. Food, Faith, and Fellowship
Audra Ebner (Spanish friendly) – (Marks 2, 3, 4, 5)
You will learn about the impact that you currently have on the environment through your choices in foods, and how you take care of yourself, and the ripple effect it can have when bringing a community together.
Learn the lessons of how to create a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle through the model of Food, Faith, and Fellowship. A program created by a mother/daughter team determined to initiate conversations surrounding the choices we make, through interactive cooking classes, conversations based on the Fruits of the Spirit, and the responsibility we have as individuals and as communities.
15. Days for Girls
Fran Lantz, Debbie Crews – (Marks 3, 4, 5)
Every girl and woman has inherent worth and dignity. Days for Girls celebrates this by providing washable feminine hygiene solutions, health education and enterprises to help them reach the last mile in their own communities. When girls and women have health, education, and opportunity, communities and our world are stronger.
Every school day matters to a girl.
Beginning in 2008, Days for Girls International has lovingly responded to this human need, by providing health education and washable, sustainable kits to over 800,000 women and girls. Women in area Episcopal Churches have clambered to this tidal wave! Beginning with 15 at St. Christopher, League City, Texas in October 2014, and representing 6 faith-based communities, the involvement has exploded to 70 women and girls by September 2016, and holds steady at 50-60 working at each event, drawing from nearly 20 churches. Eight area Episcopal Churches provide active leadership through hosting these events and 9 ECWs and DOKs have provided financial assistance and other donations as well as gifts from private individuals. The Diocese of Texas DOK and the National ECW have also added financial fire power with gifts and grants. The result of this work safeguards the integrity of God’s creation–more than 1500 girls and women have received sustainable kits from our local Chapter.
Volunteer leaders from Friendswood, Texas, provide hands-on experience with these beautiful kits, and outline how kits and health education put an end to many negatives suffered by girls around the world. Addressing these indignities include eliminating sexual exploitation, delaying early marriage and early child births, reducing biohazard waste, and eliminating female genital cutting through woman-to-woman conversation. This transforming of unjust social structures takes place from the inside—inside a woman’s home. It has been observed, “Periods connect women because we all experience this. Periods don’t have borders. There aren’t too many things in this world that connect women and create such powerful change.”
16. Justice and the Hispanic Community: Taking Direct Action
Jim Harrington (Spanish/English) – (Mark 4)
A bilingual workshop about justice issues adversely affecting Hispanic communities and taking steps toward successfully confronting, tackling and changing local structures that perpetuate injustice – immigration, education, discrimination, police misconduct, voting, and the criminal justice system.
Justicia y la Comunidad Latina: Abordar Sistemas de Injusticia
Un taller bilingüe sobre asuntos tocantes a la injusticia que afectan las comunidades latinas y cómo se puede tomar acción directa para confrontar, abordar, y cambiar estructuras que perpetúan la injusticia – inmigración, educación, discriminación, abuso de la policía, derecho de voto, y el sistema judicial penal.
17. GO COMMUNICAMOS! Spirit Led Music
Daryl Storey – (Marks 1, 2)
We will choose Spirit-led music for worship, talking about criteria for creating an atmosphere of community, prayer and joy and how it progresses through the Rite II Eucharist. Choosing from a song list of over 200 contemporary, Cursillo and hymnal pieces, we will prepare a Rite II song list. Along with a guitar accompaniment, we will then sing them as we touch on how they work in the worship service. Come prepared to lift your voice, making a joyful noise that is pleasing to The Lord. No musical requirement is needed, just a desire to worship through song.
18. Creative Liturgy
Francisco/Lucia Chavez (Spanish) – (Marks 1, 2)
In this creative workshop, we will discover, in an interactive manner, the similarities between the church’s liturgy and the drama of a theater production. Participants will be able to explore their creative boundaries through various artistic elements including music, poetry, theatrics, and art works. Using simple exercises which incorporate psalms, poetic verses, parables and different biblical themes, we will develop our creative energies and artistic capacities by staging a final liturgical artistic performance.
19. Faithful Advocacy 101 – Earth Ministry
LeeAnne Beres – (Marks 4, 5)
People of faith have a right and a responsibility to speak up on issues that affect the health of our air, water, land, and communities. The religious community is an important constituency with a unique moral voice, and people of faith are well known for working together for the common good. Yet advocacy can seem intimidating, and many people don’t know how to begin. This workshop will demystify the process of making your voice heard, and provide hands-on training for communicating your values to elected officials. You will emerge an effective faithful advocate for the environment!
20. Music as a Missional Tool for Evangelism
Linda Patterson – (Marks 1, 3)
Any church can become a transformative place for people of all ages. Linda Patterson will explain what a music ministry that has musical opportunities for growing and transforming toddlers, youth, adults and the elderly can do for a community. Recitals, music outreach, section leaders from local colleges and other low-cost opportunities abound!
21. Mission on my Mind
Audra Ebner – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4)
Transforming unjust structures by being present in the experience and the lessons. This is a lesson in what I learned before, during, and after a year with Young Adult Service Corps. The questions I struggled with, like what does it mean to be a missionary? How do we effect a change? How far do we take our desires, before we begin to infringe on the actual needs of a community? Breaking down my experience with big lessons in humility, compassion and presence.
22. Leadership and Presiding Skills – Parliamentary Procedures
Dennis Clark – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The focus of this workshop is to provide strategies for strengthening communities by developing skills for the leaders and potential leaders of the various institutions that constitute them. A major focus will be on developing presiding skills for those who chair business meetings. Methods for making meetings more efficient and productive as well as fair to all members will be considered, including strategies for coping with disruptive members and contentious meetings.
23. Empowering Relational Service with Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ Community First! Village
Donna Emery and Bethany Hebbard – (Marks 1, 3, 4)
Soup Kitchen Lines or the “Gospel con Carne”?
It all starts with relationships. Twenty years ago, Mobile Loaves & Fishes launched a relational ministry to the homeless that has grown into Community-First! Village, a master-planned community that could change the way faith communities respond to homelessness around the world. Mobile Loaves’ relationship with the ECW is one of the vital partnerships that makes this work possible. Come learn more about how your gift through the ECW is empowering relational service to the homeless in Austin, Texas, and how you can take relational service back to your own churches and communities.
Relational service begins with a gospel-centered understanding of the human person, and challenges the pervasive isolation of our culture. In this way, relational service integrates several of the Five Marks of Mission: to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom (Mark 1); to respond to human need by loving service (Mark 3); and to seek to transform unjust structures of society (Mark 4).
Objective: To transform transactional forms of service into relational lifestyles of service.
- While transactional forms of service can meet material needs in times of crisis, the Gospel calls us to meet Christ through relational service alongside “the least of these.”
- Relational service empowers faith communities into long-term, supportive, effective ministries. Relational models of service help ministries avoid burnout, resist unjust power structures, and replace “band-aids” with lasting help to our brothers and sisters in need.
- Relational service can begin by developing “person-to-person, heart-to-heart” ministry opportunities. Existing ministries can shift from transactional models to more relational models by emphasizing the “the human impact” over the measured outcome, by engaging both volunteers and clients in meaningful work, and by creating leadership opportunities for members of the client population.
- Relational service is only possible if we first cultivate “habits of love” that order our daily life in response to the needs of our neighbors.
Interactive Components: Participants will receive and workshop through a “relational toolkit” for empowering their faith communities into more relational forms of service.
“You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. […] Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (John 1:28; Matthew 25:40)
24. Reaching out to our Neighbors – Providing Showers to Homeless Women
Patricia Bullock – (Marks 3, 4)
Being a woman and being homeless is challenging, and the ability to take care of personal hygiene becomes a daunting task. The women of St. Mark’s heard again and again from the homeless women in Austin about how difficult it was to take a shower without their possessions being stolen and how the places a woman can take a shower with supplies provided were few and far between. This workshop provides information on how St. Mark’s Episcopal women heard of their plight and started the shower ministry. You’ll learn how the ministry was started, how the operation is run, how it is funded and what the feedback has been from the homeless women.
25. The Episcopal Diocese of Texas Music Camp for Young Musicians
Linda Patterson – (Mark 2)
How 25 years of choral and instrumental instruction has changed lives. Facilitated by Linda Patterson with guests from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas Music Camp and its staff. Hear them tell how Episcopal churches can make a difference in the lives of our young choir and band students!
26. Wake Up! See! Hear! Share! The Episcopal Community
Nancy Young and Patti Joy Posan – (Marks 1, 3)
Bishop Curry says, “Wake up! and join the Jesus Movement of the Episcopal Church.” This interactive workshop shares simple tools of Benedictine spirituality that empower us for that journey—everyday, everywhere. These tools assist us in being more mindful of God’s constant presence and love in our lives and in seeing His presence in those we encounter daily that we might better respond to their needs, thus demonstrating the good news of the Kingdom. Participants will have opportunity to practice the tools and share experiences. This workshop supports Marks of Mission 1 (to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom) and 3 (to respond to human need by loving service).
27. Everyday Spirituality
The Rev. Cathy Tyndall Boyd – (Marks 1, 2, 3)
A healthy and fulfilling relationship with God is not a matter of being on one’s best behavior or finding the “right” things to do. As with all healthy relationships, life in Christ is a practice, even a mix of practices. Consider this helpful metaphor: we all know that a practice of healthy eating is better than a cycle of going on and off various diets. The question for persons of faith is: How can we build and nurture sustainable spiritual practices?
This workshop will explore myriad spiritual tools, drawing from many traditions and disciplines. Participants will assemble a kind of toolbox for their life in Christ, and receive encouragement for their spiritual journey.
28. Responsibility of Membership
Dennis Clark – (Marks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The focus of this workshop is to help strengthen communities by making members of groups and associations aware of how to achieve their full potential. The rights and responsibilities of membership will be discussed. The expectation of members to help make meetings they attend be more efficient and productive will be explored as well as strategies for enacting business they propose to become adopted by the assembly.
Cai Armstrong
Caroline (Cai) Armstrong was born and grew up in Northern New Jersey. The family were active members of a local community church that welcomed all Christians who wanted to worship and serve others together regardless of denomination. She attended the College of William and Mary in Virginia, majoring in history. While in college she was an active member of the Methodist Wesley Foundation and sang in the local Lutheran choir. She met her husband Ken Armstrong in college.
Ken grew up in Kingsport TN, and was an active Episcopalian. Cai joined the Episcopal Church after her daughter Alison was born. She soon became a member of the choir and a licensed lay reader. She taught Sunday school, and was active in the Episcopal Church Women in the parish and diocese. Driving to Department of Mission meetings she saw growth in an area near the county courthouse. She chaired the committee that started the process to plant a church there.
Ken is a retired physician; Alison teaches Earth Science; their son James verifies security clearance requests, and Cai wrote databases for an insurance company until she retired May 4. Ken and Cai remain active in our local parish. Cai also serves on diocesan boards and committees as requested. She is completing a term as National Church Periodical Club president and as Diocesan Daughters of the King president. Her gifts include enjoying business meetings, thinking in lists and charts, caring about others and a good memory. She does not have the gift of stillness.
The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate
The Rev. Yamily Bass-Choate is an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of New York, and has the privilege of serving a Hispanic/Latino congregation in South Westchester County. Her own path has led her from her country, Colombia, to Jackson, Mississippi to New York City. Her journey encompasses the varied ways in which living into ministries has the effect of shaping and forming us. She worked as a high school teacher, social worker, and now a parish priest, living into and shining a light for all of us.
Birdie Blake-Reid
UTO Board Secretary and Chair, Education and Training Committee, Birdie Blake-Reid (Diocese of Long Island) is a lifelong member of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, in Brooklyn, New York. She has served as Warden, President of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Lector, Chancel Choir member and Superintendent of Sunday School. Through her work in the church, community and professional organizations, Ms. Reid has a proven track record of endorsing change that unifies, heals, educates, reconciles and works toward unity throughout our beloved community. She has organized and presented at numerous leadership conferences at parishes and the wider church. Ms. Reid served as the Brooklyn Archdeaconry ECW President, member of the Diocesan ECW Board, alternate to the Province II Representative National ECW Board, timekeeper at the 2012 General Convention, UTO Province II Board Representative and currently serves as the UTO Board Secretary. Ms. Reid is a retired administrator after thirty-five distinguished years in education in the New York City Public School System.
LeeAnne Beres
LeeAnne joined Earth Ministry in 2005, providing strategic direction that led to the development of the organization’s nationally-recognized faithful advocacy program, launching of Washington Interfaith Power & Light in 2008, and revitalization of the Greening Congregations program. She has over 25 years of experience with environmental non-profits and has served on numerous national, regional, and local boards as well as in leadership positions in her church, Fauntleroy United Church of Christ in Seattle. LeeAnne has a Master’s degree in Marine Fisheries Management from the University of Washington and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Whitman College.
Chad Brinkman
Program Officer, Engagement for Episcopal Relief & Development, Chad Brinkman works to “engage,” educate, and mobilize local communities, affinity groups, and the larger Episcopal Church in the work of Episcopal Relief & Development. Previously he served the organization through the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund. He is also a regular contributor of pictures and stories to the organization’s website. He is the father of a fat ginger cat and a hilarious baby boy, husband to a beautiful and talented redhead, and an avid cook—skilled in the clandestine art of vegetable butchery.
Patricia Bullock
Pat and her husband, Joe, joined St. Mark’s in 2010. Pat is a member of the Altar Guild, the Marthas, DOK, and is currently serving as ECW treasurer and coordinator of the Shower Ministry. Pat enjoys playing golf, bridge, reading, sewing and spending time with her 4 grandchildren.
Francisco/Lucia Chavez
Francisco Chavez-Silva and his family joined the Episcopal Church in 1997. Today, he is the Spanish service music coordinator for St. James Episcopal Church, The Seminary of the Southwest at Austin and San Francisco de Asis Episcopal Church. As an Austin musician, he heads the group Chinampa Latin Versatile and he’s also the director of Proyecto Migrante, a multi-media collaborative show. His wife Lucia and two sons, Ollin and Huitzin, who are also musicians, have happily accompanied him in his various artistic activities. Born in Mexico City within a popular barrio, he became a musical educator for children and adolescents as well as a composer of many theater productions. For many years he traveled to various outdoor parks in Mexico City singing for poor children and their families.
Lucia Chavez was born in Mexico City and became a professor of pre-school education. She moved to Austin, Texas in 1992 with her husband and two sons. She has volunteered for many Hispanic organizations such as El Buen Samaritano at San Francisco de Asis, Casa Marianella Refugee Center and MexicArte Museum. Today, she is a member of St. James Episcopal Church and participates in various ministries for the Spanish service.
Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians, one of fewer than three hundred in the country. Of those, he is one of the longest tenured credentialed parliamentarians, having become registered in 1977. He has taught basic and advanced parliamentary procedure as well as leadership, presiding skills, and other parliamentary topics around the country for over 40 years. He holds a BA Degree in Political Science from the University of Houston. Dennis taught government and history for over 20 years at Robert E. Lee High School in Baytown, Texas before going to work as a paralegal in the intellectual property and family law practices. He is now a full time parliamentary consultant living outside Houston with his basset hound Rufus, and the National Board of Episcopal Church Women is also proud to say he serves as their Parliamentarian.
Debbie Crews
Debbie Crews was hooked on Days for Girls from the moment she heard about it at St. Christopher, League City, TX. A former maternal-child nurse, Debbie has been an advocate for women’s health issues for many years. She enjoys combining her love of sewing with the opportunity to promote better health and education for young women. Eager to help girls in under-developed areas of the world, Debbie was pleased to be asked to lead the “bag table,” coaching others in making the pretty and practical drawstring bags that become a part of the girls’ daily lives. Being a natural organizer, Debbie assists in planning and hosting the Days for Girls Friendswood Chapter sewathons.
Caitlyn Darnell
UTO Board Chair of Young Adult and Seminarian Grant Process, Caitlyn Darnell (Diocese of North Carolina) is a recent graduate of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. She faithfully serves on the UTO Board as the first Young Adult Appointed member and she oversees the Young Adult and Seminarian grant process. In her spare time, Caitlyn enjoys rock climbing, brewing beer, and knitting very badly.
The Rev. Gena Davis
YogaMass is the experience of an integrated practice of yoga, meditation, and Holy Communion. It bridges yoga and Christian spirituality where one opens the heart, the body, the mind and the soul to experience unity with Christ.
Sherri Dietrich
Incoming UTO Board President and Chair, Continuing Review Committee, Sherri Dietrich (Diocese of Maine) was born and raised on a farm in Iowa along with 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She was brought up in a small Evangelical church, which gave her a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a strong sense of loving community, but her first encounter with the Episcopal Church immediately rang true in its openness to multiple perspectives, beautiful liturgy, and feeling of communal worship. She received a bachelor’s degree in music performance, and then a master’s degree in library science so she would have a job that actually paid the bills while she pursued a singing career in the Boston area. Since 1990 she has been a freelance indexer, proofreader, and copyeditor for various publishers around the world, which enabled her to take singing gigs as they arose and work from home. In 1995 she retired from professional singing and moved with her wife, Brenda Hamilton, to Midcoast Maine, where they still live with their two cats and 23 chickens (the chickens have their own house!), for which she is grateful every day.
Audra Ebner
Food, Faith, and Fellowship
Audra Ebner, mindful traveler through life, is receiving her Holistic Nutritional Therapy Certification. Her path, similar to many of our paths, took her intentional eating to three continents and five countries. She attended the Farm to School Summer Institute and developed the Food Faith and Fellowship program at her church, where she taught families to set and serve a table where all could be fed. Life has taken her from her native Spokane, WA to Ecuador, Colombia, Alaska, and British Columbia, where she served as head of food service for an Anglican Retreat Center, serving from organic farm to table. When you listen to your body, healing can start.
Mission on my Mind
Audra, raised in the Episcopal Church, participated in service opportunities that expanded her servant’s heart beyond church into her community, as she was actively involved in Scouts, school, and community service projects. When in university she continued this through Habitat and her school’s commitment to community service when in Ecuador. She was the first Young Adult Service Corps missioner to Colombia, broadening her experience by becoming a Krista Colleague, which helped her in her transition home. She brings a fresh perspective on how best help those in mission service and considerations if you are considering such service. Audra is fluent in Spanish, leaning German, Swiss German with Canadian as her second language.
Donna Emery
Donna Emery, Director of Development at Mobile Loaves & Fishes, is responsible for coordinating fundraising activities include a $18 million Capital Campaign to open Phase I of the Community First! Village, an innovative solution to homelessness. She serves as spokesperson advocating on behalf of our homeless community, manages the annual giving $5 million campaign, and directs a team of communications, grant and donor relations. Mobile Loaves & Fishes has recently announced a $60 million Capital Campaign to mitigate homelessness in Austin, TX.
Donna was most recently recognized at the 2018 AFP, Austin Professional Fundraiser of the year and previous work includes ten years at BookSpring helping to create the largest fundraiser, the Book Spring Read-A-Thon, and fostering the organization through a successful merge. In 2014, Donna Cochaired AFP’s Philanthropy Day 2014 and remains an active member. Other volunteer and leadership positions include the National Charity League, Foundation for the Homeless, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church and board positions within the Eanes ISD Booster Club and extracurricular programs. Donna, a graduate of Texas A&M, loves to snow ski with husband Mark of 30 years and children, Elizabeth, 22 and Matthew, 19. Donna and her husband are members of St. Michaels Episcopal Church in Austin, TX.
Ashley Graham-Wilcox
Ashley Graham-Wilcox is Director of Communications for Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers. Ashley’s goal is for campers and retreat center guests to always feel themselves welcomed and see themselves reflected. Before finding her calling in the rad and radical hospitality of camping and retreat ministry, Ashley worked in high tech marketing and advertising. She is a 2017-18 Episcopal Church Foundation Fellow.
Jim Harrington
Jim Harrington, a human rights attorney of 44 years, is founder and director emeritus of the Texas Civil Rights Project. He graduated from the University of Detroit law school in 1973, from where he also holds a master’s in philosophy. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Texas law school for 27 years and continues to teach undergraduate writing courses in civil liberties.
Harrington has handled landmark civil rights cases, published numerous academic and general articles, served on human rights delegations, and spoken on civil society in different areas of the world. He is author of The Texas Bill of Rights: A Commentary and co-author of Three Mystics Walk into a Tavern: A Once and Future Meeting of Rumi, Meister Eckhart, and Moses de León in Medieval Venice.
Now retired, Harrington heads up the Proyecto Santiago missional community in Hispanic east Austin, Texas, and is studying for the priesthood.
Bethany Hebbard
Bethany Bear Hebbard earned her PhD in English Literature from Baylor University and taught for several years as assistant professor at the University of Mobile. In 2015, Dr. Hebbard left academia in order to live missionally at Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ Community First! Village, a master-planned community for the chronically homeless in Austin, Texas. Having joined the Mobile Loaves staff in 2016, Dr. Hebbard directs the Community First! apprenticeship program and runs the Village’s goat-milk soap-making operation.
Joyce Landers
Grants Committee Convener and Incoming UTO Board Vice-President, Joyce Landers (Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast) lives in Troy, Alabama with her husband of 34 years and has two sons ages 26 and 23. She attends St. Marks’ Episcopal Church. She has served in a number of positions in the church at the parish and diocesan level. Currently, she is a Eucharistic minister and chair of the pastoral care committee. She also serves as the diocesan UTO Coordinator, on the Province IV ECW Board, and the Province IV Executive Committee. Joyce enjoys reading books and singing in the choir.
Fran Lantz
Friendswood Texas Days for Girls Chapter Leader. Member of St. Christopher Episcopal in League City, Texas. Former human resources manager providing training and development in Texas chemical manufacturing and Appalachian coal mining. Former educator and administrator for intermediate through post secondary in Tennessee, New York, Wisconsin and Kentucky.
Kay Lindahl
Kay Lindahl is a Certified Listening Professional and has presented her work in diverse settings—local, regional, national and international. Locally she has created programs, board retreats and a series of workshops for congregations as well as in-service training for non-profit organizations and lectures on college campuses. Kay serves on the Program Group for Ecumenical and Interreligious Life for the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is an Honorary Canon to the Cathedral Center of St. Paul in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and is on the Board of Directors for The Interfaith Observer, the Rumi Educational Center and Women of Spirit and Faith. She is the author of The Sacred Art of Listening, Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening and How Does God Listen?, and she co-edited Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership: Where Grace Meets Power, all published by SkyLight Paths Publishing.
Kathy Mank
Kathy Mank, Financial Secretary, United Thank Offering Board, believes wholeheartedly that the implementation and adherence to internal controls will keep you out of trouble and preserve the assets that you manage. Collecting and counting is more than just math. Kathy holds a CPA, a MBA, a real estate sales license and is an Ohio notary. She loves The Episcopal Church and has served at all levels in women’s ministries (including ECW and UTO).
Sean McConnell
In May of 2013, Sean McConnell landed his dream job as Director of Engagement for Episcopal Relief & Development. Sean has served the church as a lay professional since 2000 when he became Program Producer at GraceCom, the media ministry of San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral. In 2006, he was named Canon for Communications in the Diocese of California. He has served on the Board of Directors of Episcopal Communicators; as Chair of the Standing Commission on Episcopal Church Communications and Information Technology; and as Technology Coordinator for the House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Canon Heather L. Melton
The Rev. Canon Heather L. Melton is the Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering on the Presiding Bishop’s staff. Heather has served in this position for five years and is grateful to work alongside the UTO Board and staff in helping to promote gratitude and generosity through participation in UTO. She holds an MA in Religion and Psychology from the Graduate Theological Union and an MDiv from Church Divinity School of the Pacific in addition to her BS in Environmental Sciences from Kent State University. She lives with her husband and twin daughters in Farmington, New Mexico.
Juanita Miller
Juanita Miller is a student at Delaware County Community College, majoring in Criminal Justice with a goal of being an FBI detective. She serves on the national board of GFS-USA.
Melanie Mullen
Director of Reconciliation, Justice, & Creation Care, Presiding Bishop’s Staff. As a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff, Melanie is charged with bringing the Jesus Movement to the concerns of the world. Previously, she was the Downtown Missioner at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, leading a historic southern congregation’s missional, civic, and reconciliation ministries. Melanie worked in campaign fundraising and development and she served as Development Associate for the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, with a focus on poverty advocacy. She is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity; and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, with a Bachelors in History.
Sarah Rademacher
Sara Rademacher, a graduate from Simmons College in International Relations and Women & Gender Studies, is currently working as a Team Leader for AmeriCorps on disaster recovery projects in Oklahoma and Texas. She serves on the national board of GFS-USA.
Linda Patterson
Dr. Linda Patterson holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Organ Performance from the University of Houston, where she was a member of the Honors College. She did additional graduate study in Nonprofit Administration.
She received two fellowships from the Belgian government to study in Mechelen, Belgium, first with Organist/Composer Flor Peeters and finally in an international master class and competition in his memory, competing on Radio Europe. She completed her doctoral studies (DMA) in Organ Performance, Sacred Music Emphasis at the University of Texas Austin, where she studied with Drs. Gerre and Judith Hancock.
She has served as the Organist/Music Director of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Brenham, Texas since 1994, and as Chair of the Diocese of Texas Music Commission since 2003, organizing camp sessions, choral festivals and a choral performance for Texas Day at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. At St. Peter’s, she leads a comprehensive music program for toddlers through adults including youth and adult choirs and a recital series.
Active as a teacher, accompanist, and organist, she has performed, taught, and accompanied for national and regional gatherings in Texas and in other states, including a recital at the Round Top Festival Institute. She is a member of the Association of Anglican Musicians and the American Guild of Organists. Dr. Patterson presented a scholarly paper and a workshop at the American Guild of Organists’ Convention in 2014.
The mother of three, she lives in Round Top, Texas with her husband and youngest daughter.
The Rev. Terry Pierce
The Rev. Terry Pierce is an Episcopal Priest in the Diocese of Texas where she is a member of the Diocesan Commission on Recovery Ministries and the Clergy Wellness Taskforce. Terry has been active in twelve-step Recovery programs for more than twenty-years. Terry is the vicar of St James’ Episcopal Church in Taylor, Texas. She graduated from Seminary of the Southwest in May 2014 with a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Formation and from the Iona School for Ministry in June 2014.
Patti Joy Posan
I am blessed to have been raised by a father and mother, both of whom had a deep faith, not only in our Lord, but in the inherent goodness in all people. My father was an Episcopal Priest and my mother was a Jungian therapist – from my father I learned to be who I am and to walk a holy walk, and from my mother I learned about my own power as a woman, created in Christ’s image.
I have served as a Sunday School Teacher, lector, vestry member, clerk, Senior Warden, convention delegate, and on the education commission of my diocese in SE Florida and leading Christian education workshops, and was Diocesan President of the Daughters of the King in the Diocese of Tennessee. In 2010 I became a founding member of The Episcopal Community and its Circle of Leadership. I serve as Vice President and Chair of Communications.
I was a certified Montessori teacher when we lived in Florida and taught Kindergarten. We moved to Sewanee, Tennessee in the late ’80’s, and my passion for mission led me to SPCK/USA (The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge), the oldest Anglican mission agency, where I have been the Executive Director for 25. Two years ago I began working part-time as the Administrative Assistant with STEM (Southeast Tennessee Episcopal Ministry), a network of five mission churches in Diocese of Tennessee.
I love to read, write, walk in the woods, garden, commune with nature, and just be present in the moment. I am blessed in knowing that I do not step a step that Christ is not beside me, and it is this deep faith and awareness of all that is holy around me that leads me forward each day. Yes, I am marked as Christ’s own forever.
The Rev. Rowena Kemp
The Rev. Rowena Kemp, a popular priest in the Diocese of Connecticut, is the Priest-in-Charge of Grace Episcopal Church and serves as a board member for the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.
Catherine Sopko
Ms. Sopko, a rising high school senior, is the Youth Delegate to GFS-USA. She is active at her church and plays clarinet in jazz band and marching band, participates in Future Educators, and plans to pursue degrees in history and political science.
Sandra Squires
Sandra Squires (Diocese of Nebraska) serves as the President of the United Thank Offering Board, the Nebraska UTO Coordinator and assists in a variety of ways in her parish. She has served in leadership roles in Daughter of the King, ECW, UTO, and was a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in 2017. She has served as a youth coordinator, led 9 mission trips, and served as parish Christian education director. She taught special education students, then teachers and retired from the University of Nebraska at Omaha as a professor in 2008.
Bill Slocumb
Bill Slocumb is the Director of Episcopal Camps & Conference Centers (ECCC) and a native of Texas. His work with the ECCC has spanned 13 years.
The Rev. Cathy Tyndall Boyd
I am a lifelong Episcopalian who started to sense a call to the priesthood when I was about 12, although it took me another 30 years to start seminary. The eldest of three girls, I grew up in a close, hilarious family where–it has been said–conversation was a competitive sport. Until after college, I lived my whole life in beautiful Missouri, and am a proud graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. It was in college that I discovered the joy of coffeehouse performing, and making music with my friends (as St. Willie Nelson says) is one of the finest things I know.
My ministry and the life of faith are inseparable to me (it’s not just a job), and I am so grateful to have been brought home to this vocation. In addition, my own path to the priesthood is woven tightly with my life as a clergy spouse; my husband David has recently retired after 30 years as a parish priest in Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Texas. Forming the third strand braided into my life is my vocation as a mother of two wonderful human beings, Clare (a 30-year-old graduate student in Shakespeare) and Marc (a 24-year-old student of improv comedy.)
Over the course of professional ministry, my favorite times have been spent in retreat and fellowship times with clergy spouses and women’s groups. I love opportunities for small-group spiritual conversation. When we make these spaces in our busy lives, the Holy Spirit is revealed and we see Christ’s love for us in the face of others. I am honored and thrilled to be Triennial chaplain, and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us.
Daryl Storey
I attend St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Bellevue, Washington with my husband Pete and our oversized schipperke, Ollie. My husband and I have one son, Nick, who is 25 and lives nearby.
I love to lead worship music in all settings, including Kairos Prison Ministries at WCCW (Washington State Correctional Center for Women), and have been doing so for nearly 10 years.
I am a retired graphic artist, but still regularly do design work for my church. As I get ready to retire (again), I am looking to limit my current eBay business (selling contemporary women’s clothing), so I can work on new opportunities that let me love and serve God as He leads me.
It is a blessing to be here with this amazing group of Episcopal Church Women. I look forward to meeting with you and talking about stepping out in God’s kingdom.
Nancy Young
I came to the Episcopal Church as an adult. I fell in love with the liturgy; the Eucharist; the homilies centered on love, grace, and forgiveness. As a literature major, I felt at home amongst the ritual, the symbolism, the appeal to the senses (“smells and bells”), the embracing of mystery, and the acceptance of divergent thought. Through the years, I have served in many positions — Sunday School teacher, lector, lay Eucharistic Minister, acolyte, vestry member, Senior Warden, Building Committee, Capital Campaign Committee, Order of St. Luke healing team, EfM graduate, convention delegate, Cursillista, retreat facilitator. I have held leadership positions in the ECW (Diocesan Board), Daughters of the King (Diocesan President, Province 2nd VP, Province 1st VP, Province President, National Council), and The Episcopal Community (Circle of Leadership, National President). In the community, I have served as president of the teachers’ union and as a Board member of the League of Women Voters.
In addition to church activities, I enjoy gardening, reading, photography, and family activities with my son, daughter, five grandchildren, siblings, and mother (who lives with me). My mother and I have recently moved to Colorado to be near family. I am particularly drawn to learning to live each moment intentionally, to experiencing the many ways of praying, and in assisting others in spiritual formation. You can’t take the “teach” out of a teacher. As I learn to listen “with the ear of the heart” and allow my life to be transformed by the Holy Spirit and God’s lavish healing love, I find encouragement and support in The Episcopal Community.