Lisa BortnerThis is the transcript of National Episcopal Church Women’s National President, Lisa Bortner, at the Triennial 2024 closing ceremony.


Just as earthly parents are thrilled when we see our children flourish, I can only imagine how thrilled God is when we do His will. I know today he must be really tickled to see how the National ECW is growing in love and developing new leaders in his church. Let us go out in joy to serve and do God’s work in our communities.

May the Holy Spirit empower us to use innovative avenues to reach out to help those around us to draw closer to God as we, ourselves, draw closer to him.

May the Holy Spirit have us listen to the voices of women worldwide.

May the Holy Spirit enable us to promote educational, spiritual, and social programs which minister to women and children.

May the Holy Spirit provide opportunities and tools to grow relationships with God and others through spirituality, prayer, and worship.

And may the Holy Spirit encourage the development of women’s leadership in stewardship, training, and education.

May we encourage and challenge each other as we leave Triennial.

Before we leave, I would like to share a few more ideas I will be asking the National board to work on. One is the creation of a speaker’s bureau that the dioceses and provinces can use to find qualified talent to present workshops and conferences.

The second is to reach out to Provincial and Diocesan ECW Presidents via Zoom to learn more about their specific needs. Together we will discover how the National ECW can better serve them.

The third builds on the second. We want to encourage and support our Diocesan Presidents to revitalize their organizations, especially those who have had difficulty restarting after the pandemic. . . This is not the time to draw back or be complacent. Now is the time to renew our energy, commitment, and resolve.

This is a time for HOPE.

ECW organizations at the diocesan level have been so important in building and unifying the church and can offer so much to Episcopal Church Women at the Parish level for spiritual growth. . . Now is the time to renew the Diocesan ECW organizations, in the name of Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of God.

Perhaps pairing with a nearby Diocese that already has well established programs is the answer. Let’s make that happen!

Fourth, seeking out new women to take on leadership roles isn’t easy. We want to provide basic tools to enable finding, identifying, and involving new leaders. My husband says, “Look for the person who puts out the chairs.” New leaders are out there. I ask that God directs you to that next leader and puts it on each of your hearts to start a mentor relationship with one woman working toward a leadership role. – – –

Let’s take a second so you can think of who you could bless with this opportunity. – – – I am confident the relationships you develop will bless you both. I, myself, have been so blessed – both as a mentor, and especially as one who is receiving direction. When we leave here today, I want you to pray that God will direct you, and give you conversational opportunities with the specific person He has chosen.


Finally, this task will take some commitment on the part of each person here. Reach out to one person across the table from you and exchange contact information. Over the next three years, consistently pray for each other. When the opportunity arises, use each other as resources for further spiritual – or organizational growth. So please be intentional, as this is probably the most important thing I ask of you.

As I’ve said, if anyone is interested in serving on a committee, please contact me directly by email or phone. – – – If I see you setting up chairs, I may contact YOU!

Until we meet again at Triennial 2027, let us dwell on these words from Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”