Aloha! I thought you might be interested in the following from St. Jude’s Epicopal Church in Ocean View, Hawaii.
Zooming into Advent
By Cynthia Cutts
Early into the mandated isolation of the 2020 pandemic, the women of St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, in Ocean View, Hawaii began to fight back. When the doors of the little church were shuttered, despite most of the aging population claiming to be “computer illiterate,” the EfM class and the Women’s Bible Study launched onto a digital format. Within a week, both groups were meeting with prayer, study, discussion and socialization on the Zoom app.
The Bible Study experienced an unexpected blessing, when women from across the country began joining for Monday morning classes. Some were clergy, who had served at St. Jude’s, some were members who lived off-island part of the year and some were invited guests, who liked the study and decided to stay.
As Advent appeared on the horizon, a plan developed to hold a Women’s Advent Tea on Zoom. The guest list included all of the Bible Study members from across the U.S., as well as the women in the church and guests from around the country. A “party packet” was mailed to each guest, which included a formal hand-crafted invitation, and an assortment of gifts, tokens, games and even refreshments for the event.
On the day of the tea, 24 women logged on to “Zoom into Advent” together. Each guest was asked to introduce herself and tell the group what she was thankful for that day. A program of speakers, videos, original art work and a dramatic monologue were shared. Party packets were opened to find a copy of the vintage book, “A Cup of Christmas Tea,” along with a lovely Advent calendar, a meditation card, hand milled soaps, a ‘ crystal tree ornament, Hawaiian specialty cookies for refreshments and of course, tea. The program closed with the with a short message, from the Reverend Mary Janda, in Utah.
The digital Advent Tea was very well received. Guests were excited to see familiar faces from Alaska to Florida, Utah to North Carolina, Colorado to Oregon, Georgia to Iowa, and of course – Hawaii. Twenty-four guests attended in 10 states!
For many in attendance, it was a rare social event within the COVID isolation. For several of the guests, the digital Advent Tea was the only party on their holiday calendars. Guests told us the festivities emboldened joy and hope. They found the program inspiring and encouraging. The party packet was a big hit, with gifts that were simple, but elegant. Everyone received exactly the same items, and yet everyone wanted to share their treasurers on the Zoom screen. It brought the group together in a tangible way, with laughter, gratitude, love and joyful expectation of the Christ Child. Zooming into Advent was a great way to begin the Advent season during the pandemic.