Distinguished Women Submission Form
Image Submission Guidelines
Distinguished Women Event Chair, Rev Jennifer Kenna will be contacting each of the women who submitted their Province’s Distinguished Women Honoree.
When you respond to her request for an image, please follow these guidelines:
- File Type – jpg, gif, or png
- File name needs to contain the ID# previously provided to you as well as the honoree’s name. As example for the file name, an honoree from Province 1 Diocese of Connecticut would be, P1-1 Jane Doe.
- Remember to attach the file to your response email. Do not drag and insert the image into the body of the email.
**Nominations are closed**
Triennial 2024
This form is to be completed by the diocesan president or their designated appointee.
All submissions must be approved by the diocesan president.
Deadline for submission is January 31, 2024
The National Board of the Episcopal Church Women is encouraging you to submit the name of a woman from your diocese whom you have identified as your Distinguished Women Nominee. All nominated women will be honored at the June 2024 Triennial Meeting of Episcopal Church Women in Louisville, Kentucky.
We ask that you and your board give careful thought and consideration in selecting the woman who displays the qualities your diocese wishes honor. We also ask and encourage others within your diocese to assist with this selection. We invite your Distinguished Women Nominee to Triennial 2024 to receive her award.
Please make your selection and submit her information via the below form by January 31, 2024.
- There is a fee for all attending, including the Distinguished Woman. The diocese recognizing their distinguished woman is responsible for covering her costs, including the luncheon fee. If the Distinguished Woman is not a Triennial delegate or alternate, she must be registered as a guest.
- Each Distinguished Woman will be allowed to bring two guests to the award’s luncheon, including but not limited to her bishop/escort and one other, and must register and pay for their meals. They must also be registered as guests if they are not Triennial delegates or alternates.
- All registered Triennial delegates and alternates are invited to attend the Distinguished Women Event, but must pay for their own meals.
- The Distinguished Women Luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, from 12:00-2:00 PM. Information and registration/payment forms for this event will be made public in Spring, 2024.
If you require a paper submission form it may be downloaded and printed here.
Please Note: This is NOT a contest/competition to choose one national ECW Distinguished Woman. It is your opportunity as a diocese to honor an outstanding ECW member from your diocese.
All those who made nominations will be contacted by the Distinguished Women Event Chair, Rev Jennifer Kenna email province2@ecwnational.org.
If you have questions or need confirmation of a submissions, please contact Ms. Kenna directly.
Deadline for submission is January 31, 2024