
July 19, 2020

Rev. Joy delivers Homily


July 19, 2020

Service in Pavilion


July 20, 2020.

Twenty Four attended service

We, at St. Asaph’s Church in Bowling Green, Virginia, are now able to hold services in our pavilion next to the church.  We gather each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. following social  distancing and wearing our face masks.

The Rev. Charles Joy, officiates at morning prayer.  Music is played.  Each person has a small water bottle.  It has been nearly 100 degrees many mornings in July.  But after so many weeks of not having our service it is a joy to be back together thanking God for the brightness of the day and the time we can share with Him and our friends. Bishop Susan Goff has given her blessing for us to meet.  We are grateful.

Submitted by: Dale Brittle