Eternal and most loving God,whose spirit falls upon all flesh,
We bring to you this day, our awareness of the serious divisions in the lives of humans living in this beautiful world world which you have created.
You have given the care of this world into the hands of your people…and as stewards we know that we are charged with the responsibility to take care of your creation and all humankind ….male….female….young and old.
We pray that you would guide us and give us the wisdom to make a difference in the area of gender discrimination and abuse.
We pray for the women and girl children who are victims of any kind of abuse because of their gender and powerlessness in their culture.
We pray for the oppressors that they would see and recognize the deep and lasting damage they inflict upon the women and children who are under their authority and power.
Help us to have the courage to use our voices, our hearts and our resources to respond appropriately to the injustices that are known to us.
May we be instruments of your peace and bringers of Justice.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the greatest Peace and Justice maker of all time…. Amen
By The Rev. Heather Mueller – Priest in Charge at St. Augustine Episcopal Church (Kohala Episcopal Mission) Big Island of Hawaii