
The Monroe News – Cooking with Kim: The traditions of an Agape Meal  – The Agape Meal…

Providence Journal – ‘Gina Disapproves’: Episcopal priest’s rap video pays tribute to R.I. governor

The Episcopal Diocese of TexasEast Texas Church Makes and Donates Hundreds of Masks to First Responders in Need


The Monroe News

Cooking with Kim: The traditions of an Agape Meal

Monroe, MI

The Agape Meal is a ritual known in some Christian churches that celebrates the bonds of harmony, goodwill and congeniality. Last year, our church, Trinity Episcopal, celebrated an agape feast (also known as love fest or peace fest) on Maundy Thursday. The word agape is Greek for love and has its beginnings in the early days of Christianity between the first century and 250 A.D. It has become known as a Christian ritual meal that is held to celebrate the bonds of harmony, goodwill and congeniality. […]

Providence Journal

‘Gina Disapproves’: Episcopal priest’s rap video pays tribute to R.I. governor

Providence, RI

The idea came to Episcopal Rev. Meaghan Brower, the priest at the Church of the Beloved in Pascoag, as she struggled to sleep during a night marked by anxiety over the coronavirus.

As Brower and the rest of Rhode Island wrestle with the impact of the pandemic, Brower finds herself searching for ways to keep her congregation connected. She also finds herself seeing a great example and taking comfort in the leadership of Gov. Gina Raimondo.

The light-bulb idea that switched on in the middle of the night? What if she could rework 1989 rap hit “Bust a Move” into “Gina Disapproves,” a light-hearted message of social distancing?

It turns out she could. […]

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas

East Texas Church Makes and Donates Hundreds of Masks to First Responders in Need

Houston, TX

It only took a plea from one parishioner for the St. Clare’s Guild at St. Cyprian’s, Lufkin, to spring into action and sow hundreds of masks to distribute to health care workers and to their local Sheriff’s Department.

The group of 12 crafty women, led by Suzi Powell and Sue Ross—researched and found an appropriate pattern, used their nimble fingers and sewing machines and started to work, very diligently—creating over 600 masks to date. […]