The National Episcopal Church Women and its local groups are ministries of the Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church SheildSince 1871, the National Episcopal Church Women, ECW, have championed women’s rights and the Christian foundation of God and family. They are a ministry of the Episcopal Church and celebrate that Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Their women’s ministry and children’s programs feed, educate, and provide community grants around the world. They are a volunteer organization that creates a legacy for Episcopal Church Women to lead future generations with stewardship in Christ.

Serving women and girls since 1871

National Board met in Baltimore, MD

This past October, the National Board met in Baltimore, MD. This was their first in-person meeting since the Triennial meeting back in June. Their time was spent largely with business matters, but they did find time to tour the National Cathedral. During the meeting President Bortner shared her vision for the board. Some of the significant points included offering spiritually centered programs, providing leadership training, developing social justice programs, sponsoring a national service project and developing a national directory of Episcopal Church Women.

The next board meeting is scheduled for: January 17-21, 2025 – Province IV – Birmingham, Alabama.

NECW Board Group Oct 2024
Women's Ministry

Register Your ECW or Women’s Ministry

We are asking all parish and diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) and Women Ministries to register their group. We need your contact information to better serve you. As we gather this list of ministries, we will be able to assist those groups that register with a wider umbrella of support services. Register here

Suggest a Workshop Presenter

The ECW wants to help our membership connect with talented speakers. Have you experienced an outstanding presenter or workshop leader? Please provide their information in the form below. We will develop a library of available speakers that can be used at the parish, diocesan, provincial and national levels. If you are a potential workshop presenter, feel free to suggest yourself. Make your suggestions here.

Suggest a workshop presenter

Recent News and Articles

Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice

Janet Strickler

A 2-hour Mini-Retreat – online workshop

Presented by: Janet Strickler

January 11th, 2025 – 1 PM Eastern

Get your New Year off to an inspiring start with this mini-retreat on Zoom.  Most of us have heard that a practice of gratitude is supposed to be good for our health and happiness, and even the Bible encourages us to “give thanks in all circumstances,” (I Thess 5:18) but many of us have tried that and run out of steam after a few days.   Get a fresh start with this fun retreat, in which we’ll explore gratitude beyond the usual things we think of being grateful for, and incorporate elements of play, art, poetry, and song.

Janet Strickler is an artist and a Franciscan, and has lived in Colorado for nearly all of her life.  For over 20 years she has made gratitude an important part of her daily spiritual practice, eventually spending several summers studying with Brother David Steindl-Rast, the founder of

Janet is author of The Little Handbook of Spiritual Practices, and Grateful Every Day; a set of 60 inspiration cards for gratefulness.  She was Artist in Residence at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Longmont CO for many years, and often has a booth selling her art at General Convention and other church conferences.

This workshop will be video recorded

Zoom meeting link will be sent to those who register.

Workshop is limited to the first 100 persons who join the Zoom meeting the day of the event.

Supplies Needed

Please have something to write on and something to write with.

A notebook, journal, or scratch paper are all fine, and if you have favorite pens or even colored pencils, have them handy.  Since this is a mini-retreat time, you might also want to choose something to create a little sacred space, like a candle or icon, and clear your space of extra distractions.

For Additional Information

Contact Ginny Guzman-Walsh, Chair

Moving Forward in Faith and Service

My dear sisters in Christ, As we reflect on the conclusion of another election season, we are reminded that the work of our faith is never tied to any political cycle or earthly division. Our purpose as women of the Episcopal Church transcends the temporary shifts of the world [...]

National Board Meeting October 2024

The National ECW Board met October 18-21, 2024 in Linthicum Heights, Maryland for the first board meeting of the new triennium. The board meeting agenda was packed with items from reviewing the bylaws to new social justice programming to setting the budget. While there the board voted to donate [...]

The News Blast is how Episcopal Church Women stay informed

It has local news articles from around the country that highlight ECW and their church’s ministry work, human interest stories that affect women’s lives within the church, as well as announcements about the Communique’, workshops, NECW board news, Triennial, and Episcopal Church news that impacts the ECW and women within the church.

If you would like to submit a story link, news, or article—contact the editor at